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24th January 2014


limpid is backstage with a lottery drum filled with balls. He announces that tonight, each of the participants in the Rotterdam Rumble will take turns to come up and take a ball with their entry number on it with the exceptions of balls 29 and 30 which will be fought for tonight in two ladder matches. Leemond2008 will take on The_Rev for ball 29 and Ingram85 and 8pints will compete for ball 30. There will also be two mystery entrants into the Rumble who’s numbers limpid will now draw. They are numbers 25 and 20.


Dr_Pangloss vs RunRickyRun

RRR hits a right hand. Stiff chop lights up Dr_P. Big backdrop on Dr_P, executed well. Back elbow connects, Dr_P staggers backward. Dr_P blocks a punch. Dr_P suplexes RRR to the canvas. Dr_Pangloss DDTs RRR. Cover! 1....2...kick out. RunRickyRun powers out of a Dr_Pangloss headlock. Full nelson slam! Cover! 1....2...kick out. Flapjack from RRR. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Dr_P reverses a RunRickyRun hammerlock. Dr_P strikes away at RunRickyRun. RRR counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Fallaway slam by RunRickyRun. RunRickyRun moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Vader Bomb. 1....2...3, it's finished. RunRickyRun climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory
Winner: RunRickyrun


Back to the Rumble draw and Stefan has arrived, he draws ball number 15. Morpheus is next up and draws a low number 5.


Dante_Lockhart vs CarewsEyebrowDesigner vs theunderstudy – VTW Hardcore Championship

TUS takes a back suplex. CarewsEyebrowDesigner throws Dante into a shopping trolley. TUS blocks a punch. Second rope splash by TUS. Second rope splash by TUS. Hooks the leg : 1....2....3.
Winner: theunderstudy
CarewsEyebrowDesigner with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....3
Winner: CarewsEyebrowDesigner
Tornado punch from Dante_Lockhart. Dante_Lockhart moves in for the kill. Ultimate Sin!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Dante makes an exit while he is still the champion.
Winner: Dante_Lockhart


Backstage, Jon draws ball a good 23. BOF draws number 13.


leemond2008 vs The_Rev

The_Rev slams leemond2008 onto the ladder. Hard slam by The_Rev. leemond pushes out of a The_Rev hold. Stiff chop lights up The_Rev. Rude Awakening on The_Rev by leemond. Ouch! The_Rev gets slammed hard onto the ladder. Big backdrop on The_Rev, executed well. leemond walks into a trip. The_Rev hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tornado punch from The_Rev. Flying shoulder tackle by The_Rev sends leemond to the mat. The_Rev throws leemond into a ladder in the corner. leemond2008 elbows The_Rev in the face to break a hammerlock. leemond2008 with a spinning neckbreaker on The_Rev. leemond DDTs The_Rev. The_Rev begins to climb the ladder. Pelle comes out of the crowd and slides into the ring....and shoves the ladder! The_Rev is sent crashing hard to the canvas! leemond2008 goes up ladder and grabs the prize for the win. leemond2008 climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory
Winner: leemond2008


Dante is at the Rumble draw, he draws ball number 9 looking disappointed. Dante looks around and runs, don’t_do_it_doug is chasing with a steel chair in hand and a referee in tow.
theunderstudy draws number 28 and already begins to celebrate.


rjw63 is backstage. “Well, well well, it is I, RJW 'I've busted more nuts than a peanut factory' 63. He was building up the feud with mjmooney by promising to make him say ‘I Quit’ at the Rotterdam Rumble.


StefanAVFC and Stevo985 vs Baselayers and villaajax

Baselayers slams StefanAVFC. Big clothesline on StefanAVFC. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag to villaajax. Baselayers \ villaajax whip StefanAVFC into the corner. Baselayers whips villaajax in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Cover! 1....2...kick out. StefanAVFC tastes a high angle back suplex. StefanAVFC counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Massive backbreaker, villaajax got planted. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between StefanAVFC and Stevo985. Stevo985 hits a delayed suplex on villaajax. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Right hand from Stevo985 on villaajax. Stevo985 drops an elbow...but misses. Hard impact russian legsweep by villaajax. Tag to Baselayers. Stiff chop lights up Stevo985. Tag to StefanAVFC. Rude Awakening on StefanAVFC by Baselayers. Baselayers moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Vertebreaker. 1....2...3, it's finished. leemond2008 comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! leemond2008 spins villaajax around. leemond2008 hits the Heart Punch! villaajax has been left down on the canvas.
Winners: Baselayers and villaajax


Dr_Pangloss says he is feeling lucky… before drawing ball number 1 which he then throws down the hall. don’t_do_it_doug walks over with the hardcore title draped over his shoulder, he draws ball number 16. Dante drills him from behind with a ‘STOP’ sign and covers, 1…2…3. Dante picks up the belt and leaves.


