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Paul Lambert


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He said: "This football club has had experienced teams in the past and the position has not changed for the past three years.

"People say the current position is because the players are young. It's nothing to do with it. This club has been in the same situation for three years with really top players at this club.

"We have to build this club and get results while we are building it."

He is being so adamant.. of course it's got something to do with them being young, as soon as the first goal goes in the heads drop.

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Just watched the looped SSN interview with Lambert.. Good to hear he & everybody else are "highly embarrassed" at the Bradford result & he still thinks we can pull it back. Also he says he has had sleepless nights all week! & i think he meant it too!

Only thing i cannot quite grasp is the whole "He understands the finances of the club need to work" thing! :blush: The way he said it made it sound as though the club could go bust or something?.. surely it's not that bad is it?... It does sound as though a Mr Lerner has simply stopped any investment & the club is in effect "on it's own" so to speak... Obviously with the wages being as they are with the hangers on on high salaries this is still causing a massive problem.

So I think the situation may well be that Lerner is basically running the club on a "self sufficient" basis now. I.e no more bail outs or input from him personally...Kind of ties up with what Hairyhands said earlier too.

Edited by danceoftheshamen
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No, those results are not part of your imagination, they really did happen, the same as losing 1-3 to Wigan,1-3 to Bradford and drawing with QPR all happened as well.

Oh so your basing the whole of the rest of the season on purely the negative results whilst ignoring the positive ones? Also, didnt QPR beat the team who won 8-0 against us? Surely a draw at Loftus road is an outstanding result?

...... Or shall we just acknowledge that football is very unpredictable in that anybody can beat anybody and its pointless mapping out the whole of the rest of the season based on the last few results and not taking into account the full picture (which has us sitting above the relegation zone as it stands incidentally).

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Oh so your basing the whole of the rest of the season on purely the negative results whilst ignoring the positive ones? Also, didnt QPR beat the team who won 8-0 against us? Surely a draw at Loftus road is an outstanding result?

...... Or shall we just acknowledge that football is very unpredictable in that anybody can beat anybody and its pointless mapping out the whole of the rest of the season based on the last few results and not taking into account the full picture (which has us sitting above the relegation zone as it stands incidentally).


Spot on!!

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Either you really don't get it or you are pretending not to

- PL was easily the best choice available to us

- Cuellar, Collins, Warnock, Hutton all had to go - not PLs choice

- He had to bring in 8 players with only £18m - that doesn't buy experience or Premiership quality, it buys potential

- PL either knew Bent was due to be sold OR he realised that Bent's style was not suited to build a team around (if he could he signed a Milner, Young, Downing and Barry I'm sure he might have thought differently)

- Senior players have badly let him down Ireland, Delph, Zog, Bent - I know for a fact that he expected much more and was shocked by their attitude

- Our youngsters are not good enough

- Do you think PL and his team are so thick that they don't realise that he needs a stronger defence or a better midfield

- PL has made his requests to RL - unless he is backed substantially we are in real trouble

PL is a very decent manager as he showed with Norwich. He is easily good enough to manage a mid-table team and potentially better than that. He is one of the few managers who has a chance to do something with Villa with the obviously limited budget he has to work with. PL will be furious at the moment (a fact the body language experts on the forum may be missing) and knows exactly what is required - My biggest concern is if PL were to walk, that's the nightmare scenario for me

The intelligent thing to do is to understand the full extent of the problems facing PL and get behind him. If you wish to pretend that PL is a shit manager, who has no idea about tactics and players and that this could all be simply fixed with "a better defensive coach" that's up to you.

What i'm getting at the moment is utter confusion.

We have had a poster state the constraints Lambert is currently working under so must we take that as being the absolute truth of the matter. I have asked the question if this is so why did Lambert leave Norwich for a club on it's apparent financial knees and therefore in a worse position than the club he left?

The suggestion has been that he has had the rug pulled from underneath him. Now if that is the case why hasn't Lambert walked? He has walked before for a lot less than being lied to! Why after the run of results he has presided over, has he not stated to the media that his hands have been tied financially by the board and he must use what he has? Is it because he is honourable and loyal to a board who have apparently just lied to him? I don't believe that for a minute as he could have used a lack of investment from the board as an explanation for the current crisis at the club and even fan's like myself would have then got behind the team and manager more and vented our anger against the chairman.

As far as the players that have been let go are concerned think about this.

