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Everything posted by turnbull

  1. That's a shame, RIP.
  2. It has to be "The Best of the Beatles".
  3. The frog and cat look like they've been superglued in position!!
  4. I'm just glad he can't manage Stoke as well!!
  5. The very definition of an underrated band.......
  6. turnbull

    The Lions

    I think a guy dressed as a Villain (or Villa-n) if you prefer, doing the rounds at VP would ruffle a few feathers. Anyone think of an appropriate ne'er-do-well who'd fit the bill?
  7. If we're having a half collar, then why not one long sleeve and one short? Then we could have one 2012/13 long shorts leg and one 1981 short shorts leg, one long sock/one short. Would look different I reckon. Let's make a statement!!
  8. Thought the defence was ok today, shame it took a mistake from a midfielder to breach them, but then again, maybe he didn't get a call, seeing as Bakes was right behind him.
  9. Apart from our spell of comedy defending, I thought we were generally ok without being spectacular. We deserved the win though, so Delph's og meant that if we had a cat, I'd have kicked the crap out of it when I got home. Baker MotM for me, did what defenders should do first and foremost-defend.
  10. Weight: kg Delph, Fabian: 60 Jeez, I bet he has to hang on to lamp posts when it's windy.
  11. Too true, which is the very reason why I'd never own one. Funny little buggers though.
  12. Sh!t, Spurs lose on pens and there are no tissues in the house!
  13. Isnt the video actually Benteke referencing Lambert at one point, or have I misread that? No i believe that was the hilarious made up translation. Made up translation that a Belgian translated? You don't help yourself. http://www.reddit.com/r/chelseafc/comments/1bdug6/hazard_lukaku_de_bruyne_and_other_belgians/c96043f
  14. To pinch Jimmy Carr's idea, how about a minute's tutting?
  15. I saw that video last night, completely baffled at the ear flicking, but that translation is hilarious haha Paul Lambert isn't Benteke's coach then? Or does he mean Marc Wilmots? Hmmmm..............
  16. 'Metal cosh'? Is that what they're calling these nowadays? Hope that's not cold!
  17. Trouble with SSS was they weren't hyped up enough!
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