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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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People who describe themselves as 'spiritual'.


Yeah my wife's best friend is like this. Always inviting my wife to bollocky events where things are realigned and life is reassessed. My wife laps it up and then gets annoyed at me when I poo poo it all.

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People who describe themselves as 'spiritual'.


Yeah my wife's best friend is like this. Always inviting my wife to bollocky events where things are realigned and life is reassessed. My wife laps it up and then gets annoyed at me when I poo poo it all.



It's a nice-sounding word meaning "good at self-delusion".

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People who describe themselves as 'spiritual'.


Yeah my wife's best friend is like this. Always inviting my wife to bollocky events where things are realigned and life is reassessed. My wife laps it up and then gets annoyed at me when I poo poo it all.



Grounds for divorce. 


Very little of that sort of trouble from Mrs M, who's at at best agnostic. However she still insists that religion is not synonymous with superstition (I say it is), and also seems to think it is worthy of 'respect' (I say it isn't). So I have to at least moderate my rants a bit. 

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Used one of those self service check outs earlier at Tesco and the woman in front of me decided to scan all her stuff, pay and then put it all in the bag  :rant: Took about 5 minutes longer than it should've.

I've seen that before. Woman I saw doing it had a trolley full of stuff. Mental.

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People who announce their own birthday on Facebook

Yeah that's bullshit.


Basically people who announce anything on Facebook.


"Happy birthday to my dear sister. Hope she has a great day"


**** off. Write it on her wall. Nobody reading this gives a shit

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Very little of that sort of trouble from Mrs M, who's at at best agnostic. However she still insists that religion is not synonymous with superstition (I say it is), and also seems to think it is worthy of 'respect' (I say it isn't). So I have to at least moderate my rants a bit. 



I share your pain MJM. I mean, if it's nonsense presented as fact, how is it worthy of respect?

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People who announce their own birthday on Facebook

Yeah that's bullshit.


Basically people who announce anything on Facebook.


"Happy birthday to my dear sister. Hope she has a great day"


**** off. Write it on her wall. Nobody reading this gives a shit


Or just Facebook in general.

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Nah, I like Facebook. Some people on it annoy me though. Most of them get ignored.


I'd use G+. But literally nobody I know uses it. So for the purposes of what I use Facebook for, using G+ instead would be utterly pointless.

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The primary reason I use g+ is to follow things which interest me. As friends realise how useful that is or how good Hangouts is, they move across. It's really easy to separate friend stuff from interest stuff. No sponsored posts. No meed to pay so that your page's updates actually get seen by people who are interested.

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It certainly has it's uses. And it may very well be the future.


But as I said, as of right now, it's next to useless for what I use social networking for. That's just me personally though. I'd be happy to see a shift over to it. But none of my friends or family use it, so for me it's useless.

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It certainly has it's uses. And it may very well be the future.

But as I said, as of right now, it's next to useless for what I use social networking for. That's just me personally though. I'd be happy to see a shift over to it. But none of my friends or family use it, so for me it's useless.

In that respect I think it's currently more of a twitter replacement than a replacement for Facebook. On twitter you hardly ever converse with people you know, it's more about virtually meeting people and maybe sharing some stuff.

On google+ it covers all of the limited creative sharing side of twitter by giving you all the social tools of Facebook, pinterest, 4square, etc.

If you want to interact with people you know it's definitely just Facebook at the moment.

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