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The Randy Lerner thread


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So are we getting taken over or not?

no we ain't it's all just twitter rumours and lads putting 2 and 2 together and making 5



Or, as is the case with most things, there's the potential that we might be but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.


People stating that we're not being taken over as fact are just as bad as the idiots making up rumours or jumping on the rumour bandwagon as far as I'm concerned. That isn't directed at anyone by the way, especially not GENT.

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So are we getting taken over or not?



But who knows when? Could be this year, could be next year or could be in 10 years time.


Only Lerner can guess when as he needs to find a buyer first!



I'll start the bidding at £3.50, a packet of ready salted Walkers and a Creme Egg.

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So are we getting taken over or not?



But who knows when? Could be this year, could be next year or could be in 10 years time.


Only Lerner can guess when as he needs to find a buyer first!



I'll start the bidding at £3.50, a packet of ready salted Walkers and a Creme Egg.



I'll raise that to a fiver and a voucher for laser tattoo removal.

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This is from bellsareringing from a guy who joined and claims that he works with some people who are in some way involved with a potential takeover:



I'm told - this is from a colleague rather than something I've heard myself - that there are to be 'discussions' over the weekend and that a 'team' involved on the purchaser's side are flying in this evening.

This was a casual comment from a colleague so I can not entirely be sure of the veracity.

It seems strange that this is not a home match weekend but then again it could be out of a requirement for keeping it as low key as possible.

Can't say any more than that at this point, may know more next week.


Apologies for being so guarded.


Working today thetrees? Any way you could keep an eye out for that private jet you saw the other day or any other plane that you might think may be of consequence?


Though I suppose they might not be flying into BHX if they're going to Palace game.

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- I am somewhat paranoid about this

Rule number one of business club: if you are paranoid about a subject matter, don't plaster it on the internet for the entire planet to see.

I didn't write anything about ' - I am somewhat paranoid about this', Anywhere, or did I quote the text that it's taken from.

It's taken from the second post of this thread on the thebellsareringing website,

I am aware, I meant the original source writing it :)

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I just thought I'd mentioned it as some people find it interesting and it's also something that thetrees could potentially check up on, if he were so inclined to do so.

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You're right, Pelle. For the record I don't think any of this should be beyond Lerner's capabilities. The black/white on this forum and elsewhere is that either we need a mega-rich owner, or it's not Lerner's fault we can't spend big money. I was merely pointing out that an increase in revenue is achievable within FFP, which I believe it should be. Not easy, which is why we need smart strategic planning, and not an approach loosely defined by the owner but ultimately changed every year or every few years because the manager has responsibility for setting the tone as well as the high-risk job of being responsible for results.


Anyway, that's another topic. It's just my opinion that we're now several years into his stewardship and heading backwards. That does not mean I want a mega-billionaire who can't spend big due to FFP. The rules don't get Lerner off the hook for where we're heading.



Yeah, I'm quite with you on that one, though I'm of the more positive side (naive?) of things. Maybe. But the more negative people get on a forum, the more I feel the need to even it up and get perhaps too positive. Especially as I don't think it might be as bad as some claims it is. But yes, it's gone worse and he probably isn't the one we need. Though, maybe not as bad as it could be either. I think what happens this summer will make me decide if I really think he needs to go or if he can get some trust back.

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This is from bellsareringing from a guy who joined and claims that he works with some people who are in some way involved with a potential takeover:



I'm told - this is from a colleague rather than something I've heard myself - that there are to be 'discussions' over the weekend and that a 'team' involved on the purchaser's side are flying in this evening.

This was a casual comment from a colleague so I can not entirely be sure of the veracity.

It seems strange that this is not a home match weekend but then again it could be out of a requirement for keeping it as low key as possible.

Can't say any more than that at this point, may know more next week.


Apologies for being so guarded.


Working today thetrees? Any way you could keep an eye out for that private jet you saw the other day or any other plane that you might think may be of consequence?


Though I suppose they might not be flying into BHX if they're going to Palace game.

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Someone on the villablog last night seemed to think that the plane  that thetrees mentioned recently was registered in Houston. I'm not sure how he'd know but he I think he said he was a plane geek or something along thouse lines. Of course it could be the case but I guess it's a long shot that it's anything to do with us.

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Someone on the villablog last night seemed to think that the plane  that thetrees mentioned recently was registered in Houston. I'm not sure how he'd know but he I think he said he was a plane geek or something along thouse lines. Of course it could be the case but I guess it's a long shot that it's anything to do with us.

The plane that thetrees mentioned the other day is operated by Netjets, the largest fractional ownership private jet company in the world. It is actually registered in Utah, probably for tax or bank/finance purposes as there are one or two states where it is advantageous to register aircraft, with Delaware another that springs to mind.


Netjets have thousands of customers/share owners in the US, Europe and the Middle East.

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Thanks for taking the time out to write that, very interesting.


Lets hope we can get the win tomorrow so we can start looking forward to seeing what actually happens this summer.

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