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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Would it not be easier to just have put a bullet in his brain than all this chemical weapon carry on? It seems a very weird way of bumping someone off.
  2. Why does Hoddle always pronounce Willian as Will.I.An?
  3. I suspect Cardiff will slip up between now and the end of the season, and we can still win against them. It's just really bloody annoying.
  4. My problem isn't so much not thinking of something to say but I have the old problem where I say the bits I mean to say quietly loudly, and the loud bits quietly. For example, my boss goes 'Could you just give Caroline a push, she's struggling again' and I'd go 'Yeah that's ok, I'll give her a push....OFF A CLIFF' or I'd be 'mumble, mumble, mumble...YOU CLEARING IN THE WOODS'. I can't help it sometimes, it's like I start a sentence calm and get pissed off by the end of it.
  5. I love my football but I could never even remotely take it that seriously. Bunch of mongs.
  6. Finished Inside Number 9 and loved it. I've never seen The League of Gentlemen so I think I'll give it a whirl next.
  7. I'm not a comic book hero film watcher in general and thought I'd give Deadpool a whirl on Netflix because it sounded like a different take on the genre, but I had to turn it off halfway through. I really just don't get the appeal. Morena Baccarin looks a bit plasticy nowadays too, she was proper stunning in Homeland. Netflix had a really good run of films on at the turn of the year but it's dried up a bit.
  8. Coke is a more overrated drink than champagne. It's like fizzy marmite with a bagful of sugar thrown in.
  9. It's a bit like when you're at a restaurant and have to wait ages to pay the bill. You'd think they'd want to kick you out as quick as possible and get someone else in. When my Nanna was in hospital a few years back there was another old lady on the ward who kept lighting cigarettes next to her oxygen tank. The nurses couldn't work out where she'd stashed them all but my Nanna couldn't get out of there quick enough but had to wait for ages.
  10. You'd hate me as I often whistle that as part of my irritating whistling game. Also Rosey and Jim, Poddington Peas, Jurassic Park, the German national anthem, Question of Sport and Grandstand. My target is for someone else to get at least one of them stuck in their head and start whistling the tune(s) and if they do, I win. Nobody else knows they're playing along, they just get mildly annoyed.
  11. Has Chris Coleman ever done a good job anywhere other than with Wales? **** knows why he'd give up that job with Gareth Bale in your team to take over this lot.
  12. Builders' bums. There's a fat lad at work who exposes a good third of his bum crack whenever he bends over. It's absolutely horrendous.
  13. Kiwi accents somehow take the most annoying bits of the Aussie and South African accents and jumble them all together. Not my favourite.
  14. A nice pub lunch with good company and good beer.
  15. Each new day is a smaller proportion of your life. I think that's why time seems to go quicker the older you get.
  16. Newspapers burying apologies like that really pisses me off. They should be made to give as much space to apologising as they did on the original article, if not more.
  17. In every sport it's taken a long time to bed the system in, with trial and error, tweaks here and there to get it right. Problem is that by definition they have to really do it in high profile matches where all the technology is there, so it creates a load of attention and cynicism as something doesn't go smoothly (and doesn't help that most pundits are thick as shit). I also see a problem where referees end up becoming overly cautious and check more than is strictly necesssary. If you compare it to run outs in cricket, it got to a point where almost every single decision was sent upstairs even if they're out by a mile. The good thing about what they finally implemented in cricket is they put it in the hands of the players so it's a bit of a 'put up, or shut up' situation, if you think the decision is wrong you appeal it, if the ref was right you lose your appeal. I'd prefer that kind of thing in football, partly because I think it would improve player behaviour if there was less incentive to con the ref and costing your team appeals.
  18. I think they're taking religion being a load of old bollocks a little too literally.
  19. It's something I haven't been able to get my head around. Would the income be enough to live off, or a smaller amount that everyone tops up with work?
  20. We've had bugger all here today which is a shame.
  21. All are worth watching, even if it's just for the villains in each series. I think Ewan McGregor is a bit dodgy in series 3 but I've never really thought much of him as an actor anyway.
  22. I swear Bob Mortimer is the funniest man ever to have existed, but agree some of Vic and Bob is a bit marmite. Johnny Vegas seems to have got funnier the older and more sober he has got imo. Agree about Lemon and Fielding, though the latter gets credit for Richmond in the IT Crowd.
  23. I think I'd start off alright, then it'd just go downhill from there. Seriously though it's one of those things I've always fancied doing having watched it on TV, until the Olympics last week where they had cameras at the top looking over the skiers shoulder and it looked terrifying. I'd just pussy out just like when we did abseiling at school no doubt. I'm really not good with heights.
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