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Everything posted by turnbull

  1. Been giving these guys a listen on you tube
  2. That is what's known in the trade as an understatement.
  3. Apols if this has been mentioned elsewhere but has anyone seen who's favourite for the Baggies' job?
  4. Still hope United can win it. At least they've been successful despite their owners, not because of their seemingly infinite financial resources. Can't see how buying the title can be a good thing, unless you happen to be a supporter of the team that wins it, I suppose.
  5. think thats where the headlines get changed to "McLeish sacked" to "McLeish in police protection" should that occur ..........or "McLeish Effs Off Back To Scotland To Manage Some Sh!tty Third Division Club Because That's The Only Job He Can Get." Hopefully.............
  6. Smirk. That GD looks a wee bit more comfortable now.
  7. Collymore's just a prize tawt, after the patience Villa fans showed him during his spell at VP (god knows why) this is the way he repays them. Bollox to him.
  8. McLose is a bad at spin as Graham Drury. Certain people on here will know how bad that is.
  9. Any statement should consist of just 4 words We Told You So!!! Shimples.
  10. If we won't sack McLose and Grant, then why not a period of unexplained "gardening leave"? In fact why not bury them both up to their necks in Randy's back garden?
  11. "Agent McLeish calling, mission nearly accomplished, boss" Ginger clearing in the woods.
  12. Totally agree have yet to speak to any supporter who wants him to stay. Well I want to him to stay.................. .................away from Villa Park, the farther the fuggin better!!
  13. Honestly, really, is this really happening to Aston Villa FC? It's a joke, right? An ex Bluenose joke in charge and the Villans flirting with relegation? Surely I've eaten something that's disagreed with me and I'm hallucinating? Bring back the Doc!!
  14. That picture was of me, one of the crazes started by the old Dougal Mob, it was always me up first, i had no choice being the smallest, i loved it though, the headline said Villa fans start new craze. Brilliant, mate. Have you still got those flares? 8)
  15. Red and blue balloons, thousands of them. Lads being held upside down in the Holte with their legs in the air to make a "V", I think a picture of that was on the back of the Daily Mirror once. John Gidman Ray Graydon's sweatbands. Brian Little in full flight. Evans and MacNaught. Bovril. Reserve games on a Saturday afternoon with updates on the first team scores over the tannoy. Andy Gray's toe curling challenges. Bruce Rioch's thunderbolts. Chiiiiiiiiiiiiii-cooooooooooooo!!! Ron Saunders. When I was at school at King Edward's just the other side of Aston Park, we used to go down to VP (which was out of bounds) every Friday lunchtime during the season to see if there were any BBC or ATV outside broadcast trucks parked up. That way we knew if the Villa were going to be on MOTD or Star Soccer. Another school memory was of when Villa used to train at Cooksey Lane Playing Fields in Kingstanding. I used to go Kingsland Road Junior school and sometimes we'd be playing games at the same time as the first team lads. Whenever a ball came over toward us, there'd be a rush of kids all racing to kick the ball back to whichever player came running over, much to the disgust of the PE teacher.
  16. Heskey, of course, goes without saying. I honestly never thought that signing Collymore was a good idea after all his fall outs at Pool. The list of uminspiring Villa signings in the past 10 years is unfortunately quite a long one.
  17. Terrible news, all the best to the lad.
  18. Savo-cos I was really into bandanas at the time. What a disappointment that was! Seriously though, in recent times Luc Nilis, in days of yore I would have to say Andy Gray in 1975.
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