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The Randy Lerner thread


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I like the fake general K twitter

Remember, soccer fans, Bolton Trotters are a top, top English Premier League franchise. Losing against them is no shame.


You sure it's fake?

has to be ,surely ?

but I'm doubting myself now .....

In all honesty, I did have to read through some of the fake General comments as I did believe some of them :?

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(Can't do short links. I have tried. And yes, I realise you think it's easy)

Lerner has given him his backing? His backing? I am lost for words. If anyone needed any more evidence that Mr Lerner is the real man taking this club down, then this is it.

Disgraceful. Illogical. Farcical.

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Randy Lerner, I hold you fully accountable.

We told you, you word removed, that McLeish wasn't up to the job before you hired him.

We told you, you word removed, that McLeish wasn't up to the job after you hired him.

We told you, you word removed, that McLeish wasn't up to the job after a few miserable games.

We told you, you word removed, that McLeish wasn't up to the job after a lot of miserable games.

We told you, you word removed, that McLeish wasn't up to the job when it looked like he was going to relegate us.

Now we tell you, you word removed, that McLeish isn't up to the job when it looks certain he is going to relegate us.

Lerner you miserable fecking failure, your wife took half your worth cause you are a failure of a husband. The market took half your remaining worth cause you are a failure of an investor and Villa will take the remainder of your worth down with them cause you are a fecking failure of a business man.

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tone down the posts ffs, no doubt some of the ones posting such vitriol were licking his balls a couple seasons ago...

yes i am completely disillusioned with Lerners owenership, yes he had cocked things up royally and seems to be making one massive misjudgement after another, but theres no need for some of the posts im seeing here.

he has still pumped millions of his own cash into the club, money he wont be getting back. and i have no doubt that despite his mistakes he has the best interests of avfc at heart...

that being said its utterly terrifying how crap he seems to be at running a club! He needs to get some decent advisors on board to tell him some hard truths,and ideally either pass it on or get onboard another party whp can give us the financial investment we need...

unbelievable how quick things change....we doing a semi leeds united, from touching the champions league to the championshop within a couple of years.....

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tone down the posts ffs, no doubt some of the ones posting such vitriol were licking his balls a couple seasons ago...

yes i am completely disillusioned with Lerners owenership, yes he had cocked things up royally and seems to be making one massive misjudgement after another, but theres no need for some of the posts im seeing here.

he has still pumped millions of his own cash into the club, money he wont be getting back. and i have no doubt that despite his mistakes he has the best interests of avfc at heart...

that being said its utterly terrifying how crap he seems to be at running a club! He needs to get some decent advisors on board to tell him some hard truths,and ideally either pass it on or get onboard another party whp can give us the financial investment we need...

unbelievable how quick things change....we doing a semi leeds united, from touching the champions league to the championshop within a couple of years.....

Millions of his father's inheritance don't you mean? And pissed it all up the wall royally in the process! The best interests of Villa at heart? Don't make me laugh! A Villa henna tattoo and a load of wealth won't fool me.

Licking his balls? Unfortunately many Villa fans were and still seem to think this liability of a man can do no wrong, admittedly. I'm glad to say i'm not one of them.

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tone down the posts ffs, no doubt some of the ones posting such vitriol were licking his balls a couple seasons ago...

Agreed. He is definitely part to blame for this huge mess we're in, but I'm not going to go OTT with it like others because I was praising him for 3 or 4 years.

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tone down the posts ffs, no doubt some of the ones posting such vitriol were licking his balls a couple seasons ago...

Agreed. He is definitely part to blame for this huge mess we're in, but I'm not going to go OTT with it like others because I was praising him for 3 or 4 years.

In the same way everyone was happy as larry under Labour in the Boom and Bust years. Look how that ended up...

One word: Unsustainable.

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he has still pumped millions of his own cash into the club, money he wont be getting back. and i have no doubt that despite his mistakes he has the best interests of avfc at heart...

No he has loaned millions, very big difference and we are now being crippled by those loans as he cuts budgets in order to repay them and the interest (though at a small percentage) and management fees.

