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*2quartz and 55 stripes sit in the middle of long abandoned ring playing tiddlywinks, 2quartz is wearing his 'Baselayers = Ratings' shirt, when suddenly the music plays* -




*8pints strides towards the ring as his two almost long forgotten companions stand to attention, in surprise, to greet him.*


​2quartz: Where have you been!?

8pints: At the Winter Olympics!

​2quartz: Really?
8pints: Yeah, I won a medal.

​2quartz: ...did you?

8pints: Yeah Britain's first on snow.

​2quartz: ...I don't think that was you, was it?

8pints: Yeah, yeah, yeah it was.

​2quartz: It wasn't.

8pints: It was.

​2quartz: What event did you win it in?

8pints: The one where you go down a hill and jump off railings and stuff and everyone was crying and my parents were there and my Dada nutted the camera, it was all very emotional and--

​2quartz: --just stop.

8pints: What?

​2quartz: It wasn't you, it was Jenny Jones a.k.a Baselayers a.k.a Jones to her friends

8pints: Jones to her friends isn't a very catchy name.

​2quartz: You know what I mean.

8pints: ...alright it wasn't me but I still made a valuable contribution.

​2quartz: What did you do?

8pints: I cheered every time one of the others fell over.

​2quartz: Just like the commentators.

8pints: Yeah, I thought that was a disgrace.

​2quartz: Did you?

8pints: Yeah, i complained about it to the BBC and on Twitter.

​2quartz: You haven't got a Twitter.

8pints: I made one just so I could complain about it.

​2quartz: It was quite an achievement.

8pints: Well, someone had to take a stand against those biased judges showing passion for their friend in the knowledge she was vastly raising the profile of their sport and inspiring millions of people back in Britain and across the world, whilst reaching a personal goal she'd worked so hard to achieve and making history in the process, accomplishing something no one had ever done before, after coming back from numerous serious injuries to once again take part in an activity of potential danger, which shows a tremendous amount of courage, dedication and talent and with all that in mind, she was against very impressive competition and still she succeeded. How dare they get excited about that!

​2quartz: I think you've got a point but I meant the achievement was Miss Jones winning the medal, not you complaining about the coverage.

8pints: Oh, right. I think she cheated.

​2quartz: What!?

8pints: Big time, yeah!

​2quartz: Why?

8pints: See how she went first, yeah?

​2quartz: Yes!?

8pints: I think whilst she went down she had a bottle of slippy juice hidden in her helmet and just before she slid down the hill she opened it and it all trickled out as she boarded down the slope and that's why they all fell over after her.

​2quartz: They were slipping on her slippy juice?

8pints: Almost certainly.

​2quartz: I sympathise with those that fell, I tumbled down a hill once. 

8pints: I know, I pushed you.

​2quartz: Jenny also overtook you for the top spot of Leemond's favourite VTers.

8pints: You think I care about that?

​2quartz: ...yeah


*8pints and 2quartz stand staring at each other in silence for a few moments, 8pints appears to have something in his eye*


8pints: Come on, let's go to the pub and I'll tell you all about everything else that's happened


*2quartz and 8pints make their way back down the aisle*


​2quartz: Like what?

8pints: I 'like' too much apparently.

​2quartz: Soooo sensitive!

8pints: Come on Pussy!

​2quartz: Don't call me that!

8pints: I'm talking to 55stripes

​2quartz: What a cheap joke

8pints: That's not a very nice way to refer to our Tiger Queen.

​2quartz: You know what I was saying.

8pints: Maybe.

2quartz: Played any Playstation since you've been gone?

8pints:...no, none.


*8pints and 2quartz disappear behind the curtain as 5stripes bounds after them*

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8 pints I never read your long rambling posts in this thread but I do appreciate the effort of them.


Bosko Bannan Here, at the VTW News Team, we provide you with a Highlights package of 8pints's's's ramblings -



8pints: Well, someone had to take a stand against those biased judges showing passion for their friend in the knowledge she was vastly raising the profile of their sport and inspiring millions of people back in Britain and across the world, whilst reaching a personal goal she'd worked so hard to achieve and making history in the process, accomplishing something no one had ever done before, after coming back from numerous serious injuries to once again take part in an activity of potential danger, which shows a tremendous amount of courage, dedication and talent and with all that in mind, she was against very impressive competition and still she succeeded. How dare they get excited about that!




