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The Randy Lerner thread


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Nice to see Lerner trying to make a clearly upset Prince William laugh just before the corner to the 3rd goal on 62mins.


Really angered me that did! The sooner Lerner goes the better he is smiling and laughing and has made us into a laughing stock.

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Smile? I was laughing. It was a laughable performance. It was either laugh or get angry. No point in getting angry over it, so laughing it was.

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I think most of my frustration on here is with football in general. My love for Villa won't ever die, but at the same time I know our club is worth so much more than we are seeing. The whole FFP is completely screwed for many reasons, but there are a few of those reasons which really annoy me - and I cannot see how the whole idea can be justified by UEFA.


For starters, they have basically shut the stable doors after the horse has bolted, and by that I mean the horse which carries the money, and with that the teams which are now in charge of that money. The simple fact is, nobody will ever get close to that money again whilst FFP is in place. Meanwhile, the other horses which were in the race, have been given a constraint which keeps them at a different pace to those which went off early.




Before these horses bolted, there were a number of teams which were given a steroid injection to help them compete with those they had taken off with, and with the rule in place they are allowed to continue - but no other horse left behind can have some of the drug. So the Chelsea's and Man City's also have that extra boost.




And now we have Fifa who are being accused of taking bribes in order for the World Cup, their showcase event, to be played in countries - some of which are not suitable, and in one country in particular, there are hundreds dying to build stadiums. Nobody cares.




And as we look at FFP again, ignoring those who have been given all the riches, the whole system will also hinder some of those left behind - more than others. Simply, if your club is in an affluent area (London, for example), you will be able to attract bigger sponsors, more money, you can charge more too. Where-as if you live in an area which isn't so money friendly, your club - Villa, Southampton and Everton, amongst others, are going to struggle to attract the finance needed to get going in this one-sided race.


If a chairman was able to spend money on the club, it would in turn create jobs in the area though success - and will help the local community as a whole.


Yet FFP does not allow this, and so teams such as West Ham (tax sponsored stadium in tow), Spurs and perhaps even Palace, are going to be able to bring more money in - because of where they are based. They can then outspend others who are being put under a restriction because they are in a place with higher unemployment and a lower wage.


Fair play?



Edited by DK82
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Smile? I was laughing. It was a laughable performance. It was either laugh or get angry. No point in getting angry over it, so laughing it was.


I was laughing too at the abject performance so I presume you want me to get the *** out of the country and Aston Villa too (seeing as I am not of natural English birth). I actually was applauding Arsenal (as were the many fans around me) so that makes me (and them) less of a fan. 

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I literally hate him. He needs to **** off immediately. What he has done to us is criminal. Regardless of his flaws, Ellis would never have let this happen to us.



Just like Ellis would NEVER take the European Cup Winners and dismantle the squad and relegate us with his penny pinching ways - OK right I must have dreamed it all and that never happened - we actually never got relegated under Ellis and he never penny pinched and sold our best players to fund others rather than put a single penny of his own money to buy a player. OK I was wrong about him all this time!

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<good post>


Fair play?




I agree with what you're saying...


...but then we've all chosen to support Aston Villa - a relatively successful team and the most successful in the Midlands.  We're not all supporting our true local clubs so, instantly, "fair play" goes out the window with regards to location.


Football got "ruined" when Sky came in and poured money into it.  Any sense of competitiveness has gone, really.


And yet people still want an oil baron or equivalent mega rich person here.  To join in with the frivolous spending and maintain the gap between the top, the rest and the Football League.

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It does matter when it comes to what money the club can 'make' from the general area, and of course season ticket sales. Ours are some of the lowest - anything more and we'd probably have less going, they would then likely give up and support another team anyway. It didn't matter a jot before FFP, but now because the 'rich clubs' are advertised as glorious...blah blah blah, the local kids follow them - after all, what is the point in supporting Villa they never win anything and always sell their players?

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I literally hate him. He needs to **** off immediately. What he has done to us is criminal. Regardless of his flaws, Ellis would never have let this happen to us.



Just like Ellis would NEVER take the European Cup Winners and dismantle the squad and relegate us with his penny pinching ways - OK right I must have dreamed it all and that never happened - we actually never got relegated under Ellis and he never penny pinched and sold our best players to fund others rather than put a single penny of his own money to buy a player. OK I was wrong about him all this time!



Ellis being poor isn't a good defence of Lerner, just as Lambert being poor, doesn't mean Sherwood's errors are less so.

