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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. New season kits look great. Glad we are ditching the sensible collar look - made our players look like a bunch of nerds this year. Especially the ones who insisted on doing up their top button.
  2. Last podcast on the left perchance?
  3. ah you see now I was expecting it to be on netflix. channel 4 it is then....weekly
  4. whoa there. where and how and when? its not on my netflix, wtf?
  5. Cant help but think that they look so cool because of the ripped-to-the-tits bodyshape analogues they are using to fill them out. I find its better to envisage how they would look on the average football fan (or 15-16 era Gabby) before rushing to judgement
  6. Thats interesting. I am also 2 episodes in and am absolutely captivated. Am also incredibly disturbed. I thought i was pretty tough and desensitised but it has been fairly harrowing so far. Oh and by the way I think I know who you mean and what you mean and be lying if I said it hadnt crossed my mind too
  7. ah great. thank you. could maybe start in about 4 weeks if I cant hold out any longer! could possibly coincide it so im watching the last ep with the rest of the world!
  8. im waiting for the season to be fully released before diving in - I like my binge watching. How long do I have to wait ?
  9. Agreed. I really enjoyed it too - couple of really funny characters. The accent may take a minute or two to tune into, a la "The Wire". I'm from the North of Ireland and it took me a wee while to adjust!
  10. I just hope that if we miss out on top six by 1 point people dont start pointing at any of his individual errors as the reason
  11. The result of the tackle is a bit of a perfect storm tbh. Yes it was late and over the top but 99% of players in Colemans position would have tried to avoid it. What I have a always liked about Coleman as a player was his bravery and commitment. He plays at 100% and when that tackle occured he was swinging at the ball with huge momentum rather than thinking of self preservation. I can guarantee that if that was Stuart Downing for instance, his first thought would have been self preservation and second thought "can I win this ball". It was an unmovable object meeting an unstoppable force and the result was hugely unfortunate. Also, for those folk believing it was deliberate, why would he do this? Getting a red card and banned for a tackle in an area of the pitch that was not an immediate threat, followed by the vilification of the righteous majority? Makes no sense. Putting in a tackle to properly hurt someone is usually driven by something personal and committed by a psycho (would love to hear Roy Keanes reaction to it) and is very rare in the modern game
  12. I think he was brought in to keep the forwards honest in training. Training wont consist of full games so Samba will be at full energy for a 30 or 45 minute match up and if our forwards learn to deal with his physicality in training they will be better prepared for some of the more agricultural centre backs in the league. He's like a sparring partner. In the same way that I have a theory that a large part of Gary Gardners appeal to Bruce and why he earned a new contract is the effort he apparently puts into training. Again keeping those around him honest and working hard. Those greyhounds wouldnt work half as hard if they didnt have the hare to chase. On a slightly separate note, have you guys ever heard of the term "Greyhound Skirt". Its a skirt which is so short it is "inches from the hare". Heard someone use it the other night and thought it was hilarious
  13. Aye but who is gonna read an article with the byline *Model professional gives sensible and predictible answers to slightly inane question"
  14. Your one stop express service to Dissapointmentsville. ALLLL ABBOOOAAARRRDDDD
  15. aww my have all been said, but in summary: Stuart Downing - biggest tackle shy fairy I have ever seen play the game Pepe - big fakey, cheating diver. And he is such a big lad he must surely be embarrassed to watch his antics back on tv Raheem Sterling - stupid flappy armed run that he does makes my blood boil tbf I agree with most of the names on here, yet found myself thinking that I would still them at Villa in their prime...
  16. i'm with ya. How soon will the bookies start letting us bet on Villa to win the 2017/18 Championship?
  17. wow. Totally unrelated but this song has been stuck in my head since yesterday cos of a random comment i heard in work. Havent thought of it or heard the song song before then for about 15 years. And now you go and quote it today. Stuff like that freaks me out man!! anyhoo, sorry to be OT. We will now return to our scheduled programming.....
  18. i know!. bit bloomin harsh on poor lansbury for a "lighthearted interview"
  19. Sanchez had many of the same attributes, and faults, of Jedinak. And like Jedinak looks exposed when he doesnt have a decent midfield around him. I wouldnt mind seeing him play alongside Hourihane and Lansbury but I reckon that particular ship has sailed as I dont think he wants to be at Villa
  20. Its the inconsistency really. If this had been the approach in the premier league for the last ten years, Chelsea and Man Utd wouldnt have been able to field an eligible team half the time because the surrounding and intimidation of the refs in the days of Keane, Viera, Terry etc. Luckily for us though, a six match ban in the Championship only equates to about a week and a half!!
  21. Ridiculously excessive. Im still not even convinced his forehead made contact with the lino but im sure someone will prove me wrong. However, if Jedi, Hourihane and Lansbury stay fit for the next 6 games it may not make much difference
  22. He really is our version of Gary Neville. Naff all ability but professional, fit, works hard and cares. If only we had a David Beckham in front of him and a Rio Ferdinand beside him!
  23. I believe that his technique is to try to pass it to the keeper and this inevitably sees the ball bypass his intended target and into the back of the net. Sneaky
  24. I believe its to do with the double jeopardy rule where you don't get the double punishment of conceding a penalty and receiving a red card. At least thats what people on twitter were banging on about last night...
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