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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. I do like a Subway breakfast once a week even though they're pretty rough, my problem is I've got to the point where I see my regular sandwich artist around town at least thrice a week and never know whether to acknowledge him or not. I've been to the Slovakian sausage stall the past two Thursdays to avoid the awkwardness.
  2. Let's give someone in an extremely stressful job where they will have to deal with confrontation on a daily basis a gun! Nothing bad could possibly happen. Muppets.
  3. It's a bag of shite but at least it's not Man Utd. I know hardly anyone involved in it either.
  4. The Oz one would have pissed me off even more as I'd have gambled on it being about Australia. I think 50s jazz albums will be up there as long as Katie Price was.
  5. Dua Lipa's arse has helped me get through the Brits so far
  6. It pisses me off no end when they pick a jackpot round that I know bugger all about. Tonight's was definitely one of them.
  7. Now Shooting Stars I **** love, I've been watching loads clips on YouTube recently. Amazing how even that probably wouldn't be allowed on TV today, stuff like this in today's climate just wouldn't be done
  8. Carry On films. They always seem shit whenever I've watched the odd bit here and there. Never managed to sit through the whole of one.
  9. It's not disimilar to the one Taylor broke Coleman's leg with imo.
  10. Yeah that was a shit tackle, deserved a red, plus he's a snakey word removed
  11. New series of Homeland started last night. It's a programme that I enjoy and get pissed off by in equal measure but I suspect I'll keep watching.
  12. Ha thought you'd like that. It wasn't just The Beatles but all sorts of 60s and 70s songs like the New Seekers and a few others. Looking back I question the choices of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and Puff The Magic Dragon, though I guess they are still less harmful than hymns.
  13. My uncle gave me one saying 'Nothing says happy birthday like a piece of folded card' which I quite liked. It's kind of changed my perception of buying cards, I used to spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to find the funniest one, now I don't really give much of a shit and just go to the Card Factory and get something for a quid.
  14. Surely it comes down to how parents raise their kids rather than what they learn about the bible and or other religions at school. I did learn some of the bible stories in primary school and we sang hymns (though we sang more Beatles songs) but nothing really stuck, probably because my folks made no attempt to take me to church and I wasn't even Christened. RE was a doss lesson at secondary school but we did actually learn about other religions pretty much equally so had its uses in understanding other people. I doubt I know one deeply religious person.
  15. Are there any senior Republican politicians that want tighter gun control? Is one of them becoming President the best/only chance for change?
  16. I prayed for a miracle pretty much every night this time last year when my Mum was in her final stages of cancer. It didn't come and I didn't have any real expectation of it working, but I guess I felt a little better for trying. To be honest I've always though of religion as a load of bollocks but when you are desperate you would try anything.
  17. If ever there was an award for most pointless poll, I think that might win it. Only 10% of 18-24 year olds believe they should do compulsory military service, who'd a thunk it.
  18. It seems insane that the same people who are so scared of the government will vote for the most unstable and mental President with a seeming fetish for military parades on their streets. The whole gun debate is absurd, it defies any logic.
  19. I tried watching but a load of Scotch and Chinese lasses screeching isn't good on the ears.
  20. There's no way anyone can make that much mess and not need a shower afterwards. They must have done the rest of their shift stinking of shit.
  21. Scarily similar to one I often have, I've skipped all my lessons at college without anyone realising and suddenly it's exam day.
  22. Luckily our year group tutor groups was done in sets and I was in the top one so had plenty of boffins to copy off during registration in the morning. History or English essays I had to do on Sunday mornings but anything else was a candidate for last minute copying.
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