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Everything posted by turnbull

  1. And the home game to Swansea. 1 point from them two games and we are 100% safe. Swansea should go out and kick every Wigan player in the first five minutes so they will be shitting themselves about getting an injury, and missing the F.A Cup final. True, but the Swans are in CBA mode now, unfortunately for us.
  2. The way he hits it earlier than you think he will is uncanny, brilliant. Hope Southampton go down after they cheated a win at VP, especially cos Ricky Lambert said it was a stonewall pen, tosser.
  3. It's gonna be a good day at work tomorrow, with every Blose fan's favourite Villan bagging both goals!
  4. Gabby Agbonlahor He's sh!t at Connect 4 But oh boy, can he score Super Agbonlahor Etc.....................
  5. Boney Tony. Stop laughing, it's true. Even my own parents called it me!! Of course, when Lily The Pink came out, it made things a whole lot worse, bloody Scaffole the scouse bast4rds!! I'm a bit tubby now, so things turned out for the better!!
  6. There's no point wanting a manager to do something when the chairman won't pay the wages that would make it happen. The job of bringing in the odd established player is a lot easier to do now from an integration point of view, now that we have a good base and now that we know what we have. Ignoring the wages, from a playing point of view it could have been equally as dangerous to bring in a shed load of established players on big wages (see QPR). But as I say, the key point in all of this is that he didn't have the money to go down that route so the point is moot. Supplement the current squad with a few more league 1 players and academy kids - isn't going to produce a surge up the table I've had this discussion with others. You could leave that squad untouched and you'll get a surge up the table next season on experience and integration alone. Furthermore, survival permitting, the young players will have gained more experience from this season, with the pressure they've been under than say if they'd had an easier time at a mid table club. It's been a baptism of fire for them but the signs are that they've grown immeasurably over the past few months.
  7. Unsworth never kicked a ball for us, did he? Exactly. Useless!
  8. In general, you have to spend a shed load of cash in the PL to stand still these days, so to put the brakes on and begin to take the club in a complete new direction for only 20 mill isn't bad going.
  9. Ideal I'd say, on decent (for us) wages.
  10. Or maybe it was option three: It's difficult to buy players in January, and if you do you end up paying ridiculous prices—an activity that has pretty much led to this financial mess, which has ultimately gambled with out Premier League future. Lambert is here in part to sort that out and seems quite comfortable sticking to his guns. IMO, some posts make it sound like finances and football teams, the January transfer window, are more simplistic than they all are in reality, where you're throwing long term contracts out (like with Ireland) on stupid wages (like with Ireland), which, if one panics and it goes wrong can cost the club TENS OF MILLIONS and lead to a dud player hanging around the squad for five years (like with Ireland). Had a cracking "discussion" with a Chelsea fan at work last week who claimed that if Villa go down, Lambert should go as he's spent money and failed if that happens. I then explained to him what you say in the latter part of your post, but being a Chelsea fan, he didn't understand, I then used the c-word (continuity) and totally confused him. Mind you he also claimed that Manure are consistently top dogs because they can afford the best players and wages. The fact that Chelsea have paid the highest wages in the PL for the past 7 or 8 years had obviously escaped him.
  11. Maybe he thought Collins was disruptive. And Warnock was shit?
  12. Time and patience are 2 things in short supply in todays game, but surely now, since the 2nd half of of the Newc game, fans can see that Lambo is getting there and if proof were needed, then tonight's it. Ok, it may be 2 steps forward and 1 back but it's progress nevertheless.
  13. Baby boom 9 months from tonight then.........
  14. For sale 6 kittens, see Sunderland dug out.
  15. They are obsessed though, remember. AFAIK, it's true.
  16. Coutinho is class, better than Suarez for me and not a cannibal either.
  17. We'll score first and end up drawing after giving away another sloppy goal. Just keep Delph away from the near post at corners.
  18. Congrats mate. :cheers:
  19. Warning. This video contains the wanton destruction of an advertising hoarding and Wolves fans legging it. http://news.sky.com/story/1083818/wolves-fans-invade-pitch-after-burnley-defeat
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