If Lambert was told in discusions prior to becoming our new manager that he would have to get the high wage earners of the wage bill and then replace those players with a measly 17m-20m do you think he would have left Norwich who had soundly beaten us at the end of last season? Its not as if he was a manager out of work and desperate for a job.

Lastly if he came to us knowing the constraints and had only 20m to spend over the next two windows why did he spend 7m on Benteke and more on Bowery who we didn't need when we had Bent. Are you trying to tell me that our chairman tried to attract our new incoming manager by telling him that our best striker had to be sold? If that was the case, why wasn't Bent sold at the start of the season to accomodate Benteke?

I tend to think that Lerner was going to back Lambert but has seen what a disastrous job he has done and has pulled the plug like he did with O'Neill for slightly different reasons and thats what i believe at the moment.

The board has lost faith with Lambert and are probably awaiting the outcome of the next two games before deciding whether to back the manager again, or indeed sack him.

Edited by Morpheus
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What i'm getting at the moment is utter confusion.

We have had a poster state the constraints Lambert is currently working under so must we take that as being the absolute truth of the matter. I have asked the question if this is so why did Lambert leave Norwich for a club on it's apparent financial knees and therefore in a worse position than the club he left?

The suggestion has been that he has had the rug pulled from underneath him. Now if that is the case why hasn't Lambert walked? He has walked before for a lot less than being lied to! Why after the run of results he has presided over, has he not stated to the media that his hands have been tied financially by the board and he must use what he has? Is it because he is honourable and loyal to a board who have apparently just lied to him? I don't believe that for a minute as he could have used a lack of investment from the board as an explanation for the current crisis at the club and even fan's like myself would have then got behind the team and manager more and vented our anger at the chairman.

As far as the players that have been let go are concerned think about this.

If Lambert was told in discusions prior to becoming our new manager that he would have to get the high wage earners of the wage bill and then replace those players with a measly 17m-20m do you think he would have left Norwich who had soundly beaten us at the end of last season? Its not as if he was a manager out of work and desperate for a job.

Lastly if he came to us knowing the constraints and had only 20m to spend over the next two windows why did he spend 7m on Benteke and more on Bowery who we didn't need when we had Bent. Are you trying to tell me that our chairman told our new incoming manager that our best striker had to be sold and if that was the case why wasn't Bent sold at the start of the season to accomodate Benteke?

I tend to think that Lerner was going to back Lambert but has seen what a disastrous job he has done and has pulled the plug like he did with O'Neill for slightly different reasons and thats what i believe at the moment.

The board has lost faith with Lambert and are probably awaiting the outcome of the next two games before deciding to either back the manager again, or indeed fire him.

Do you think that should we lose our next 2 games and that Lambert does indeed get fired, that Lerner already has a replacement lined up?

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I think Morpheus does raise some good questions which people don't seem to have an answer for.

At the end of the day you choose to believe the ITK rumours or not but with the actual evidence that's out there I think what Morpheous puts across is fair to ask.

He also doesn't seem to resort to insults no matter how many respond to him that way. And after so many people absolutely loved jumping on him when we beat Liverpool I think right now he has every right to give it the big "I told you so" but again he hasn't done that.

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Ivan Gaskell@IvanGaskell1

#avfc PL(on q's if Villa might try & sign the likes of Joleon Lescott/Scott Parker)."No!Anyone who thinks we are in that market is dreaming"

I've seen a few press conferences today, and unless this guy has another private one with him, I think he is twisting a few words. His other tweets also sound very twisted from what I heard.

This one....PL"I'm worried, its hurting.I've hardly slept for 2 days.You have to go through bad patches like this sometimes.It's how you respond"

He didnt say that. He said he hadnt slept but the rest is shit.

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Get a grip, he doesn't deserve to go, he needs backing.

That said he got it truly wrong yesterday. We only have 3 players in any kind of 'good' form:




Why was only one of these played in their correct position? (Benteke) and he only ever seems to work well when Weimann is partnering him, not being left stranded out on the right wing, whilst NZogbia - a player who has publicly stated he prefers playing on that right wing - tries to play through the middle. It's not like Ash Young, a player who is best on the wing trying to force being played through the middle. NZogbia knows he's best on the right yet Lambert stuck Weimann out there.

Weimann has scored in every single one of our last 5 games in which we have scored. WHY WAS HE ON THE **** WING?

Because we've played best as a 4-2-3-1, because Wiemann has been scoring from that position, because Wiemann has the workrate to play in that position and because we seem to get overrun in the middle when we play 4-4-2.