8pints vs Ingram85

Ingram85 slams 8pints. Ingram85 throws 8pints into a ladder in the corner. Big backdrop on 8pints, executed well. Back elbow connects, 8pints staggers backward. Ingram85 misses a big legdrop. Whip into the ladder by 8pints. Big clothesline from 8pints. Ingram85 pushes out of a 8pints hold. Hard slam by Ingram85. Side suplex from Ingram85. 8pints hits a right hand out of nowhere. 8pints suplexes Ingram85 to the canvas. 8pints only gets knees on a splash. Ingram85 with a spinning neckbreaker on 8pints. Ginko comes running down the aisle with a chair! Ingram85 goes to irish whip 8pints into the ropes. Ginko hits 8pints with a chair to the back! 8pints can barely stand. Ingram Stunner!!! That shook the ring. Ingram85 goes up ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Ingram85 climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory
Winner: Ingram 85

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Sunday 26th January 2014


30 Man Rotterdam Rumble Match




VTW World Championship

mjmooney v rjw63

'I Quit' Match


VTW Intercontinental Championship

villaajax v leemond2008


VTW Tag Team Championships

POB + Dom_Wren vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD


VTW Hardcore Championship

Dante_Lockhart v theunderstudy


StefanAVFC v Baselayers


Ginko v 8pints


yillan v packoman

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Awesome I have just realized that it was me that came up with the rotterdam rumble name


I have just noticed as well that I haven't pulled out the heart punch (or whatever my finishing move is called) for a while


coming into the ring 29th as well, I feel lucky

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Bosko Bannan: I hear music....


...yep, they're here again.


Darkest of the Night with 2quartz shining bright. There's a set goin' strong, lotta things goin' on. The man of the hour (8pints) has an air of great power (Still 8pints). The dudes have envied him for so long (You know it). Hard to understand (Debatable) What a hell of a man (Blatant) This cat of the slum (55stripes but she wasn't in the impound for that long) had a mind, wasn't dumb. But a weakness was shown, 'cause his hustle was wrong (<<Why we split up) his mind was his own but the man lived alone (That's what Leemond2008 says but it's clear there's an announcer, a big sexy man, a dwarf and a Tiger here)


The game he plays he plays for keeps. Hustlin' times and ghetto streets tryin' ta get over (With the fans and it's working trust me) That's what he tryin' to do, y'all. Taking all that he can take, gambling with the odds of fate. Tryin' to get over tryin' to get over (Yeah I already covered that). The aim of his role, was to [hand out] a lot of blow (In a fighting way not sexual at all). Ask him his dream. What does it mean? He wouldn't know (Reinforcing some people's opinions there)


Can't be like the rest, is the most he'll confess (Because you're all losers) But the time's running out and there's no happiness.


Oh, 8pints. You're gonna make your fortune by and by. But if you lose (I won't), don't ask no questions why (Well I won't because I won't lose but I wouldn't anyway, I'm not like some who complain every time they lose once or don't compete in one show...babies) The only game you know is do or die (Doesn't have to be that strong) 8pints, 8pints. Tryin' to get over.


8pints: We're here again and everyone is very pleased.

​2quartz: I'm sure they are.

​8pints: Looking forward to Rotterdam Rumble. Although, what a rubbish name 'Rotterdam Rumble' is. Whoever came up with that was probably being nosy and listening in to other people's conversations and heard it there.

​2quartz: I think Leemond2008 came up with it.

​8pints: Yes I know that don't I!?

​2quartz: ...do you?

​8pints: Yes! I was slagging him off in an indirect way.

​2quartz: Because you're too scared of him to do it directly?

​8pints: No! And anyway, you be quiet or he'll have a go at me for having a conversation with myself.

