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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. I watched American Psycho last night which was great, though the ending made my head hurt a bit. I guess that was the whole idea, I normally don't like things that have an ambiguous ending but this was well done.
  2. Don't want to jinx us but this may be an opportunity to boost the goal difference.
  3. I'm one of those who watched a couple of series of The Sopranos and thought it was ok but nothing special (and yes I'm a big fan of 24 too). I guess I could go back and retry it at some stage.
  4. Well, Chelsea seems more like an elaborate Russian money laundering scheme to me, whereas I think the jury is out on whether a different manager would be able to do better in the market with Arsenal than Wenger did. Tbh I'm not that well versed in the actual goings on at Arsenal.
  5. If Conte gets the Jill n Jack from Chelsea I'd be on the phone straight away if I was Arsenal.
  6. It'll be a tough job for whoever takes over, a bit like replacing Fergie has been incredibly difficult as he basically built the club to be what it is today, albeit Arsenal will be starting from a lower base next season.
  7. It's the ECB way, think of an idea so unpalatable that the last idea seems sensible and the counties vote for the franchise T20 as designed.
  8. I think Pisa is the biggest shithole I've ever been to on holiday. Awful. Can't believe I actually went to a place that advertised a wonky building as its main attraction. Shithole.
  9. The lack of an ice cream man in the park this afternoon. Check the forecast you moron.
  10. I prefer 'Don't get done, get Dom!'. Tbf it's the one thing I fear about owning a house, just getting my pants pulled down by some bastard. I'd chop their hands off.
  11. That's really sad news. I quite liked that lottery quiz he did and he seemed a decent bloke.
  12. I only once used the f word in front of my Mum when I was about 10 and got such a bollocking I never swore in front of her again. I always find it strange when I see parents and their kids freely swearing, even when the kids are adults now. At work though anything pretty much goes.
  13. Shouldn't they have been ninja tortoises rather than turtles anyway?
  14. Always had a soft spot for the Manics, largely because of Renford Rejects.
  15. Like everyone else I found her meltdowns annoying, and without wanting to spoil anything, that's why I gave up on the latest series after about 3 episodes.
  16. It's all getting rather tense now but we deserved to win. Just hope for a couple of results going our way tomorrow and it's all to play for.
  17. Another Pointless gripe. When contestants go on and have no knowledge of stuff like chemical elements, Presidents of the USA, countries/flags etc. Just look them up and do a bit of revision before you go on as there are always questions about them ffs.
  18. No doubt if we get promoted it'll be one of the most important jobs done by a Villa manager in a long, long time, and no doubt Dr Tone, Round and Wyness will be extremely grateful for it. There will always be a sense that we should really have gone up automatically though, rightly or wrongly. If we don't go up then God knows what we will do. I suspect Bruce has enough backing within the club to stay for the start of next season but in last chance saloon. For what it's worth if Fulham get second I think we will win the playoffs.
  19. The whole thing is just weird. Must be some ridiculous money being thrown at Vince for this.
  20. What struck me about Barca the other night is how clueless they were and just resorted to hoofing it up the pitch in the second half. Completely lost the plot. I have to say Messi has carried the team in La Liga and they've not been under any pressure from Real either. As for City I think this season they have been as good as any Utd or Arsenal team from the PL era and if they finish the season without stuttering any more then they'll probably have been the best I've seen.
  21. I think Southampton did their own kits for quite a while. I wouldn't mind us doing it someway or another as long as it looks claret and blue.
  22. If we get promoted then I think I'd just stick with Bruce, possibly with Terry involved in a coaching capacity. You'd hope the Dr will be able to give Bruce a decent transfer kitty if we do go up so as long as we spent it wisely, we could get a safe mid-table finish under Bruce. Then push on from there with a high calibre manager.
  23. The last few episodes of Designated Survivor have had made up names for countries that are basically North and South Korea. I don't know why programmes can't just use the real names, is Kim Jung Un really going to blow us all up because of it?
  24. If I remember right it goes back to when the West Indies had a left arm leg spinner called Achong, and one of the English batsmen said 'I can't believe I got out to a Chinaman' or something along those lines. It probably is time to ditch the term,though I doubt any Chinese people will care either way.
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