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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Where's the option for both? Seriously though, I'll just continue with PS4. Had the PS, PS2, PS3 and been a happy chappy. I'll continue on that path. I don't have a problem with the PS controller either. But then again, I've probably only played an Xbox about 2 times.
  2. If you expect me to call you CarewsEyebrowDesigner every time, you've got another thing coming.
  3. I can see the purists coming with their pitchforks.
  4. If Game Of Thrones took place entirely on Facebook: Season 3 Finale Last one for the year. And my job here is done.
  5. On the positive side, the online store looks really good.
  6. "Crazy" is not the word I would have used Maybe more "devout"
  7. Anyone know how much money this sponsorship will bring in?
  8. How did Swindon Town get Samsung as a sponsor?
  9. Ghost

    E3 2013

    Gif that's too big to link
  10. Ghost

    E3 2013

    At work, so was following Sony's conference on Twitter. By the sounds of it MS got totally destroyed.
  11. Ghost

    E3 2013

    Correct me if I'm wrong but that wasn't AI chatter. The game is an MMO action-RPG. Those were actual players playing cooperatively. As can be seen from that one dude dropping into their game in the airship then jumping out after he had helped them. Still looks incredible though.
  12. Ghost

    E3 2013

    Naughty Dog have 2 teams though. One that was working on TLOU while Uncharted 3's development was coming to a close. Uncharted 3 was released in 2009 so that team would've been working on something during TLOU's development as well.
  13. ‏Hal Robson-Kanu @RobsonKanu Seems I have been mis-quoted by the press. Just to clarify I am currently in talks with Reading to extend the year remaining on my contract.
  14. I just found out that the music for this game is composed by Gustavo Santaolalla who did the music for Babel, which had an amazing soundtrack.
  15. If anyone wants to maintain any sense of sanity, they will mark this thread as read and never come here again.
  16. Ghost

    E3 2013

    Looking forward to E3 this year. I'm predicting Sony will give us the price and release date for the PS4. Naughty Dog will reveal their next title - Uncharted 4. 10 of Microsoft's 15 exclusives will require you to use Kinect. The other 5 will "support" Kinect. Microsoft will use key words like "synergy", "revolutionise" and "innovate" at least 5 times in their conference. Microsoft and/or Ubisoft will have an artist come out to perform music. EA will have a retired sportsperson come out to pump up one of their games. Dubstep will still be prominent in sizzle reels and trailers. * Don't actually put your money on any of these things. I have no idea.
  17. Looking at that list I was surprised to see that The Last Airbender is 12th. I mean its a great show, probably my favourite animated show ever, but I'm surprised to see that a children's show would rank so highly on that list.
  18. Is this what they were talking about when they came out at the PS4 conference and said "Please be excited for E3"?
  19. He said he was uncomfortable spending it, but he still spent it in the end. You never know what might happen.
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