​2quartz: Why would he do that!?

​8pints: Don't worry about it.

55stripes:amur-tiger3-9210.jpg*Growls and thinks* Get on with it!

​8pints: You be quiet too!...Anyway, another thing I'm not too happy about is that I'm not even in the Rumble and there's some people who have matches and are in the Rumble too!

​2quartz: You had your chance.

​8pints: That wasn't my fault was it!?

​2quartz: Wasn't it?

​8pints: No. Stupid bloody Stinko getting involved cost me the match. That reminds me of something actually, where were you and the tiger when I was getting attacked!? What's the point in hanging around with a ferocious Tiger and a nimble dwarf if you don't help out in any way at ringside!?

​2quartz: 55stripes isn't that ferocious, she was asleep in that match...she's asleep now look *8pints and 2quartz look at 55stripes and she is indeed asleep* and I tried to help but couldn't jump up on to the apron in time!

​8pints: Use the steps.

​2quartz: I didn't think about that.

​8pints: Well next time, have that thought in that pea-sized brain in your pea-sized head!

​2quartz: Ok...sorry.

​8pints: It's alright. I've got a match against the comiic-book-film-defender to take my revenge.

​2quartz: Good luck with that.

​8pints: I don't need luck. Back to my original point, I don't think it's fair some are competing more than once. Someone called '?' is competing twice in the Rumble and I've never even heard of them!

​2quartz: You've gone wrong.

​8pints: Don't you start, most of the wrestlers say that about me!

​2quartz: No, not in that sense. You've misunderstood an important thing about the Rumble.

​8pints: Oh have I!? Have I really? Well I'm getting thirsty, so we'll leave now and go to the pub and you can explain it to me.

​2quartz: Can we continue our conversation about how amputees hold the key to the matrix?

​8pints: Yeah, do you remember that creepy looking loser trying to listen in?

​2quartz: Yeah it was--

​8pints: --Shh! I need to explain to you about my subtle humour.

2quartz: Use more smileys.


*Off they go on their travels*

Edited by 8pints
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Sunday 26th January 2014


yillan vs packoman

Big backdrop on packoman, executed well. Powerslam from yillan. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. packoman reverses a waistlock. yillan gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from packoman. yillan takes a butterfly suplex from packoman. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Short powerbomb by packoman. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. packoman snap suplexes yillan. packoman walks into a trip. Full nelson slam! Cover! 1....2...kick out. packoman gets hit with a splash mountain out of the corner. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Big backdrop on packoman, executed well. yillan uses a forearm to the face. packoman pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Hard impact russian legsweep by packoman. Belly to belly off the top rope, yillan may be dead! yillan falls through the ropes after a hard shot from packoman. He seemed to hit his head on the apron on the way down. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over. yillan gives a murderous look toward packoman...and attacks! packoman gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. yillan picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken.

Winner: packoman


Dante_Lockhart vs theunderstudy - VTW Hardcore Championship

Kick from theunderstudy to the leg. Dante_Lockhart hits a right hand out of nowhere. Dante_Lockhart hits some punches. Dante whips TUS into the turnbuckles...and the referee gets sandwiched! TUS walks into a side choke slam. Cover, but there's no one to count for Dante_Lockhart. theunderstudy pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flying cookie sheet shot by TUS, blasting Dante. Dante takes a hurrancarana. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. theunderstudy blasts Dante with a super kick. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Dante kicks theunderstudy in the gut to reverse the momentum. Ouch! TUS just got flapjacked off the ropes through a table. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. TUS pushes out of a Dante_Lockhart hold. theunderstudy floors Dante_Lockhart. Iron Claw!!! Dante_Lockhart taps out!

