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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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Well, their own version of social media..


Don't know, I'm not sure there's a lot of political activism going on in the 人人网



I'm sure some people must use a proxy to get round the firewall...



I'm not talking about the firewall, I'm just saying, I don't think there's a lot of political activism going on in China's version of Facebook.



Well, their own version of social media..


Don't know, I'm not sure there's a lot of political activism going on in the 人人网



I'm sure some people must use a proxy to get round the firewall...



Oh, and by the way, yes that happens all the time (using proxies to get past the firewall).

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I don't have Facebook.  Simple reason,  I think it's utter shite,  simple as that really.


Just because i don't have one people just can't get there head around it and question this decision,  "Why not? Everyone has Facebook !"


Just leave me alone.  Hopefully facebook will die soon enough and everyone will be gutted to have spent maybe 700 hours a year checking it (2 hours or so a day = 30 + full days a year looking at what people have for dinner or pregnancy countdowns FFS).


It's been said before, but it's worth repeating: 


Surely your problem is with the people you have accepted as FB friends, rather than FB itself? 


If peoples' posts are annoying, unfriend them. Just keep the ones who use it sensibly. 


Is the correct answer. I've done quite a bit of "unfollowing" this morning. 

Edited by dAVe80
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At the gym! Running along on the treadmill. A woman (with a very nice bubbly arse tucked into yogapants) starts running beside me. All well, until she pauses the machine, whips up her phone, starting the front-camera and starts putting make-up on using it as a mirror. :bang: 

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At the gym! Running along on the treadmill. A woman (with a very nice bubbly arse tucked into yogapants) starts running beside me. All well, until she pauses the machine, whips up her phone, starting the front-camera and starts putting make-up on using it as a mirror. :bang:


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I don't have Facebook.  Simple reason,  I think it's utter shite,  simple as that really.


Just because i don't have one people just can't get there head around it and question this decision,  "Why not? Everyone has Facebook !"


Just leave me alone.  Hopefully facebook will die soon enough and everyone will be gutted to have spent maybe 700 hours a year checking it (2 hours or so a day = 30 + full days a year looking at what people have for dinner or pregnancy countdowns FFS).


It's been said before, but it's worth repeating: 


Surely your problem is with the people you have accepted as FB friends, rather than FB itself? 


If peoples' posts are annoying, unfriend them. Just keep the ones who use it sensibly. 



I dont have FB either anymore, got rid of it a while ago.


I thought the issue was with the people I have on it so I removed loads of people I don't really talk to from 300+ down to around 35. I then bumped into someone I hadn't seen for a while 'I tried to add you on facebook'.


People get offended if you decline them or remove them so I just got rid of it all together.

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done this countless times but I like facebook


I have friends (and family) scattered all over the globe  , it's a great way to keep in touch and see what's happening in their life


I get travel tips from fellow traveller friends , I get to see pictures of my extended family and catch up with friends that emigrated to Oz etc a few years back


yeah there is some shite on it , but that would be like saying I'm going to get rid of my TV because the BBC show Eastenders or because Sky show Wrestling


it's free and it's handy  .. Long live Facebook , IMO

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done this countless times but I like facebook


I have friends (and family) scattered all over the globe  , it's a great way to keep in touch and see what's happening in their life


I get travel tips from fellow traveller friends , I get to see pictures of my extended family and catch up with friends that emigrated to Oz etc a few years back


yeah there is some shite on it , but that would be like saying I'm going to get rid of my TV because the BBC show Eastenders or because Sky show Wrestling


it's free and it's handy  .. Long live Facebook , IMO


I was going to make that same comparison. 


I only watch TV shows that I like, nobody's making me watch the ones I don't.


Facebook works the same way. 

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Exactly. You don't hang out in real life with people who annoy you. So why be friends on facebook?
Or if you are friends, why not just ignore them on FB so you don't see there stories?

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Exactly. You don't hang out in real life with people who annoy you. So why be friends on facebook?

Or if you are friends, why not just ignore them on FB so you don't see there stories?


i really shouldn't but .....



** their **





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