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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I thought technically the country was United Kingdom, and England, Wales etc were technically principalities?

That's what we were always taught in geography anyway

My understanding is it works like this:

The country is officially called "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Northern Ireland speaks for itself, Great Britain is the large island which England, Wales and Scotland are located on.

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are countries in their own right, but its more for administrative reasons than anything else. Each individual country has very little power internationally, but the combined union is one of the most powerful nations on Earth. I guess if you were trying to explain it to an American, then you would compare the countries here to individual states over there. It's not an exact fit, but its close enough.

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I thought technically the country was United Kingdom, and England, Wales etc were technically principalities?

That's what we were always taught in geography anyway

My understanding is it works like this:

The country is officially called "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Northern Ireland speaks for itself, Great Britain is the large island which England, Wales and Scotland are located on.

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are countries in their own right, but its more for administrative reasons than anything else. Each individual country has very little power internationally, but the combined union is one of the most powerful nations on Earth. I guess if you were trying to explain it to an American, then you would compare the countries here to individual states over there. It's not an exact fit, but its close enough.

*Was* one of the most powerful ;)

Anyway, even I know this stuff :D

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And "the British Isles" is a geographical term, rather than a political one - it includes the Republic of Ireland. Analagous to "Scandinavia" or "North America".

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I thought technically the country was United Kingdom, and England, Wales etc were technically principalities?

That's what we were always taught in geography anyway

My understanding is it works like this:

The country is officially called "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

Northern Ireland speaks for itself, Great Britain is the large island which England, Wales and Scotland are located on.

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are countries in their own right, but its more for administrative reasons than anything else. Each individual country has very little power internationally, but the combined union is one of the most powerful nations on Earth. I guess if you were trying to explain it to an American, then you would compare the countries here to individual states over there. It's not an exact fit, but its close enough.

Take down the Union Jack, it clashes with the sunset

And put it in the attic with the emperors old clothes

When did it fall apart? Sometime in the 80s

When the Great and the Good gave way to the greedy and the mean

Britain isn’t cool you know, its really not that great

It's not a proper country, it doesn’t even have a patron saint

It's just an economic union that’s passed its sell-by date

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*Was* one of the most powerful ;)

Anyway, even I know this stuff :D

Obviously not, as your *Was* really still is an *Is*.

On any measure, from the UN, to NATO, to economic output, to military capability it still is one of the most powerful.

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We're still a power. 4th largest military budget, UN Security Council seat, NATO's second in command effectively, 6th largest economy, etc etc. Might not be the superpower we once were but we hold a position the vast majority of the states on Earth would envy.

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*Was* one of the most powerful ;)

Anyway, even I know this stuff :D

Obviously not, as your *Was* really still is an *Is*.

On any measure, from the UN, to NATO, to economic output, to military capability it still is one of the most powerful.

Was a joke :D - but as it is with most jokes, there's usually a bit of truth in it.

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"Lambing Live". I mean, come ON.

By all means make a TV documentary about lambing season, it has a certain interest. Half an hour? OK, let's be generous, a whole hour. Show it off-peak. Once. Maybe repeat it after two or three years.

But an hour at peak viewing time, EVERY **** NIGHT FOR A WEEK???


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Well surely they're one of the same.

Sorry to use you as an example AVFC_Hitz, but this annoys the hell out of me.

It's constantly said at my work.

It should be "one and the same".

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From the Grand National thread:

On a related note II guess it's not just me who gets pissed off with people who ride horses on the road? They're never going anywhere, you don't see them riding to the shops, they just get in the way and frown at you when you overtake them Twisted Evil Find yourself a field or bridle path!

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