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FIFA Corruption


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Unconfirmed but reliable info from the guardian that Spain have voted for blatter

Why is that news? Has Blatter done something to Spain?

What will UEFA do next?

Absolutely nothing is my guess. :D
Because platini said yesterday the European nations were united in the decision to vote against blatter

Ooooh Yeah :thumb:

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Blatter: "Because Prince Ali was a competitor, a challenger, and he has obtained very good result and he in such a situation, easy he could have said 'No, lets go further. Perhaps I would receive more votes.'

"On the other hand ladies and gentleman thank you for you accepted me. For the next four years I will be in command of this boat called FIFA and we will bring it back offshore and back to the beach where finally football can be played- beach soccer you can play everywhere.


Sky Sports



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Another four years of Septic Bladder.


Platini needs to shit or get off the pot. Full European boycott of the next 2 World Cups please. 

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An immediate vote of no confidence followed by a boycott of both 2018 and 2022 world cups needed.

Uefa should just announce another 2 European championships instead.

Fingers crossed the fbi have plans for blatter. Wouldn't suprise me if others investigated will drop him in it to reduce their potential sentences.

Edited by theboyangel
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An immediate vote of no confidence followed by a boycott of both 2018 and 2022 world cups needed.

Uefa should just announce another 2 European championships instead.

Fingers crossed the fbi have plans for blatter. Wouldn't suprise me if others investigated will drop him in it to reduce their potential sentences.

European championships with invitations to nations that didn't vote for blatter.

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No surprise he's back in. Blatter has done some good things for developing nations but you can guarantee that every pound that has gone towards confederations 10p has been pocketed along the way and Sepp has turned a blind eye at best. He then uses that money to keep himself in power "vote for me or I'll stop funding". His ideas for World Cups in terrible places then earns him more votes from those confederations and he gets those destinations chosen by again pressurising these developing nations to vote for his choices. Then the vultures move in and take bribes from all marketing and sponsorships in these new domains and again Blatter will use this to gain votes. Statements like "world cups in Africa and Quatar would never happen without him" of course they wouldn't however fair it might be to move World Cups around ethically, logically and logisitcally some terrible World Cup destinations have been chosen during his tenure.

I read he has a £10 million salary and whether he makes any extra along the way (of course he does) he is at the very least a facilitator to a terrible system and extremely incompetent or the master of the system who has set it up to feed his ego and produce the most marketable and penetrating sport in the world.

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Anyone else pick up on this?


When asked outside FIFA's headquarters why he pulled out of the race, Prince Ali told Sky News: "There were 73 nations (who voted for him) out there who were really brave and I did it for them. 

"I don't want to get them in any more trouble for taking a real stand, a proper stand."

Sky Sports

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I still ea42e9fb59511b5b503dbe456d57300c.png


Why do they get so many votes? He will win every time with Africa/Asia backing. Such a bent system.

one vote per country, seems fair to me.


A bit of talk about England pulling out. My respect for the FA will go through the roof if they decide to not even compete to qualify for 2018.

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To have got 70 odd was pretty good. It's obvious the only way to get Blatter out of the job is in handcuffs or a coffin like any despot. I think UEFA pulling out and having Euros instead is a good idea, let's hope Platini has some balls.

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Let's hope some England and some other countries pull out and have an invitational tournament at the time the World Cup is on.


Whilst I love the idea, I just can't see it happening.  The FA needs money.  Where's the money coming from?  The big advertisers aren't going to support another event at the same time as the World Cup. There's also the issue over the World Cup being played over Winter.  The Premiership (and others) will want to protect their interests.  Maybe a few nations could pull out and stage something during the summer but come the Winter it will be business as usual for FIFA.  

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after all the huffing and puffing blatt is back and everyone will fall in line .....any uefa country should pull out of any fifa tournament for the foreseeable future if they had any ....balls 


Seems the UEFA countries have split resolve anyway.  Spain (as said above) voted for Blatter.  It just won't happen.  They don't have any balls (har har!) and things will continue as they are.   They stand to lose too much if us/they start a revolution (not evolution, Sepp). 

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Let's hope some England and some other countries pull out and have an invitational tournament at the time the World Cup is on.

Whilst I love the idea, I just can't see it happening. The FA needs money. Where's the money coming from? The big advertisers aren't going to support another event at the same time as the World Cup. There's also the issue over the World Cup being played over Winter. The Premiership (and others) will want to protect their interests. Maybe a few nations could pull out and stage something during the summer but come the Winter it will be business as usual for FIFA.

Depends which 70 that voted against him pulled out - a World Cup without England, France, Germany, Italy, possibly some of the big South American teams, a huge commercial potential in the U.S. etc wouldn't have anywhere near the draw it would previously.

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See, here's the thing.

I am a politically active and aware person, with a conscience.

I am also a football fan.

I have struggled with the ethics of being one, while watching the revolting ascension of Big Money in the game, and the corruption and lavish wastage that ensues when Big Money takes over.

