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Isn't 'Dr. Death' Yillan good enough?... No, I guess not. This was the last show I had prepared from the stuff I did months ago, a lot of the guys on the roster rarely post now :P


Surely i deserve a title now :hooray:

I always lose to Jenny :(


Most people do dear

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Isn't 'Dr. Death' Yillan good enough?... No, I guess not. This was the last show I had prepared from the stuff I did months ago, a lot of the guys on the roster rarely post now :P


Surely i deserve a title now :hooray:

I always lose to Jenny :(


Most people do dear



Is that a challenge? (I almost did the winky face but I couldn't sincerely do that to an Olympic medallist)

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My mate started playing this to me when he said he was going to mania in April.


What a geek!


I might not be able to go now :(



Isn't 'Dr. Death' Yillan good enough?... No, I guess not. This was the last show I had prepared from the stuff I did months ago, a lot of the guys on the roster rarely post now :P


Surely i deserve a title now :hooray:

I always lose to Jenny :(


Most people do dear



Is that a challenge? (I almost did the winky face but I couldn't sincerely do that to an Olympic medallist)



Wise decision

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Bosko Bannan: *sighs* Here we go again...




*2quartz bursts out of the curtain wearing his 'Baselayers = Medals' T-Shirt while he bounces about trying to pump up the crowd who respond with half-hearted "Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na's" (Probably the wrong amount of "Na's")*


2Q: A little somethings what I got, lets take a slow ride. Many be thinking sinking in da groove I'll hit da lay by. Pumping on da system is da bass honeys kicking. It's love she's inflicting, its definitely addicting; Addicted to the love of a lady that is so fine. You wanna know my secret then you gotta get mine. Girl you gotta get mine, sign of a lover, Mr Loverman is here with a little something for ya--


*Suddenly 8pints runs through the curtain looking annoyed*


8P:  Umm, I don't think so! What are you doing, you tiny twit!? What's all this? 'Lets take a slow ride!?' Your little legs can only go slow anyway and you're too small for your feet to touch the pedals of any vehicle to make you go any faster! 'Mr Loverman is here with a little something for ya'!? What have you got that anyone else would want? Midgititis!?

2Q: *Mumbles* What have you got? Gigantism?

8P: *To the Tech desk* Cut the music!...Turn it off, now!...Turn it off...please?


*They turn it off*


2Q: What's the matter?

8P:  What are you doing coming out to that music? I was all ready to come out to some Jacob Miller and now you've ruined it with this MN8, what you playing at mate?

2Q: That rhymes and I thought you'd be impressed because of the '8'!

8P: I don't just automatically love everything with the number 8 in it! Just tell me what you're doing.

2Q: Trying to impress Baselayers.

8P: How is this going to impress her?

2Q: You know...'little' something...I'm a little something....I thought she'd find it cute.

8P: That's creepier than anything villaajax, StefanAVFC and darrenm have said to her put together!

2Q: Even creepier than what Ingram85 said to her?

8P: No, nothing's creepier than that.

2Q: Except someone talking to an imaginary dwarf?

8P: Oh aye yeah, that'd be creepier but that's never happened and is never going to happen is it? So we're cool.

2Q: Cool Runnings.

8P: Shut up, you cabbage. Anyway, I'm not best pleased with you.

2Q: Makes a change!

8P: Hush up, what was going on at the last PPV!?

2Q: I ran in to help!

8P: Yeah but what have I told you about timing!? Let's have a look...


Ginko moves in for the kill. Canadian Destroyer!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!


8P: Forget the fact he threw dust in my eye and cheated which the ref didn't notice...the match is over at that point and then...


2quartz comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Ginko is ready though, and strikes first! Ginko spins 2Q around. Ginko hits the Canadian Destroyer! 2quartz has been left down on the canvas. The attempted ambush has backfired.




2Q: Yeah, not my proudest moment.

8P: That's not the point! I'd already lost the match! What's the point in you running in with an ambush after I've lost!?

2Q: I see what you're saying.

8P: And where was 55stripes?

2Q: I don't know, I thought you had her.

8P: I thought you had her! *Looks around* Where is she now!?

2Q: Uh-oh.

8P: We better start looking for her...after we've been to the pub....and after we've seen what some of the bozos in this organisation have had to say...




Its the taking part that counts


8P: Loser's talk.


Another lose...   -_-


8P: Is this really his level of grammar? I mean is this really his level of grammar!?

2Q: You can say that again.

8P: I did.

2Q: No...I mean, because it's his...never mind.


I seem to be getting pretty good, when will I have a worthy opponent?


8P: You've answered your own question there haven't you? You're arrogantly thinking you've been getting good but then admit you haven't faced a worthy opponent...made yourself look a bit of a fool there.

2Q: Is it pub time now?

8P: Yeah and then after that we're going to look for 55stripes...well, you're going to look for 55stripes, I'm going to watch True Detective...to see if I can pick up any tips on how to find her...I might also watch that Zoo programme with Kate Humble in it too...for research purposes, also.