Not to mention the fact that we don't have any decent wingers (N'Zogbia hasn't played well on the wing since his Wigan days).

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i Reckon Lamberts on a massive bonus structute if he keeps us in the PL.

i reckon his basic pay dwarfs what he was getting at Naaaaarwich and the bonus will be a seven figure sum.

thats why he left Naaaaarwich for what is obviously a worse job at present but one day could be a great job if he is able to restructure the playing staff and keep us in the league. Simple.

....... only problem is...... HES NO GOOD AND THE PLAYERS DONT LIKE HIM

Edited by Ron Burgundy
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You really are a mug. Not much point in anyone discussing the situation at the club with you. You are so far off the mark it isn't true. Not despite finding your posts nothing other than stupid the rest of us on here replying to your nonsense should maybe just ignore you to the stage where you go away. It is clear as day you actually don't have a clue what is going on, understand football or indeed have the interests of Villa at heart.


So true!

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I do believe what hairy hands is saying but i think the questions Morpheus asked are interesting.

Why come here if he was fully aware of the restrictions and continued plan to cut wages?

And why if he's been lied to has he not made a big deal about it or walked with his dignity intact?

Interesting questions but I guess it's easier to just insult him than answer them.

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Why come here if he was fully aware of the restrictions and continued plan to cut wages?

Because despite the current restrictions in place contracts do expire and while it might take a while the likes of Dunne and Warnock will soon be gone and who knows so might a few others. That will free up money to bring better, younger, more hungry players in who can take this club forward and who will help Lambert build something. In a similar way to the way Heskey off the wage bill will help pay for Benteke or Collins going allowed the wages to move on to Vlaar.

Now I'm not getting into a debate about the players Lambert has signed, that has been done to death and I'd rather look forward than back so pardon me if I move swiftly on and stay talking about Lambert. I don't want to get into another Berbatov/Adam loop.

He did an amazing job at Norwich, staggering really but compare the size and potential of Norwich to Villa. Even if he has to work under constraints for a while it is still a hell of a step up. Perhaps he was a little cocky or arrogant, perhaps he thought 'well look what I've just done at Norwich, even under constraints I can rebuild Villa' would that really be so bad?

Perhaps he thought the experienced players he was inheriting were better? Perhaps he thought the young kids he was inheriting were better? Perhaps he thought he might be able to off load more of the expensive useless lumps in our squad than he has been able to do which would have given him more scope in terms of wages.

I don't think him leaving Norwich to come here even under difficult circumstances is all that hard to understand personally. He left Colchester to go to Norwich at a time they were in dire straits, a complete and utter mess but he backed himself, he took it and he made it work. Is it so different to him coming here?

And why if he's been lied to has he not made a big deal about it or walked with his dignity intact?

I doubt very much he has been lied to, look how he reacted at Norwich when they lied to him. As I've said above things change or don't change, we've still got millions and millions on our wage bill for players that contribute next to bugger all and in my view never ever will.

I don't think he has been lied to, that doesn't mean everything has gone to plan or that he has been backed financially in a way that perhaps he expected or perhaps that Lerner expected to be able to do so.

Modern football fans have a tendency to simplify things, to think its either a or b, this or that, when in reality there are usually so many points in between.

Personally, as I've said before I'm still firmly behind Lambert. I will be critical of him at times as I've been in the past but I'm still very much behind him as I think Lerner is despite the current lack of finances to improve the squad.

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For me if we don't buy players capable of keeping us up then season ticket holders or not my son and I quite probably won't bother going to any games after January.

My son has already indicated, after 7 seasons, that he won't be renewing next season. He's had it with the season upon season of failure, broken hopes, shit results, Lerners complete mismanagement of the club and a succession of poor managers.

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Trent all fair responses. I actually do believe hairy hands with regards to the constraints but I thought the questions morpheous asked were pretty fair and didn't really deserved insulting for asking them.

And I'm 100% with you when it comes to who I blame for this mess.

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I've seen a few press conferences today, and unless this guy has another private one with him, I think he is twisting a few words. His other tweets also sound very twisted from what I heard.

This one....PL"I'm worried, its hurting.I've hardly slept for 2 days.You have to go through bad patches like this sometimes.It's how you respond"

He didnt say that. He said he hadnt slept but the rest is shit.

Ivan Gaskell@IvanGaskell1

To clarify there's a tv press conference.Then the press conference continues,with cameras off.I was at both.

Ivan Gaskell@IvanGaskell1

I can assure you,that's what happens. PL also does an additional,separate press conference for Radio aswell.

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