​2quartz: Jenny also overtook you for the top spot of Leemond's favourite VTers.

8pints: You think I care about that?

​2quartz: ...yeah


*8pints and 2quartz stand staring at each other in silence for a few moments, 8pints appears to have something in his eye*





How is 57 stripes anyway?



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21st February



leviramsey is backstage. He spent the interview putting himself over.



Designer1 vs HolteEndRob

HER receives some punishment. HolteEndRob ducks a clothesline attempt. Uninspiring brawling from HolteEndRob. The referee goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Nadowa by HolteEndRob. Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. Designer1 reverses a HolteEndRob hammerlock. Fallaway slam by Designer1. HER walks into a spike slam. Cover! 1....2...kick out. HER walks into a side choke slam. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Designer1 looks shocked. HER counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. HolteEndRob scores with a face jam. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Designer1 powers out of a headlock. Designer1 moves in for the kill. Gore!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Designer1 goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

Winner: Designer1



packoman is backstage. He continued the feud by ripping into yillan.



Ginko is backstage in his locker room. In comes 2quartz, and he attacks. They begin brawling around the room. 8pints comes in too, and he joins in the attack on Ginko. The two-on-one attack leaves Ginko down in his own locker room.



Dante_Lockhart vs CarewsEyebrowDesigner - VTW Hardcore Title Match

CarewsEyebrowDesigner uses a forearm to the face. CarewsEyebrowDesigner smashes a SNES console over the head of Dante. CarewsEyebrowDesigner with a spinning neckbreaker on Dante. Big backdrop on Dante, executed well. Dante counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Ouch! CED gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Dante_Lockhart hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. CarewsEyebrowDesigner fights out of a grapple. Powerslam from CarewsEyebrowDesigner. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Flapjack from CED. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! CED looks shocked. Dante reverses a CarewsEyebrowDesigner hammerlock. Dante hits a right hand. CarewsEyebrowDesigner avoids an avalanche, Dante_Lockhart hits the turnbuckles hard. Big clothesline on Dante. CarewsEyebrowDesigner has Dante_Lockhart down on the canvas. Here it comes...Ankle Lock! Dante_Lockhart taps! CarewsEyebrowDesigner remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

Winner: CarewsEyebrowDesigner



POB + Dom_Wren vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD vs The Job Squad - VTW Tag Team Title Match

AVFC-Prideofbrum scores with a back heel kick on AVFCF1991. Legsweep out of nowhere. Tag between AVFC-Prideofbrum and Wainy316. Back elbow connects, AVFCF1991 staggers backward. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Wainy316 gets taken down out of nowhere. AVFCF1991 tags out to DiegoD. AVFC1991 + DiegoD whip Wainy316 into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Tag to Phumfeinz. DiegoD gets slammed. Hard slam by Phumfeinz. Tag between DiegoD and Dom_Wren. Running knee lift from Phumfeinz. Dom_Wren elbows Phumfeinz in the face to break a hammerlock. Phumfeinz is in trouble. Choke Slam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winners: POB + Dom_Wren



GarethRDR is backstage. He talked trash about mjmooney, continuing their feud.



Meath_Villan vs theunderstudy

Bodyslam by MV. Meath_Villan scores with a face jam. Cover! 1....2...kick out. theunderstudy blocks a right hand and fires back. theunderstudy scores with a back heel kick on MV. MV takes a flying neckbreaker from theunderstudy. Cover! 1....2...kick out. theunderstudy blasts MV with a super kick. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! TUS looks shocked. MV takes a flying neckbreaker from theunderstudy. MV ducks a wild right hand. Hard slam by MV. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. TUS walks into a side choke slam. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Meath_Villan with a spinning neckbreaker on TUS. MV hits a right hand. MV drops an elbow...but misses. theunderstudy hits a rolling kick on MV. TUS face jams Meath_Villan. theunderstudy has Meath_Villan down on the canvas. Meath_Villan gets locked in the Iron Claw! Submission victory! theunderstudy climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

