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El Zen

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Everything posted by El Zen

  1. El Zen


    It all stinks. Football is f***ed.
  2. I’ve had my ID3 for a little while now, and it’s great. Very roomy and comfortable, very smooth ride (lane assist aside, it is complete rubbish on the motorway and is best just to switch off completely,) big enough to fit my son’s bike with the back seats down if I need to, and I really only have to charge it a couple of times a week overnight for my commute. And it saves me a fortune every month compared to the lease and fuel expense on my Octavia.
  3. I’ve told my ex now, so I guess I can tell you I have a new GF and it’s going very well, my anxiety and trauma aside. She’s incredibly understanding and patient and we communicate very openly about my issues.
  4. No, it’s a new term for ‘I’ll happily execute the royal family, but let’s be humane about the methods.’
  5. I consider myself moderately radical, if that helps.
  6. Noooooo! I’m going to see Springsteen in Oslo. I hope the smell isn’t too bad. The Norwegian Krone is so weak at the moment, the pints probably won’t be more than a tenner
  7. I’m reaaaaaally struggling to find any sort of enthusiasm for this game, or any Norway game for that matter. Internationals bore the crap out of me most of the time.
  8. I’ll be careful and only talk about this in as general terms as possible: Having had to deal with some pretty heavy emotional trauma in the fairly recent past, I’ve developed some pretty heavy trust issues in the present and it’s pretty f***ing exhausting. How does one deal with that constructively?
  9. I wasn’t aware of this, but I haven’t watched a European Tour or Ladies Tour event for years either. I’ve really only been following the PGA Tour for Victor Hovland, but that too ends here.
  10. Did anyone have the PGA on their list?
  11. There goes the rest of my interest in professional golf out the window. F***ing disgusting.
  12. Celtic mosaic at Hampden yesterday. Insanely good.
  13. I’m gonna put this here as well, as I’m so damn pleased with I could die. This is the outside of the stadium after a derby win away:
  14. We won. Draped the stadium exterior in this beauty after the game:
  15. Second round of the 2023 Cup already today. Travelled to level 5 Råde a week ago and saw Vålerenga win an uninspiring 1-0 ticket to round two. There, we’ll be up against city «rivals» Lyn (literally: Lightning.) Lyn is a manifistation of so many things I genuinely hate: They represent the wealthiest neighbourhoods of Oslo west, they are the Conservative Party Football Club. They hardly have any fans, but the ones they do have seem to rear their heads whenever they play us. Normally, we should be wiping the floor with them. They play at level three in the same division as our reserves. But they’ll have nothing to lose and be fired up: this is their cup final. I’m dreading it.
  16. Yeah, IFK are shit. Nothing new there. Still by far the biggest club though. Häcken will fade away eventually, och Blåvitt står kvar
  17. Palace tifo. Fair f***ing play.
  18. Vålerenga ultras travel to Stabæk away by Metro. I hope I can find some vids from inside the trains, because that was mental. The cars were literally bouncing at full speed.
  19. That’s just what happens to us handsome Scandi men. We get hotter the older we get.
  20. El Zen

    Unai Emery

    I’ve been Villa since the early nineties, and I don’t think I’ve ever been more confident in a manager ever.
  21. So I have time to get to my mate’s place and get a couple of beers in first.
  22. Heading to my mate’s place now to watch it with a small crew of Villa boys. It’ll be nice to get a few beers in to take just a little of the edge off those intense nerves.
  23. Haven’t got any, but you’d know wouldn’t you?
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