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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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saying sorry when there's no need to all the time - my friend does this is all the time, she's quite nervous - and ive told her several times... mostly because I used to do it all the time as well.

"whats the time?"

"oh er sorry, it's xyz"

"this is my opinion on t"

"oh sorry, i don't agree, sorry."etc

Simple solution to this.

Tell her that every time she says "sorry" out of context , she is agreeing to enter a legally binding contract to recieve it, from you up the wrong un and a time and place of your choosing.

1 or 2 further mistakes and she will get over it......

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Cars. Or to be more specific, the shitty garage who sold us the second hand car for the au pair to use and who are now refusing to honour the warranty they sold it with. Or the bastard Nissan garage who sold us a Qashqai and didn't put the thing to get the alloy wheels off with, and now it has a puncture and we can't get the tyre fixed which has meant much pissing about.

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Cars. Or to be more specific, the shitty garage who sold us the second hand car for the au pair to use and who are now refusing to honour the warranty they sold it with. Or the bastard Nissan garage who sold us a Qashqai and didn't put the thing to get the alloy wheels off with, and now it has a puncture and we can't get the tyre fixed which has meant much pissing about.

That'll be the locking wheel nut then :lol: You could get a "pump and goo" that basically inflates the tyre and plugs the hole with goo as a short tyre fix. Some manufacturers have stopped fitting spare tyres and replaced them with these canisters as a cost save :suspect:

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Cars. Or to be more specific, the shitty garage who sold us the second hand car for the au pair to use and who are now refusing to honour the warranty they sold it with. Or the bastard Nissan garage who sold us a Qashqai and didn't put the thing to get the alloy wheels off with, and now it has a puncture and we can't get the tyre fixed which has meant much pissing about.

That'll be the locking wheel nut then :lol: You could get a "pump and goo" that basically inflates the tyre and plugs the hole with goo as a short tyre fix. Some manufacturers have stopped fitting spare tyres and replaced them with these canisters as a cost save :suspect:

Or they fit **** run flats which are uncomfortable, expensive and don't **** run flat.

clearings in the woods. :bang: :bang: :rant::angry:

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Cars. Or to be more specific, the shitty garage who sold us the second hand car for the au pair to use and who are now refusing to honour the warranty they sold it with. Or the bastard Nissan garage who sold us a Qashqai and didn't put the thing to get the alloy wheels off with, and now it has a puncture and we can't get the tyre fixed which has meant much pissing about.

That'll be the locking wheel nut then :lol: You could get a "pump and goo" that basically inflates the tyre and plugs the hole with goo as a short tyre fix. Some manufacturers have stopped fitting spare tyres and replaced them with these canisters as a cost save :suspect:

It's finance, mate. You wouldn't understand ;)

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I agree with all you've said, but thats the world we live in. We've all become so desensitised to life's traumas that most of us barely lift an eyebrow when tragedy is braudcast to us on the 10 o clock news.

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nothing to do with desensitsation and more a total focus on our own lives and concerns I suppose.

It's a bit bullshit really, but the media will go for the "glamourous" new news event, on the political stage rather than the boring ubiquitous beggars - there's no easy baddy with the homeless. The narrative isn't exciting. Or if there is we don't want to seriously acknowledge it, as it might involve more guilt at the conclusion of any analysis, so it's 'safer' to just assume they probably had it coming, and drunk / drugged themselves out of their own stable environment, their own fault etc. Why go through the effort of considering social upheaval, when we can call on "individual responsibility". It's just capitalism / materialism today collateral damage - and hey communism was silly so there's clearly NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE. Remember there are those politicians who say " i had nothing, i needed no hand outs and look, ive made it big" which i imagine to be a grossly distorted simplification of events but nevertheless, why cant these homeless sort themselves out! etc

but seriously, its a vicious circle - how many employers go " oh, I see you've got no fixed abode and clearly you're a bit unkempt, before your life went to shit you obviously did have certain skills etc, but well, where do we send the contact info to, with no fixed abode. and so forth.

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Being made redundant just before Christmas so not really being able to buy presents this year I decided to buy some lovely nude beige / tan thread and learn to Crochet - I thought I'd make the females in my family and my female friends who I buy for, a skinny scarf.

Turns out Crochet is **** hard. :(

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Being made redundant just before Christmas so not really being able to buy presents this year I decided to buy some lovely nude beige / tan thread and learn to Crochet - I thought I'd make the females in my family and my female friends who I buy for, a skinny scarf.

Turns out Crochet is **** hard. :(

Any that is so hard to spell or say can't be the way forward + no much time to learn now.

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Being made redundant just before Christmas so not really being able to buy presents this year I decided to buy some lovely nude beige / tan thread and learn to Crochet - I thought I'd make the females in my family and my female friends who I buy for, a skinny scarf.

Turns out Crochet is **** hard. :(

Can you not just give them the kit to do it for themselves? They would think it is a lovely 'craft' present, while you don't have to go throught the trouble of the 'back post double crochet' or 'single crochet 2 stitches together ' !

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So we've got 2 toilets at work, one of which is out of order at the moment. The other is down the far end of the building, outside which is a little gym area that people sometimes use at lunchtime. As we speak, it is being occupied by someone taking an early lunch, using the (primative) bike machine we have. Now, without going into specifics, I need to spend some meaningfull time on the throne, but I dont feel comfortable in doing so with someone literally right outside the door. The problem is compounded by the fact that the person occupying the bike is the only female currently on site, and whilst im not immensely interested, I somehow feels that this makes things worse.

I am actually considering taking a wander down the pub to take advantage of the facilities.

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