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Everything posted by turnbull

  1. "This window was an absolute disgrace. Even more so when you consider how likely we are to go down and the fact Lerner sold the browns only a few months ago for $1 billion." As I said, easily avoided, IF Lerner actually had a bloody clue.
  2. We're a laughing stock, pure and simple, and it hurts. A big thank you to all concerned, especially as it was so easily avoided.
  3. Bob’s missus was fed up of him coming home from the pub every weekend pissed up and covered in his own sick, so she’s gave him an ultimatum, behave or he’s out!! Comes the weekend and he’s at the pub again, knocking them back and getting carried away, so much so that he forgot his wife’s threats and got bladdered again. Eventually he threw up all down his new jacket and at that point he remembered what she had said. “Shite!” he said to his mate and then went on to explain what a pickle he was now in. “No problem” his mate said “just tuck a tenner in your top pocket, then when you get home and the wife starts on you, pull out the cash and say that a guy in the pub threw up on you and he was that sorry that he gave you the cash to get your jacket cleaned, simple.” Bob was made up and straight away put a ten pound note in his top pocket and carried on drinking. Much later he arrived home in a terrible state and his wife was livid. “That’s it, I warned you, we’re finished!!” she shouted. Bob quite calmly explained what had happened and said if she didn’t believe him, check his pocket. She gingerly put in her hand and pulled out two, sick covered tenners. “I thought you said he gave you ten pounds to clean the sick off your coat and there’s twenty quid here, why the extra” “Oh yeah, I forgot to say he shit in my pants too!”
  4. Damn you sir for beating me to that pun, I wanted to baguette first! Think this bread thing is going a bit stale now...............
  5. Fuggin Chelsea w4nkers. Stuff us 8-0 then drop decent points to the sides around us. WTF!
  6. turnbull


    30 quid to Acorns if we stay up, if we go down, Lerner can pay it!!
  7. Very, very, VERY true, I'm afraid. Lerner doesn't give a f*ck Faulkner is clueless The job is too much for Lambert. Please, all of you, for the good of AVFC and its fans, just piss off.
  8. turnbull

    Top Gear

    Like drat01, I think the star in the crap korean car bit is boring, but I see it as a chance to go for a p!ss. Unless there's a decent bit of clunge on, of course! On the whole though, I thought it was a pretty decent show last night.
  9. The Villa job is much like the Scotland job now, same shit different geez in charge trying to make a silk purse out of a pig's ear. The difference here though is that at least we can sign players to get out of it. Can't we???
  10. I always find that a simple, bad tempered "feck off" usually works.
  11. I remember the famous Acker on Tom Ross' phone in calling Mark Draper "The think man's Ray Wilkins". Priceless.
  12. These guys are pretty cool........
  13. With relegation looming should we all learn to laugh at ourselves a bit more? Yes, but laugh at the Blues a bit more to offset it.
  14. turnbull


    If Bannan had of done that, the ball boy would have knocked the crap out of him!!
  15. turnbull


    Is the lad out of hospital yet? Funniest thing I've seen in ages, though I don't think Hazard kicked him hard enough. Little sh!t, that's the ballboy BTW.
  16. In a bit of a "need cheering up" mood today so I wacked on a bit of of Yes, Close To The Edge and Going For The One. But then, cos I was perhaps a bit too happy for a Wednesday, I put on some Interpol.
  17. Is it Lambert's fault that Benteke only occasionally hits a cow's arse with a banjo? I blame him for our pathetic attempts at defending corners as a team, though.
  18. Intelligent ones?? Most of the noses that I know, don't really give a shit anymore, but are more than happy to discuss our current predicament. More Villa haters than they are Blues supporters, as usual.
  19. Aah, the years when we could score from corners...............
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