Winner: theunderstudy

CarewsEyebrowDesigner comes running down the aisle holding a baseball bat and gets into the ring! CarewsEyebrowDesigner lays TUS out with the ball and covers, 1....2....3

Winner: CarewsEyebrowDesigner


StefanAVFC vs Baselayers

Running knee lift from Baselayers. StefanAVFC walks into a spike slam. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. StefanAVFC fights out of a grapple. Baselayers receives some punishment. Fallaway slam by StefanAVFC. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Side suplex from StefanAVFC. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Big backdrop on Baselayers, executed well. Baselayers reverses a waistlock. Powerslam from Baselayers. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. StefanAVFC walks into a side choke slam. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Baselayers looks shocked. Bodyslam by Baselayers. Baselayers bodyslams StefanAVFC. StefanAVFC blocks a right hand and fires back. StefanAVFC slams Baselayers down. Side suplex from StefanAVFC. Stevo985 comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Baselayers turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Stevo985! Stevo985 has left Baselayers in big trouble. StefanAVFC floors Baselayers...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Frog Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3! StefanAVFC goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

Winner: Stefan


Ginko vs 8pints

Uninspiring brawling from Ginko. Ginko walks into a trip. 8pints strikes Ginko. 8pints misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Tornado punch from 8pints. Cover, but there's no one to count for 8pints. Ginko elbows 8pints in the face to break a hammerlock. Ginko strikes 8pints. Ginko DDTs 8pints. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Ginko with a standing spinebuster. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Ginko looks shocked. Ginko misses a clothesline. Powerslam from 8pints. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Ginko ducks a wild right hand. 8pints can barely stand. Here it comes - Canadian Destroyer. 1....2...3, it's finished. Ginko climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

Winner: Ginko


leemond2008 vs villaajax - VTW Intercontinental Championship

Belly to belly suplex by villaajax. Back suplex on leemond. villaajax drives a thrust kick into the chest of leemond. leemond gets caught with a short powerbomb from villaajax. leemond2008 pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. leemond slams villaajax down. Spear by leemond2008. Cover! 1....2...kick out. villaajax reverses a leemond2008 hammerlock. villaajax suplexes leemond2008. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. villaajax hits a swinging DDT on leemond2008. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. leemond blocks a kick from villaajax. leemond2008 uses a forearm to the face. villaajax pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Hard impact russian legsweep by villaajax. villaajax has leemond2008 down on the canvas. leemond2008 gets locked in the Sharpshooter! Submission victory! villaajax goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

Winner: villaajax


POB + Dom_Wren vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD - VTW Tag Team Championship

AVFCF1991 walks into a high dropkick from AVFC-Prideofbrum. Dom_Wren with a spinning neckbreaker on DiegoD. AVFC-Prideofbrum goes to slam AVFCF1991 through a table, but he manages to escape. DiegoD counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Face crusher from DiegoD on POB. AVFC1991 + DiegoD hook up POB, then hit a double suplex. AVFCforever1991 with a running dropkick into the corner. AVFCforever1991 goes to slam Dom_Wren through a table, but he manages to escape. POB blocks a kick from DiegoD. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, AVFCF1991 hits hard. POB throws DiegoD onto the table, climbs to the top rope...and uses a flying elbow drop to collapse the table and pick up a victory. POB + Dom_Wren climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory.

Winners: POB + Dom_Wren


rjw63 vs mjmooney - VTW World Championship

Hard slam by rjw63. mjmooney counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. mjmooney bodyslams rjw63. Gut buster, rjw63 hits hard. Gut buster, rjw63 hits hard. rjw63 powers out of a headlock. Massive backbreaker, mjmooney got planted. rjw63 turns mjmooney inside-out with a clothesline. Fallaway slam by rjw63. rjw63 walks into a trip. mjmooney snap suplexes rjw63. mjmooney scores with a released tiger suplex on rjw63. rjw63 kicks mjmooney in the gut to reverse the momentum. rjw63 climbs to the top rope...but mjmooney gets back up, and charges! rjw63 gets knocked off the top...and goes crashing to the outside, landing hard on the concrete floor! mjmooney climbs out with a microphone and shoves it in the face of rjw63...who has no choice but to quit! The pain was too much. mjmooney goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

