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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I **** hate Jack Johnson. He's the type of guy who's CD gets played at working-class-people-trying-to-be-middle-class house parties.


I wouldn't know. But I like your admirably precise demographic definition.

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Compare with Google's knowledge graph for folk music:

People related to "folk music"

Bob Dylan

Leaving his initial base in the culture of folk music behind, Dylan's six-minute single "Like a ...

Woody Guthrie

Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie is best known as an American singer-songwriter and folk musician ...

Pete Seeger

Peter "Pete" Seeger is an American folk singer and an iconic figure in the mid-20th-century ...

I'd probably have put Phil Ochs ahead of Seeger, myself, but that's a minor quibble. Edited by leviramsey
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Is Jack Johnson the bloke who did the curious George theme song ?... Kids watched that film so much that song kinda grew on me .... And then became annoying after the 30000th viewing of said film

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Oh. And people who think that their pet cat/dog is their baby. Stop projecting personalities onto your cat. It's a **** cat.

Whilst I don't treat my cat like a baby she has clearly adopted a personality of her own over the years so I think animals do have that capability

Interestingly she turns 21 next month and is as deaf as a post ( and turning grey ) and getting a bit arthritic but you open a fridge door and she appears at your side before the fridge light has even come on

I mentioned my goldfish in another thread the other year .. if Anyone goes and stands by the pond they dive deep and hide , but if I go and stand there they come up to the top and some of them even wait there to be stroked , in their way even my fish have taken on a personality :)

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Anyone who lives in Gloucestershire can be considered a yokel.


Some horrendous accents floating around the 'shire.

I work in Glos now, and sit next to a Bristolian and his even more thick-accented brother. Lovely lads mind, just the younger of the two needs a translator at times. We've got Bristol, Somerset, Stroud, Gloucester, Cheltenham, one Scot, one Cardiff and a Herefordian. And me of course.

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Anyone who lives in Gloucestershire can be considered a yokel.


Some horrendous accents floating around the 'shire.

I work in Glos now, and sit next to a Bristolian and his even more thick-accented brother. Lovely lads mind, just the younger of the two needs a translator at times. We've got Bristol, Somerset, Stroud, Gloucester, Cheltenham, one Scot, one Cardiff and a Herefordian. And me of course.

So 2 Scots then? :P

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Anyone who lives in Gloucestershire can be considered a yokel.


Some horrendous accents floating around the 'shire.

I work in Glos now, and sit next to a Bristolian and his even more thick-accented brother. Lovely lads mind, just the younger of the two needs a translator at times. We've got Bristol, Somerset, Stroud, Gloucester, Cheltenham, one Scot, one Cardiff and a Herefordian. And me of course.


I find the 'shire accents, particularly Cheltenham, tend to be more 'farmy' where as Bristolians tend to be more, well I'm not sure how to put it, but they've got their own unique take on the West Country accent which somehow makes it sound even more stupid.

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Stop projecting personalities onto your cat.


People do that to their children as well, foolish.

children are influenced by their surroundings  and invariably copy things


my son jumps up and shouts " Get In" when Villa score for example :)    .... but that's part of his personality and not something that I've forced on him 


So you can influence kids but I'm not sure you can "force " personality traits on them

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I usually hate the ubiquity of betting advertisements (BET NOW! BET NOW! GIVE US YOUR MONEY YOU PLEBS! LOOK, HERE'S A MODERATELY FAMOUS BLOKE! BET NOW!) but it really has gone overboard the past few days. The **** newspapers are even in on it. Just sod off, you leeches.


And don't get me started on bloody horse racing.

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I went paintballing on the weekend.


That didn' piss me off, it was quite fun.


What pissed me off was this group of blokes turned up halfway through wearing pristine trainers and clothes.

It looked like they were going on a night out. Perfect white trainers or black loafers.


Needless to say they got absolutely ruined as it was muddy as ****, and they didn't respond well to my shouts of "Aim for their shoes!!!" during the game.


But seriously, what were they thinking?

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I went paintballing on the weekend.


That didn' piss me off, it was quite fun.


What pissed me off was this group of blokes turned up halfway through wearing pristine trainers and clothes.

It looked like they were going on a night out. Perfect white trainers or black loafers.


Needless to say they got absolutely ruined as it was muddy as ****, and they didn't respond well to my shouts of "Aim for their shoes!!!" during the game.


But seriously, what were they thinking?

Hmm, even the shiniest shoes shouldn't distract from aiming for the head at all times in paintball. Sssuuuuuuurely.

I can't deny I am slightly disappoint :)

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Haha, I wasn't actually aiming for the shoes, I more just shouted it to draw attention to how incredibly unprepared they were.


The mouth piece is the place to aim. If you get a paintball explode on the little slits in the mouthpiece it's disgusting

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I mentioned my goldfish in another thread the other year .. if Anyone goes and stands by the pond they dive deep and hide , but if I go and stand there they come up to the top and some of them even wait there to be stroked , in their way even my fish have taken on a personality :)


Definitely agree with this, if you put a chagoi/saragoi/orchiba shiguri in amongst other karp they calm all of them down and within a few weeks they come to the surface and even swim onto your hand and let you lift them out of the water


without them types of fish in there mine just didn't want to know

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