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I literally hate him. He needs to **** off immediately. What he has done to us is criminal. Regardless of his flaws, Ellis would never have let this happen to us.



Just like Ellis would NEVER take the European Cup Winners and dismantle the squad and relegate us with his penny pinching ways - OK right I must have dreamed it all and that never happened - we actually never got relegated under Ellis and he never penny pinched and sold our best players to fund others rather than put a single penny of his own money to buy a player. OK I was wrong about him all this time!



Good post, Naz. Saved me having to write it.

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on a different subject, surely Im not the only one that thought he looked very unwell and pale compared to how he looked when he bought the club


He's been through a lot tbh, divorce, the stress of our club. I don't wish him harm and I hope he is ok.

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I literally hate him. He needs to **** off immediately. What he has done to us is criminal. Regardless of his flaws, Ellis would never have let this happen to us.



Just like Ellis would NEVER take the European Cup Winners and dismantle the squad and relegate us with his penny pinching ways - OK right I must have dreamed it all and that never happened - we actually never got relegated under Ellis and he never penny pinched and sold our best players to fund others rather than put a single penny of his own money to buy a player. OK I was wrong about him all this time!



Ellis being poor isn't a good defence of Lerner, just as Lambert being poor, doesn't mean Sherwood's errors are less so.



It was not meant to be a defence of Lerner. It was just correcting what Spoony posted, which was clearly wrong.

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Modern day football i'm afraid.


The top 4 is a closed shop, below it a few can challenge but can't sustain it due to losing their best players and Europa League is a competition clubs try and avoid.


Top 4 have vast amount of income coming in which means should they lose their players to other rich clubs (Barcelona/Real Madrid) they can pretty much replace like for like.


If you support any club outside the top 4 just know your place and be happy to be part of the premier league.

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Modern day football i'm afraid.


The top 4 is a closed shop, below it a few can challenge but can't sustain it due to losing their best players and Europa League is a competition clubs try and avoid.


Top 4 have vast amount of income coming in which means should they lose their players to other rich clubs (Barcelona/Real Madrid) they can pretty much replace like for like.


If you support any club outside the top 4 just know your place and be happy to be part of the premier league.


Yep. I am bored of it. 





I literally hate him. He needs to **** off immediately. What he has done to us is criminal. Regardless of his flaws, Ellis would never have let this happen to us.



Just like Ellis would NEVER take the European Cup Winners and dismantle the squad and relegate us with his penny pinching ways - OK right I must have dreamed it all and that never happened - we actually never got relegated under Ellis and he never penny pinched and sold our best players to fund others rather than put a single penny of his own money to buy a player. OK I was wrong about him all this time!



Ellis being poor isn't a good defence of Lerner, just as Lambert being poor, doesn't mean Sherwood's errors are less so.



It was not meant to be a defence of Lerner. It was just correcting what Spoony posted, which was clearly wrong.



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This by Martin Samuel sums it up this was a year ago. Still stands today.




If Michel Platini and Co's Financial Fair Play is such a gift to club owners, why will nobody buy Aston Villa?
  • Villa, the biggest club in Britain's second city, are struggling to find a buyer
  • UEFA claim financially astute clubs will thrive under FFP laws
  • But without heavy investment there is no way into the top 6 for Villa



Yet what remains for any new owner of Aston Villa? To maintain? To stay up? To exist? Where’s the fun in that? Where’s the bang for the buck?





Villa is value only if a buyer can then invest and get in the game. If all he can do is provide po-faced financial services, plodding along with neatly balanced books and a decade of mediocrity ahead, he might as well put his money into a savings account.

UEFA claim that the financially astute clubs will thrive under the new rules, but without additional owner investment, there is no longer a way forward for Villa. Any good players they produce will be poached by the privileged elite — ask Southampton — and the only frisson of excitement will be an occasional cup run, or the seasons when it all goes wrong producing the threat of relegation.

It is a miserable portfolio for a prospective owner, with none of the optimism Lerner must have felt when entering the Premier League in 2006.

Platini’s version of Financial Fair Play was introduced under pressure from the elite. ‘It’s mainly the owners that asked us to do something,’ he said. ‘Abramovich, Silvio Berlusconi at AC Milan and Massimo Moratti at Inter Milan. They do not want to fork out any more.’ Fine, then don’t fork out.





How can Villa get beyond Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and, at a stretch, Tottenham Hotspur if they can only spend what they have already generated? Where’s the thrill? How is Lerner meant to make his club saleable? What dream is he peddling, beyond the heady thrill of accountancy?


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