Winner: mjmooney


Rotterdam Rumble

Dr_Pangloss (1) and Hogso (2) start out the match. They grapple with each other but neither goes for the elimination just yet.
flamingsombrero (3) enters and straight away goes for hogso.
Artetasgirl (4) enters the match and goes for Dr_Pangloss, taking the pressure off of hogso and evening things up.
Morpheus (5) enters the match but keeps his distance, biding his time.
One of the favourites to win the Rumble, Bickster (6) enters.
flamingsombrero leaves hogso on the mat and takes a break by the ropes. Morpheus decides to strike and runs straight at flamingsombrero, preparing to clothesline him over the ropes. flamingsombrero ducks down in time, pulling the top rope with him as Morpheus goes sailing straight over the top (Elimination 1).
While this is going on, Artetasgirl has hogso tied up in the ropes and manages to push him out over the top (Elimination 2).
Tegis (7) enters and goes straight for Bickster.
With a combined effort, Dr_Pangloss and Tegis throw Bickster over the top rope (Elimination 3).
The Intercontinenal Champion villaajax now enters (8).
flamingsombrero now turns on Dr_Pangloss and tries to tip him over the ropes.
The new Hardcore Champion Dante_Lockhart enters (9) and straight away aids flamingsombrero in eliminating Dr_Pangloss (Elimination 4).
yillan enters the match (10).
RunRickyRun enters (11) and is immediately sent straight back out of the ring by Dante_Lockhart (Elimination 5).
Dante_Lockhart is on a roll now and eliminates flamingsombrero (Elimination 6).
leviramsey enters the match (12).
villaajax clotheslines Tegis over the top (Elimination 7).
BOF enters (13).
Dante_Lockhart eliminates yillan, could Dante go on to win this? (Elimination 8).
The_Rev  enters the match (14).
BOF has Artetasgirl on the mat, bizarrely he climbs the top rope looking for an elbow drop but is knocked off the top and to the outside by leviramsey (Elimination 9).
villaajax taking the opportunity, picks up Artetasgirl and drops her over the top rope with ease (Elimination 10).
StefanAVFC  enters (15) another favourite to win this match.
don’t_do_it_doug enters (16). The_Rev takes a swing at DDID but is back dropped over the ropes (Elimination 11).
packoman  enters (17).
CarewsEyebrowDesign er joins the match (1 8).
CED throws DDID over the ropes (Elimination 12).
Phumfeinz enters (19).
Phumfeinz gets villaajax into the ropes and tries to push him over the top, villaajax hooks his leg around Phumfeinz and takes him with him. Villaajax manages to hold on to the ropes and climbs back in. Phumfeinz is eliminated (Elimination 13).
The next entrant is one of two mystery participants… it’s ME (20).
leviramsey is on the verge of tipping packoman out but ME grabs levi’s legs and tips him out instead! (Elimination 14).
omariqy enters (21).
packoman looks relieved but this is short lived as StefanAVFC superkicks him out of the ring (Elimination 15).
Ginko enters (22).
omariqy is sent over the ropes by StefanAVFC (Elimination 16).
Jon enters the match (23).
Meath_Villan enters (24).
Dante_Lockhart and Ginko team up to eliminate CED (Elimination 17).
ME throws Jon to the outside (Elimination 18).
The 10 second countdown begins, entrant 25 is the second of tonight’s two mystery wrestlers and it is… GarethRDR! He hasn’t been seen in months! Gareth hits the ring and goes straight for the first person in front of him, Meath_Villan.
StefanAVFC backdrops Ginko over the ropes (Elimination 19).
Gareth grabs Meath_Villan by the throat and throws him out of the ring! (Elimination 20).
Baselayers joins the match (26).
Gareth now throws Dante out of the ring (Elimination 21).
theunderstudy enters (27) and is clotheslined straight back out by GarthRDR (Elimination 22).
Designer1 enters (28).
leemond2008 enters (29).
Designer1 goes for Gareth but is backdropped out of the ring (Elimination 23).
Ingram85, the favourite at number 30 now enters the rumble.
villaajax and Ingram look like they have a plan to stop Gareth, as they approach him Ingram nails villaajax with a forearm sending him over the ropes (Elimination 24).
StefanAVFC has ME up for a powerbomb, he carries her toward the roes. ME counters it with a hurricanrana sending Stefan to the outside! (Elimination 25).
Stefan is pointing and shouting at ME from the outside of the ring, ME is arguing back and doesn’t notice Gareth approaching. He throws her over the ropes (Elimination 26).
Baselayers and leemond2008 are leaning on the ropes , trying to tip each other over. Gareth double clotheslines them both out! (Elimination 27 & 28)
It’s now down to Gareth and Ingram85. They circle the ring before tying up. Gareth throws a dirty elbow to the face, Ingram staggers back. Gareth hits Ingram with the Snowplow before lifting him up and dropping him over the ropes.

Winner: GarethRDR

Edited by villaajax
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