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Paul Lambert


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I think if we bring in a new manager then Glen Hoddle should be the man, loves working with young players and very tactically minded, would also be respected by the players.

Been away from top level management for too long IMO. But could he be any shitter than Lambert?

I think I'd take any of RDM, Adkins or Hughes right now.

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I think if we bring in a new manager then Glen Hoddle should be the man, loves working with young players and very tactically minded, would also be respected by the players.

...and has been out of the game way too long. Also, he probably thinks that he could fix our players by taking them to see his psychic. No to Hoddle, a manager from a bygone era.

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Look, I can understand wanting Lambert out. I really can.

But unless the right manager will come to us, I don't think it would do us any favours.

Hughes for example, has already shown he is just as bad and can't fight a relegation battle. WOuld we really be better off?

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Nigel Clough

John Gregory

Kevin Macdonald

Any of the above

NIgel Clough has been at Derby for 4/5 years and has not even got into the play-offs once. Lambert had 1 season in the Championship and got promoted. John Gregory has an extremely poor managerial record overall, and Kevin McDonald was hardly a massive success last time was he? I'd rather stick with Lambert.

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Clough has hardly worked wonders with Derby, Gregory has been out of the game way too long (though a role with the club in some form might help) and I'm unsure of how successful KMac has been since he left, care to fil me in on why you think he could help us out?

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Nigel Clough

John Gregory

Kevin Macdonald

Any of the above

Yes to Clough and Gregory. No to K mac, he showed up his inability to manage a top flight team when he had his chance at the start of the 2010/2011. 6 nil away to Newcastle and going out over two legs to Rapid Vienna showed up his inability.

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Jesus, I can not believe people are defending him still.

He's been backed - to the tune of just over £20 million. Instead of addressing the problems we clearly have in Defence & Midfield, he decides to buy these 'young, hungry players' he has a bit of an obsession with. They have contributed to us conceding the most goals and scoring the fewest in the League. So evidence clearly shows he HAS made the team worse with his signings.

What exactly was he supposed to do with £20 million ?? Do people not realise that it would most probably be Faulkner and learner deciding how many / which players we brought. I would guess that lambert gave a list of players, in some kind of priority ; then Faulkner and Lerner sit and decide which ones they will pay for.

They think they are being clever buying cheaper players hoping to turn a profit ; so they choose these types players off lamberts list , also keeping e wage bill low.

Lamerbt then ends up with probably his second choices, and is then expected to make it all work.

We really need around 10 new players all costing around £10 million each. That might take us to between mid table and top 6.

So the investment needed is around £100million, and Faulkner thinks he can do it with £20mill.

If they won't buy the players, what can he do ?

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Didn't we win a few games under KMac

Gregory at least has passion and would sort out the defence and tactics

Clough has done well at derby with no money

Just on Kevin McDonald - we won 1/2 matches with players like Downing/Milner/Young in the team (we also lost 6-0 at Newcastle and got knocked out of the Europa League in the first round) - our squad in much worse now, so how is he going to win more matches than he did before?

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Didn't we win a few games under KMac

Gregory at least has passion and would sort out the defence and tactics

Clough has done well at derby with no money


(All comps) P8 W2 D3 L3

Edited by Avfc96
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Oh well you all got what you wanted, which was Lambert mainly due to the fact that Norwich battered us when he was there manager, now live with it. I personally never wanted him in the first place. I'm not turning my back on him yet though, because given the restrictions he has had, he has brought in some decent players. Lerner and the board arent really helping his situation at all.

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What exactly was he supposed to do with £20 million ?? Do people not realise that it would most probably be Faulkner and learner deciding how many / which players we brought. I would guess that lambert gave a list of players, in some kind of priority ; then Faulkner and Lerner sit and decide which ones they will pay for.

They think they are being clever buying cheaper players hoping to turn a profit ; so they choose these types players off lamberts list , also keeping e wage bill low.

Lamerbt then ends up with probably his second choices, and is then expected to make it all work.

We really need around 10 new players all costing around £10 million each. That might take us to between mid table and top 6.

So the investment needed is around £100million, and Faulkner thinks he can do it with £20mill.

If they won't buy the players, what can he do ?

There's an awful lot of guesswork to your argument which doesn't really convince me I'm afraid.

Even if the scenario that you laid down did happen, Lambert put those players on the list in the first place. He would't have put them on at all if he didn't want them.

Fact is, tactically he is shit. He proved that last night, and against a League 2 side no less. There's no forgiving that. He has had all this time to sort out our defending from set pieces, a weakness we have had for God knows how long, and yet we still can't do anything about corners. He heaps strikers on thinking that will solve the issue, and gives no thought to the fact that supply is the problem and hoofing it up to Gabby and Benteke just wasn't working. I lost count of how many diagonal balls Lowton played in, only for Bradford to clear them with ease. That is being tactically inept and stubborn. If it isn't working, you have to try a different approach. That's just common sense. We lost all shape towards the ed and made it easy for Bradford to defend against us.

I was prepared to give him a chance and I do think we have bigger problems at the club than Lambert, but he has to take a large chunk of the blame.

Edited by Ginko
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