As for the best interests at heart I don't really know how you reach that conclusion as he simply looks like a man trying to get his money back at the moment. Even if he does have the clubs best interests at heart it still doesn't make him capable of running the club successfully or stop him having extremely poor judgement.

Whatever his intentions he is making a monumental mess of running the club and is in danger of actually taking us backwards from the position he found us in which will be some achievement considering the debts the club has accumulated.

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When you are the owner of two sports teams and you are getting it in the neck off both sets of supporters for running the teams into the ground then you need to have a good look at yourself. He's completely **** us up and from what I can gather, he's **** the Cleveland Browns up ever since his father passed away. I've seen posts on internet sites from Cleveland Browns fans saying that they are not renewing their season tickets etc. Sound familiar? There are Youtube videos that CB fans have made where they are ranting about him and about all the shit coaches that he hires etc. Again, sound familiar? When he first arrived I liked him. Totally the opposite now though! Doug Ellis got dogs abuse for years but I didn't hate him anywhere near as much as I hate Lerner right now. I'm not religious but if I was I would be praying every night, wishing that someone would come and rescue us from this nightmare and buy the club from Lerner so that he could **** off forever.

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he has still pumped millions of his own cash into the club, money he wont be getting back. and i have no doubt that despite his mistakes he has the best interests of avfc at heart...

No he has loaned millions, very big difference and we are now being crippled by those loans as he cuts budgets in order to repay them and the interest (though at a small percentage) and management fees.

Nope, he's done both. He's loaned us a fortune and he's given us a fortune out of his own pocket each year too - something like £20m in the last years accounts. Oddly, I've a feeling that this has been a pretty consistent figure throughout his tenure, sadly it used to pay for new exciting players, now it pays for mismanagement on lot of levels.

Whatever his intentions he is making a monumental mess of running the club and is in danger of actually taking us backwards from the position he found us in which will be some achievement considering the debts the club has accumulated.

Never has so much money been spent, borrowed and given away for so little result. I don't know how Randy's heart feels about the Villa, but I'm sure he'll miss the hundred odd million pounds he'll never see again - and I doubt there are many people who will have a more pressing motivation to start getting it right.

His mistakes hurt us and I can thoroughly understand the anger people feel, but they hurt him too, maybe in more ways, maybe in different ways but he's putting in a fortune at the moment and he'll be very much aware he's thrown that money down the drain.

He needs to get it right - for Aston Villa and maybe for Randy Lerner too.

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Because he has all the tools for the job and he's not very good at using them.

The club desperately needs a manager and a couple of people at board level who can help him get those decisions right and find a way to make his money useful again.

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he has still pumped millions of his own cash into the club, money he wont be getting back. and i have no doubt that despite his mistakes he has the best interests of avfc at heart...

No he has loaned millions, very big difference and we are now being crippled by those loans as he cuts budgets in order to repay them and the interest (though at a small percentage) and management fees.

Nope, he's done both. He's loaned us a fortune and he's given us a fortune out of his own pocket each year too - something like £20m in the last years accounts. Oddly, I've a feeling that this has been a pretty consistent figure throughout his tenure, sadly it used to pay for new exciting players, now it pays for mismanagement on lot of levels.

Whatever his intentions he is making a monumental mess of running the club and is in danger of actually taking us backwards from the position he found us in which will be some achievement considering the debts the club has accumulated.

Never has so much money been spent, borrowed and given away for so little result. I don't know how Randy's heart feels about the Villa, but I'm sure he'll miss the hundred odd million pounds he'll never see again - and I doubt there are many people who will have a more pressing motivation to start getting it right.

His mistakes hurt us and I can thoroughly understand the anger people feel, but they hurt him too, maybe in more ways, maybe in different ways but he's putting in a fortune at the moment and he'll be very much aware he's thrown that money down the drain.

He needs to get it right - for Aston Villa and maybe for Randy Lerner too.

Top post, and exactly the kind of supporter feedback that Mr Lerner should listen to, if anyone at the club can be bothered to sort through all the chaff.

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IF he really cares about villa as a football club, he'd be sacking the manager belatedly today

He doesn't care though, it matters not to him in his heart if we go down, only his wallet will hurt a bit more

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