Winner: theunderstudy



leemond2008 vs Ingram85

leemond slams Ingram85. Ingram85 gets slammed. Big backdrop on Ingram85, executed well. Rude Awakening on Ingram85 by leemond. Ingram85 avoids an avalanche, leemond2008 hits the turnbuckles hard. Ingram85 slams leemond2008 down. Full nelson slam! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. leemond2008 ducks a clothesline attempt. leemond hits a stump piledriver on Ingram85. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. leemond2008 turns Ingram85 inside-out with a clothesline. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! leemond looks shocked. Ingram85 reverses a hip toss. Stiff chop lights up leemond. leemond blocks a suplex attempt. Back elbow connects, Ingram85 staggers backward. leemond2008 gets a roll-up...and grabs a handful of tights as well! The referee doesn't see it: 1....2...3!! I don't think the fight has finished. leemond2008 and Ingram85 have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.

Winner: leemond2008



villaajax vs mjmooney

mjmooney slams villaajax down. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Big clothesline from mjmooney. Cover! 1....2...kick out. mjmooney only gets knees on a splash. Hard impact russian legsweep by villaajax. villaajax suplexes mjmooney. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. mjmooney blocks a right hand and fires back. mjmooney DDTs villaajax. Cover! 1....2...kick out. mjmooney only gets knees on a splash. Tiger Driver nearly crushes mjmooney. GarethRDR just slid into the ring out of nowhere! GarethRDR has a chair, and drops villaajax and mjmooney with devastating blows, causing the referee to call for the bell. This match has been ruled a no contest!

Winner: None



We got a 3.68 rating for 'VT is War!'!

The attendance level was 1254 people.

We made $37620 from ticket sales.

How is 57 stripes anyway?






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Sunday 23rd February 2014



Dante_Lockhart vs CarewsEyebrowDesigner vs leviramsey vs RunRickyRun - VTW Hardcore Championship

CED slams RunRickyRun down. RRR gets slammed. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Powerslam from CarewsEyebrowDesigner. RRR counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Back elbow connects, CED staggers backward. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. RRR hits a stump piledriver on CarewsEyebrowDesigner. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. CED ducks a wild right hand. Dante receives some punishment. CED tags out to Dante_Lockhart. Back elbow connects, RRR staggers backward. Massive backbreaker, Dante got planted. Dante_Lockhart with a spinning neckbreaker on RRR. Short powerbomb by Dante. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Tag between Dante_Lockhart and leviramsey. RunRickyRun takes a butterfly suplex from levi. levi DDTs RunRickyRun. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Hard impact russian legsweep by levi. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Short range spear from leviramsey. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Tag between RunRickyRun and CarewsEyebrowDesigner. Full nelson slam! Rude Awakening on leviramsey by CED. CarewsEyebrowDesigner fires off some right and left hands. levi blocks a kick from CarewsEyebrowDesigner. Side suplex from levi. leviramsey has CarewsEyebrowDesigner down on the canvas. Here it comes...Boston Crab! CarewsEyebrowDesigner taps!

Winner: leviramsey



ME vs Morpheus

ME hits a wicked chop. ME hits a wicked chop. ME hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Second rope flying axe handle, Morpheus goes down. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. ME walks into a trip. Morpheus strikes ME. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Morpheus hits a bulldog off the ropes. ME reverses a Morpheus hammerlock. Diving headbutt from ME. Morpheus is in trouble. Here it comes - GTS. 1....2...3, it's finished. ME climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as she celebrates her victory

Winner: ME



packoman vs yillan

packoman snap suplexes yillan. yillan takes a back suplex. yillan takes a butterfly suplex from packoman. packoman drives a thrust kick into the chest of yillan. yillan pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. packoman gets caught with a short powerbomb from yillan. yillan DDTs packoman. Cover! 1....2...kick out. packoman powers out of a headlock. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, yillan hits hard. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Belly to belly off the top rope, yillan may be dead! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. yillan blocks a kick from packoman. packoman receives some punishment. packoman fights out of a grapple. Vertical suplex by packoman. packoman floors yillan. Full Nelson!!! yillan taps out! packoman goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory

Winner: packoman



POB + Dom_Wren vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD vs The Job Squad - VTW Tag Team Championships

