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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I was never really a fan but this gif is a prime example of why she has won me over post Potter.




Just to add Id suck farts out of her underpants 


I've never understood this expression. Do you mean after she has worn them? The residual faecal particles that have stuck to the inside of her underpants... You are willing to suck them out in order to curry favour with her somehow. I'm sure a washing machine would do a much more thorough job. If it's for sexual gratification that you're sucking effectively her skidmarks, then surely sucking on where her vagina was for the day would be more appealing. Maybe I'm wrong here, but if given a girl's underwear, I think the whole fart region would be the part of the garment that I would be least likely to want in my mouth.

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When you start saying a word to be funny/sarcastic and you do it for so long it becomes part of your vocabulary. Then you realise you're a word removed and can't stop saying it.

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When you start saying a word to be funny/sarcastic and you do it for so long it becomes part of your vocabulary. Then you realise you're a word removed and can't stop saying it.

Example ...
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When you start saying a word to be funny/sarcastic and you do it for so long it becomes part of your vocabulary. Then you realise you're a word removed and can't stop saying it.

Example ...



Stupid slang words like "sik" or "safe" (that one's been gone for a while luckily). There are more but I've gone blank...

Actually "lol" was the worst, starting saying it to piss a girl I know off and it stuck.  :(

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Or ending sentences with an ironic 'innit' ? I get ya. I mess around with words a lot and like the odd spoonerism amongst friends (ooo err). I've often accidentally used spoonerisms and other wordy cockups in serious discussions where they really shouldn't have been used :lol: ... purely out of habit.

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Or ending sentences with an ironic 'innit' ? I get ya. I mess around with words a lot and like the odd spoonerism amongst friends (ooo err). I've often accidentally used spoonerisms and other wordy cockups in serious discussions where they really shouldn't have been used :lol: ... purely out of habit.


Exactly! Another issue is intentionally saying a word wrong as an inside joke with someone but saying it to other people and hoping they weren't really listening... I can't give examples here as it's a phonetic issue  ;)

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Or ending sentences with an ironic 'innit' ? I get ya. I mess around with words a lot and like the odd spoonerism amongst friends (ooo err). I've often accidentally used spoonerisms and other wordy cockups in serious discussions where they really shouldn't have been used :lol: ... purely out of habit.



I always respond with " Down to the lake I fear" whenever I'm in a business meeting and someone says " Where do we go from here ?"


usually it's followed by shuffling of papers and people looking at their feet , but a few people get the reference and chuckle away to themselves


My son referred to someone as a yogurt knitter the other week , so I guess that's another phrase I have to stop using whenever I see some do-gooder on TV

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Exactly! Another issue is intentionally saying a word wrong as an inside joke with someone but saying it to other people and hoping they weren't really listening

All. The. Time.
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Or ending sentences with an ironic 'innit' ? I get ya. I mess around with words a lot and like the odd spoonerism amongst friends (ooo err). I've often accidentally used spoonerisms and other wordy cockups in serious discussions where they really shouldn't have been used :lol: ... purely out of habit.


Exactly! Another issue is intentionally saying a word wrong as an inside joke with someone but saying it to other people and hoping they weren't really listening... I can't give examples here as it's a phonetic issue  ;)



I use close but no buffalo , from the Simpsons a lot  .. it's interesting that after a while people you are in regular contact with start to use the phrase  ... I think you just can't help yourself after a while


probably why " Innit " and other dreadful phrases become widespread

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Or ending sentences with an ironic 'innit' ? I get ya. I mess around with words a lot and like the odd spoonerism amongst friends (ooo err). I've often accidentally used spoonerisms and other wordy cockups in serious discussions where they really shouldn't have been used :lol: ... purely out of habit.



I always respond with " Down to the lake I fear" whenever I'm in a business meeting and someone says " Where do we go from here ?"


usually it's followed by shuffling of papers and people looking at their feet , but a few people get the reference and chuckle away to themselves


A yes, song lyric quotes. Always risky.


I was once in a meeting and one of our then senior bosses (good bloke actually, sadly now gone) said: "You can't always get what you want..." and I immediately replied: "...but if you try sometimes, you find you get what you need". He grinned and gave me the nod - but everybody else in the room just looked bewildered and wondered what we were on about.

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Being unsure of whether or not it is too late for tea and toast.



did you just give birth ???  seriously why do they give women who just gave birth tea and toast 


Because it's nice.


I love tea and toast. And I've never even been pregnant.

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I'm particularly grumpy today for some reason and that's annoying me. So the fact that I'm pissed off is pissing me off. Doesn't sound like an easy vicious circle to break out of either :(

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I'm particularly grumpy today for some reason and that's annoying me. So the fact that I'm pissed off is pissing me off. Doesn't sound like an easy vicious circle to break out of either :(


I feel a little "me" moment coming on - "excuse me boss, I need to disappear  to the toilet for a short while ......."

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I feel a little "me" moment coming on - "excuse me boss, I need to disappear  to the toilet for a short while ......."

Julie noted :P  


Vincent brown have anything to do with it ?:-D

Funnily enough no ... I think.
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I'm particularly grumpy today for some reason and that's annoying me. So the fact that I'm pissed off is pissing me off. Doesn't sound like an easy vicious circle to break out of either :(


Don't let it piss you off, just acknowledge that you're pissed off, don't try to change anything and carry on with your day. Even when your head is playing silly buggers, there's always the rational BOF lurking in the background somewhere.

Edited by Shillzz
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