BB: As the tiny and towering twazzocks make their way out of a sight, one question remains...why do they bother? No! I jest..half-jest, the question is...where is 55stripes?

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28th February



hogso vs CarewsEyebrowDesigner

CED walks into a high dropkick from hogso. hogso uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Cover! 1....2...kick out. CED pushes out of a hogso hold. Fallaway slam by CarewsEyebrowDesigner. hogso gets slammed. CarewsEyebrowDesigner with a spinning neckbreaker on hogso. CarewsEyebrowDesigner misses a big legdrop. Flying elbow off the top rope by hogso. CarewsEyebrowDesigner gets knocked to the ground by hogso. Rolling Senton!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. hogso goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory
Winner: hogso



leviramsey vs Stevo985 - VTW Hardcore Championship

levi receives some punishment. Stevo985 chair shots leviramsey. levi gets slammed. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Rude Awakening on leviramsey by Stevo985. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Stevo985 only gets knees on a splash. Armbar takedown from leviramsey, nicely done. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Stevo985 walks into a jaw breaker. levi only gets knees on a splash. Tornado punch from Stevo985. Stevo985 floors leviramsey...and climbs the turnbuckles. Flying Elbow Drop!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Stevo985 slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. levi turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.

Winner: Stevo985



Baselayers is in the ring, and she has a short celebration ceremony after her recent success at the 2014 Winter Olympics.





The Job Squad vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD

Wainy316 hits a right hand. Rude Awakening on AVFCforever1991 by Wainy316. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag between Wainy316 and Phumfeinz. The Job Squad whip AVFCF1991 into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Big clothesline on AVFCF1991. AVFCF1991 counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Second rope splash by AVFCF1991. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag to DiegoD. DiegoD DDTs Phumfeinz. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! DiegoD looks shocked. Phumfeinz walks into a spinning heel kick. DiegoD misses a clothesline. Big backdrop on DiegoD, executed well. Phumfeinz tags out to Wainy316. Wainy316 hits a right hand. Tag between DiegoD and AVFCforever1991. Running knee lift from Wainy316. POB + Dom_Wren come running down the aisle with chairs! Wainy316 and AVFCforever1991 continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Dom_Wren slides in and blasts AVFCforever1991 with a chair to the head! Dom_Wren climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Wainy316 moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Sweet Chin Music. 1....2...3, it's finished. We have a three-way stand off in the ring, as The Job Squad, AVFC1991 + DiegoD and POB + Dom_Wren look at each other. They all charge forward, and a three-way brawl erupts in the ring! Security and a pile of referees hit the ring to stop the carnage.



leemond2008 is backstage. He was building up the feud with villaajax with an angry rant.



A video is played, hyping the arrival of a new wrestler from the Isle of Wight! Who is this rickety-kneed superstar?



villaajax vs StefanAVFC - VTW Intercontinental Championship

StefanAVFC tastes a high angle back suplex. Vicious back suplex! Cover! 1....2...kick out. StefanAVFC reverses a hip toss. villaajax receives some punishment. Flying shoulder tackle by StefanAVFC sends villaajax to the mat. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. villaajax walks into a side choke slam. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. StefanAVFC with a spinning neckbreaker on villaajax. villaajax counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Short range spear from villaajax. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Delayed brainbuster suplex. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! villaajax looks shocked. villaajax drives a thrust kick into the chest of StefanAVFC. villaajax snap suplexes StefanAVFC. StefanAVFC hits a right hand out of nowhere. StefanAVFC with a spinning neckbreaker on villaajax. villaajax walks into a side choke slam. villaajax gets whipped into the corner by StefanAVFC, and flips all the way over to the outside! villaajax stays down on the outside, hurt. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over. The fight has started up again! villaajax attacks StefanAVFC, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.

Winner: double countout



rjw63 vs Ginko

Bodyslam by Ginko. Full nelson slam! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. rjw63 elbows Ginko in the face to break a hammerlock. Stiff chop lights up Ginko. Flying shoulder tackle by rjw63 sends Ginko to the mat. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. rjw63 turns Ginko inside-out with a clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Flying shoulder tackle by rjw63 sends Ginko to the mat. Ginko powers out of a rjw63 headlock. Massive backbreaker, rjw63 got planted. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. rjw63 walks into a side choke slam. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Ginko looks shocked. Running knee lift from Ginko. Ginko uses a forearm to the face. Ginko walks into a trip. Big clothesline on Ginko. Flapjack from rjw63. rjw63 floors Ginko. Earthquake Splash!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. 2quartz comes running down the aisle with a chair! Ginko is just leaving the ring...and 2Q scores with a brutal chair shot! Ginko falls to the floor holding his head.

Winner: rjw63





Wrestling News

A new promotion, Ultimate Combat Ring, has opened.

Edited by villaajax
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This is what happens when I finally have a match that isn't against The Understudy ;)


He's my bogey wrestler.

It just dawned on me that your perfect gimmick is surely The Monk from Mean Machine.


Edited by GarethRDR
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