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Gabby Agbonlahor


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I actually cant believe some of the comments on this thread! 1 saying he is not loyal, even though every time he has been linked with another team (quite a few times) he has come out instantly and said hes not going, not to mention the amount of work he does for villa on and off the pitch!

Secondly, someone said he was poor last year...small memory as he was easily our best player for the first few months of the year with some outstanding performances, he then got injured and the players around him were disappearing too.

Lastly, people saying he is injury prone when in reality its only two years out of about 6 or 7 he has picked up injuries. Ash Young hardly every injured for us moves to Man ure and sits out most of the year... is he injury prone then? He may well be injury prone but as i always say, that is the only thing fans do not know about, unless the club come out and say it which to my knowledge they havent.

Rant over!

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Same old, same old. Your only as good as the last game/season you played.

Unfortunately it seems the people that post the most actually have the least to say. It's like watching kids trying to hit a pinata, very occasionally you'll get a knowledgeable post but mostly it's wildly flailing in the dark.

You just have to laugh it off and keep sifting.

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6 goals 5 Assists (assists being more than any other player) correct me if i'm wrong.

Okay. so if we are going with goals and assists he is on the same as Bent with 11.

But bent did that over 25 games to Gabbys 36 so

Bent G/A per game = 0.44

Gabby G/A per game = 0.31

Of course that means he's actually third because

Keane G/A per game = 0.57

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Keep in mind that the majority of those assists (and some of the goals) were created basically out of nothing on the part of Gabby. And, remember that Gabby playing more games than Bent clearly works to his disadvantage - if Bent hadn't been injured for our woeful run I'm sure his G/A per game would be lower than 0.44.

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Same old, same old. Your only as good as the last game/season you played.

Unfortunately it seems the people that post the most actually have the least to say. It's like watching kids trying to hit a pinata, very occasionally you'll get a knowledgeable post but mostly it's wildly flailing in the dark.

You just have to laugh it off and keep sifting.

hahaha this is true.

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When you look at the Houllier season I don't think he did anywhere near as good. I think (and hope) Gabby will come good this season. He's never going to be a 15/20+ goal a season striker, thats why we have Benty. But i think 10 goals and 15 assists would be acceptable.

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When you look at the Houllier season I don't think he did anywhere near as good. I think (and hope) Gabby will come good this season. He's never going to be a 15/20+ goal a season striker, thats why we have Benty. But i think 10 goals and 15 assists would be acceptable.

10 goals and 15 assists would be acceptable :shock: . I doubt many players have every achieved those numbers over the course of a PL season.

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Okay. so if we are going with goals and assists he is on the same as Bent with 11.

But bent did that over 25 games to Gabbys 36 so

Bent G/A per game = 0.44

Gabby G/A per game = 0.31

Of course that means he's actually third because

Keane G/A per game = 0.57

Keane's record only covers five games, I'd say that wasn't enough to count. So in essence Gabby does have a 'clue', being the second most potent attacking threat, with most assists, and the second highest goal tally.

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When you look at the Houllier season I don't think he did anywhere near as good. I think (and hope) Gabby will come good this season. He's never going to be a 15/20+ goal a season striker, thats why we have Benty. But i think 10 goals and 15 assists would be acceptable.

10 goals and 15 assists would be acceptable :shock: . I doubt many players have every achieved those numbers over the course of a PL season.

Okay maybe I under stated it a bit.

and Maybe I over expected what Gabby could do, come to think of it, 10 goals and 15 assists is quite a lot

How about we arrange a nicer figure, say 9 goals 7 assists. I think he can do that :P

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Remember when he scored that perfect hat-trick against City? Left foot, right foot, header... Those were the days.

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"Assists" is a meaningless statistic becuase it relies on the striker putting the chance away, the stat improves if the striker is in good form and goes down if the striker is having a bad day i.e. it is beyond the control of the wide player.

A better measure of the ability a goal creator is "attacking chances made" whether they go in or not.

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Statistics can be very misleading. I prefer the evidence of my own eyes, and frankly Agbonlahor is a very average player. Little or no guile about him, more an athlete than a footballer. If we really are looking to improve as a team, he needs to be shipped out asap. If at the same time we can actually find some mugs to give us some money for the overated mediocrity all the better.

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Well stats can be misleading, but when you're watching the second highest scorer, who has the most assists and who individually created most of the top scorers goals, whilst having the second best goal/assist combined ratio in the squad; if you're won eyes are missing all that, maybe you're just a numpty :P.

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If we really are looking to improve as a team, he needs to be shipped out asap.

Any team outside the 'top 6' (whatever that is) would love to have Gabby in their squad. He's our 2nd/3rd best outfield player. Considering we almost got relegated two years in a row, I think we should count our blessings.

Don't it always seem to go........

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