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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Lehmann to step down which was inevitable. I assume it'll Langer next but it would be typical Sussex luck to lose Gillespie before even playing a match.
  2. Absolutely this. I can usually tell a person's entire political viewpoint from one or two posts as they just fall into the stereotypical right or left stance on everything. I suspect there are more people who take a bit from from the right and a bit from the left but they're less likely to bang on about it or get into ideological arguments.
  3. It was slightly awkward and unconvincing. It reminded me of that gif of the lad from Dawson's Creek crying that gets posted on here sometimes.
  4. I love the West Wing. If I could be a TV character it'd be Josh Lyman
  5. I think 12 months is over-egging it a bit. Stripping them of the captaincy and vice-captaincy, with a few games suspended would do. Lehmann no doubt will have to step down once the media ramp things up even more.
  6. I'm sort of skipping between this and the Germany v Brazil game. It's so hard to really learn anything from friendlies. I see Bacuna scored the winner for Curacao against Bolivia.
  7. No it was the older English guy who got his knob out. Makes me think the blonde guy has a small one if he's not showing it off, and then I realise I'm thinking about willies and try to concentrate on something else. The blonde actor pissed me off in House of Cards but is slightly better in this, though I'm struggling a bit to understand what the **** is going on with the plot. If I wasn't paying for Netflix I probably wouldn't bother watching the rest but I feel like I need to get my money's worth.
  8. He said Paine is officially named captain, so it sounds like Smith has been stripped of the captaincy and probably going to get a suspension, which sounds fair enough to me. I'm surprised that considering Smith said the leadership group new about it, only he and Warner are being punished. There must be other players involved and Lehmann looked dodgy as **** when it happened. Just hope Gillespie doesn't get knicked from Sussex.
  9. Yes I saw that the other day. His Bernie Gunther series is pretty good and he did a few (less good) football/crime novels. A real shame he's gone.
  10. When random strangers, quite often scumbags, come up to you in the street and ask for a light or a fag. Piss off, I don't smoke and even if I did I wouldn't give you one.
  11. Savage and Chris Sutton for the above reasons.
  12. Probably karma for my post about cricket being a game for people with decent attention spans and intelligence yesterday, as our players keep displaying neither. Embarrassing dogturd.
  13. My local ground Horsham hosts a lot of Sussex 2nd XI games which are free entry and the bar is open. Some of it is a decent standard, Marcus Trescothick was playing for Somerset 2nds while the T20 was going on and smacking it about last summer. It's a shame how his England career ended but he's still a class act.
  14. I've always been baby faced so never knew I could grow a beard until I had a very bad case of food poisoning and couldn't be arsed to shave for about 10 days. Then when I finally recovered and shaved I discovered I'd lost so much weight round my face I looked like I'd been in a concentration camp, so grew it back straight away. Had it ever since and just trim it once or twice a week.
  15. I don't want to sound arsey but I don't really get how general sports fans with a decent attention span and intelligence can grow up in this country and dislike cricket, especially when you add the social side of watching it too.
  16. My Dad drove a taxi at Gatwick and once had to take Zak Starkey back to his house as he forgot his passport and was going on tour with The Who. Apparently he was on the phone to the airline trying to get them to keep the gate open a bit longer using the 'do you know who I am?' schtick and they had no idea who he was. Should've called yourself Zingo mate.
  17. Fanboy/girlism. It's weird but it's what social media is all about, back in the day they'd probably be stalkers and possibly end up shooting or stabbing the celeb. Anyway glad you got it off your chest Lappy babes.
  18. I don't get why they gave Jose a contract extension when they did. It's not as if Utd were anywhere close to City or playing particularly great football at the time and there was plenty of time on his deal. Then again I don't know why they went for him in the first place.
  19. Noel's commentary on their videos is still one of the funniest things on the internet.
  20. I guessed it as Pink Floyd. Beyond the greatest hits I've never really delved into Led Zep's (or Pink Floyd's) back catalogue so I probably should have known the answer but didn't recognise it. It did sound a bit like something Noel Gallagher could have ripped off.
  21. Hollyoaks used to be good back in the day if you had nothing else to masturbate to.
  22. The BBC weather girl with one and a half arms. She's lovely.
  23. Awful. It's shocking that English football can't produce a better group of players than that.
  24. Really? I thought it was one of the most even 3-0s I've ever watched. If Chelsea had been given that penalty I reckon they'd have got a 2-2 draw. Messi made the difference as usual.
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