Big backdrop on AVFCF1991, executed well. AVFCF1991 gets slammed. Phumfeinz tags out to Wainy316. Wainy316 slams AVFCforever1991 down. Big clothesline from Wainy316. Tag to Phumfeinz. The Job Squad whip AVFCF1991 into the corner. Phumfeinz whips Wainy316 in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Tag to DiegoD. Bodyslam by DiegoD. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between Phumfeinz and AVFC-Prideofbrum. POB hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Tag to Wainy316. Flying cross body off the top rope! Tag between AVFC-Prideofbrum and Dom_Wren. Side suplex from Dom_Wren. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Tag between Wainy316 and DiegoD. Full nelson slam! Cover! 1....2...kick out. Dom_Wren tags out to AVFC-Prideofbrum. AVFC-Prideofbrum with an enziguri. DiegoD gets knocked to the ground by POB, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Frog Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winners: POB + Dom_Wren



StefanAVFC vs Baselayers

Big backdrop on Baselayers, executed well. Hard slam by StefanAVFC. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Baselayers pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Baselayers strikes StefanAVFC. Spin kick by Baselayers to the face. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Diving headbutt from Baselayers. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. StefanAVFC takes a flying neckbreaker from Baselayers. StefanAVFC counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Full nelson slam! Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Baselayers walks into a side choke slam. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Flying shoulder tackle by StefanAVFC sends Baselayers to the mat. StefanAVFC bodyslams Baselayers. Baselayers blocks a right hand and fires back. Driven DDT by Baselayers. Baselayers face jams StefanAVFC. StefanAVFC is in trouble. Vertebreaker! 1....2....3. StefanAVFC gives a murderous look toward Baselayers...and attacks! Baselayers gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. StefanAVFC picks her up...and launches her over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken.

Winner: Baselayers



8pints vs Ginko

Ginko hits a right hand. Ginko fires off some right and left hands. Ginko slams 8pints down. Ginko with a spinning neckbreaker on 8pints. 8pints fights out of a grapple. Vertical suplex by 8pints. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, Ginko hits hard. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Ginko fights out of a grapple. Full nelson slam! Cover! 1....2...kick out. Short powerbomb by Ginko. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. 8pints powers out of a Ginko headlock. 8pints drives a forearm into the chest of Ginko. Ginko fights out of a grapple. Big clothesline on 8pints. Ginko moves in for the kill. Canadian Destroyer!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! 2quartz comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Ginko is ready though, and strikes first! Ginko spins 2Q around. Ginko hits the Canadian Destroyer! 2quartz has been left down on the canvas. The attempted ambush has backfired.

Winner: Ginko



villaajax vs leemond2008 - VTW Intercontinental Championship

Back suplex on leemond. leemond2008 walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from villaajax. leemond tastes a high angle back suplex. Vertical suplex by villaajax. villaajax misses a clothesline. Back elbow connects, villaajax staggers backward. leemond2008 hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. villaajax reverses a leemond2008 hammerlock. Reverse DDT on leemond. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. villaajax hits a swinging DDT on leemond2008. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! villaajax looks shocked. leemond2008 elbows villaajax in the face to break a hammerlock. villaajax receives some punishment. villaajax counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. leemond gets caught with a short powerbomb from villaajax. leemond2008 is in trouble. Brainbuster! 1....2....3. villaajax climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

Winner: villaajax



mjmooney and Ingram85 vs GarethRDR and rjw63

Big clothesline on rjw63. Full nelson slam! Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag between Ingram85 and mjmooney. mjmooney \ Ingram85 whip rjw63 into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. mjmooney slams rjw63 down. Cover! 1....2...kick out. mjmooney hits some punches. rjw63 counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Flapjack from rjw63. Tag to GarethRDR. Rude Awakening on mjmooney by GarethRDR. Powerslam from GarethRDR. GarethRDR drops an elbow...but misses. Tag to Ingram85. Powerslam from Ingram85. Side suplex from Ingram85. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Ingram85 hits a right hand. GarethRDR ducks a clothesline attempt. Hard slam by GarethRDR. GarethRDR floors Ingram85...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, Moonsault! 1....2....3. GarethRDR \ rjw63 climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory.

Winners: GarethRDR + rjw63

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