Football is not alone in this among sporting events, the various games are rapidly being ruined for the common man, and the competitiveness and "sport" are being removed and replaced with mountains of cash (and bribes...).

It is in this arena then that I contemplate the exposure (Shocked? Not on yer life) of the corruption rife and endemic within FIFA. At the same time we also see the horrendous death toll in Qatar among the workforce building the stadiums (Seven years to go and we're close to 1,000 deaths...) These men are slaves, people, indentured serfs who have been deceived, their passports confiscated so they may not leave, and are paying the price with their very lives, dying like flies in +50 degree heat. FIFA does NOTHING about this.

As a politically activist person, I can no longer support FIFA sponsored International football with all this in mind. I can't sit in front of a television and cheer for a team when I know that (figuratively speaking), the bones of countless workers lie beneath the stadiums. I'm done. The bottomless corruption is bad enough, but this latest news has tipped the apple cart well and truly over for me. This isn't about Blatter, this is about human lives, common decency and compassion.

I would rather watch Derby County playing Blackburn Rovers in the shitting down rain on a November night in England than watch Italy v Brazil at this point. And I do love the World Cup and I WILL miss it. But there is always a line and I am in no mood to cross it. Human lives are worth more than sport.


Edited by norton65ca
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See, here's the thing.

I am a politically active and aware person, with a conscience.

I am also a football fan.

I have struggled with the ethics of being one, while watching the revolting ascension of Big Money in the game, and the corruption and lavish wastage that ensues when Big Money takes over.

Football is not alone in this among sporting events, the various games are rapidly being ruined for the common man, and the competitiveness and "sport" are being removed and replaced with mountains of cash (and bribes...).

It is in this arena then that I contemplate the exposure (Shocked? Not on yer life) of the corruption rife and endemic within FIFA. At the same time we also see the horrendous death toll in Qatar among the workforce building the stadiums (Seven years to go and we're close to 1,000 deaths...) These men are slaves, people, indentured serfs who have been deceived, their passports confiscated so they may not leave, and are paying the price with their very lives, dying like flies in +50 degree heat. FIFA does NOTHING about this.

As a politically activist person, I can no longer support FIFA sponsored International football with all this in mind. I can't sit in front of a television and cheer for a team when I know that (figuratively speaking), the bones of countless workers lie beneath the stadiums. I'm done. The bottomless corruption is bad enough, but this latest news has tipped the apple cart well and truly over for me. This isn't about Blatter, this is about human lives, common decency and compassion.

I would rather watch Derby County playing Blackburn Rovers in the shitting down rain in England than watch Italy v Brazil at this point. And I do love the World Cup and I WILL miss it. But there is always a line and I am in no mood to cross it. Human lives are worth more then sport.



Nicely said.

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Let's hope some England and some other countries pull out and have an invitational tournament at the time the World Cup is on.


Whilst I love the idea, I just can't see it happening.  The FA needs money.  Where's the money coming from?  The big advertisers aren't going to support another event at the same time as the World Cup. There's also the issue over the World Cup being played over Winter.  The Premiership (and others) will want to protect their interests.  Maybe a few nations could pull out and stage something during the summer but come the Winter it will be business as usual for FIFA.  


why not? what if England, France, Germany and the US pull out. that's a huge commercial market for the advertisers. with those countries gone, the tournament loses a few big names. There probably will be a few others to follow like Italy, Holland, Belgium (not sure where the South American countries stand in all this). So it wouldn't be commercialy as appealing as it has been.

If those countries leaving would play the 'slavery/deaths in building the WC in Qatar'-card it would add ethical pressure on advertisers. Imagine you're an exec at McDonalds, would you still be as eager to fund an event where a huge part of the public you're trying to reach isn't present and if you are people might accuse you of endorsing slavery?


it seems easy but in the end nobody will do anything (lack of cojones) and in a few years everyone will watch our players run around in the desert.

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Let's hope some England and some other countries pull out and have an invitational tournament at the time the World Cup is on.

Whilst I love the idea, I just can't see it happening. The FA needs money. Where's the money coming from? The big advertisers aren't going to support another event at the same time as the World Cup. There's also the issue over the World Cup being played over Winter. The Premiership (and others) will want to protect their interests. Maybe a few nations could pull out and stage something during the summer but come the Winter it will be business as usual for FIFA.

Depends which 70 that voted against him pulled out - a World Cup without England, France, Germany, Italy, possibly some of the big South American teams, a huge commercial potential in the U.S. etc wouldn't have anywhere near the draw it would previously.



Aye, but I just can't see the likes of the big nations shirking the big money that the World Cup offers without serious financial and commercial backing.  It all now resides (I suppose) with the investigation and if the likes of VISA, Macdonalds, Budweiser etc are willing to cut their ties with FIFA then there might be hope but I'm not so sure it'll get the momentum it deserves.  

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