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Irreverentad's Relationship Advice Thread


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It's very low ya but I mean the man had zero trust in her for ages after the last time, he'd hate the fact she would be going out without him because he'd know there was a decent chance she'd cheat, I can tell from the way he's talking that he's giving very little consideration to ending it as the short term pain would be too much for him.

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Need to know how to make my friend see a bit of sense. He's (24) going out with this girl (20) about 15 months now right she has a kid about 4, she told him she got pregnant the first time she ever was a bit naughty, that could be true for all I know, but it was a one night stand and the father is around but not overly concerned about either of the two of them. So when they started going out last summer she was like a breath of fresh air for him as he'd always no ambition, failed first year in college twice and got lucky the 3rd time, when he met her he got a part time job and got himself into a decent masters course, learned how to drive etc. It's her birthday Christmas Day, and last Stephen's night (Boxing Day for you lot ;) ) he was to come out with us and she was out with her friends, about 12 pm he left us to find her but when he rang her there was no answer, eventually he found her 2 hours later with some 20 year old lad and after he begged her to come home with him, she told him she was going home with the other lad and was going to sleep with him. So my friend was naturally devastated he had recently told the girl he loved her and was more or less fathering the child. So anyway they didn't real have any communication till New Years Eve, he's working in a hotel so finds getting days like this hard to get off, so she was out in Killarney he's from Abbeydorney (40mins drive) and she rang him at 3:30am and asked would he pick her up so he did, anyway she stayed in his and they'd a long talk and she basically made him believe it was all his fault because he never argues with her and all this. So it's like it's never happened since then, he's very much playing happy families and always buying her shit, we see very little of him as in might see him once every 8 - 10 weeks. He was recently offered a trainee accounting job in Cork and turned it down, because she wanted to move to Killarney & he wanted to drive from Killarney to Cork (80mins drive) every day but the wage he was being offered wouldn't have allowed him to pay for a house for her & her kid to live and commute so he turned it down as "living in cork wasn't an option". Now it was his birthday Saturday & he handed in his thesis on Friday so he could not have been in better form for a drinking session, one of our very close mutual friends is off to Calgary on Friday so we were kind of having a bit of a low key party for him in one of the lads houses. Tommy (the guy with the gf) said last Monday he wouldn't be able to make it as he was going for a romantic dinner in town for his birthday, by Thursday he told us he'd be there at 7 as his girlfriend was going out with her friends. So Saturday 7 came, then 8, then 9 and no sign we rang but he wasn't answering then at 9:30 we get a phone call saying he'll be up in a minute & could his girlfriend (who we only met Saturday) & her friends come up as they were thrown out of a house party already, we knew none of them, but of course we just wanted to see him so said no bother. They arrive up, he barely says a word, all 3 of the girls are very drunk and loud and giggling away to themselves, so about 10:30 he said he'll drop them into town and come back up to us, he was driving. Never came back up to us, wouldn't answer his phone, he collected the girlfriend from town about 3:30 and she told him she'd be kissing an Aussie she met all night, but it was just that. He told me this the next day and told me not to tell the rest of the lads as they give him enough shit about her, what do I have to do to make him see sense?


Any advice I could give you is all covered, far more eloquently, in this song -



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Folski, not sure if this will work but I guess it's worth a try if you haven't tried it yet.


Maybe ask him - nicely, in a friendly manner - what he finds attractive about the girl?


Then just leave it at that, and hopefully your words will get him doing a bit more introspection than usual. Don't argue with him, don't try to persuade him to see our POV. Just get him thinking, without becoming confrontational.

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Folski, not sure if this will work but I guess it's worth a try if you haven't tried it yet.


Maybe ask him - nicely, in a friendly manner - what he finds attractive about the girl?


Then just leave it at that, and hopefully your words will get him doing a bit more introspection than usual. Don't argue with him, don't try to persuade him to see our POV. Just get him thinking, without becoming confrontational.


Oh yes, this.


Always the best way forward. Don't tell them how to think, let them work it out for themselves.

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Folski, not sure if this will work but I guess it's worth a try if you haven't tried it yet.


Maybe ask him - nicely, in a friendly manner - what he finds attractive about the girl?


Then just leave it at that, and hopefully your words will get him doing a bit more introspection than usual. Don't argue with him, don't try to persuade him to see our POV. Just get him thinking, without becoming confrontational.

Noice :thumb:

I'd find it hard not to add a little addendum along the lines of "... because I don't think she's treating you particularly well ...".

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Folski, not sure if this will work but I guess it's worth a try if you haven't tried it yet.

Maybe ask him - nicely, in a friendly manner - what he finds attractive about the girl?

Then just leave it at that, and hopefully your words will get him doing a bit more introspection than usual. Don't argue with him, don't try to persuade him to see our POV. Just get him thinking, without becoming confrontational.

Noice :thumb:

I'd find it hard not to add a little addendum along the lines of "... because I don't think she's treating you particularly well ...".

Not sure that's a good idea. He'll know right away that you have an agenda and get defensive.

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Need to know how to make my friend see a bit of sense. He's (24) going out with this girl (20) about 15 months now right she has a kid about 4, she told him she got pregnant the first time she ever was a bit naughty, that could be true for all I know, but it was a one night stand and the father is around but not overly concerned about either of the two of them. So when they started going out last summer she was like a breath of fresh air for him as he'd always no ambition, failed first year in college twice and got lucky the 3rd time, when he met her he got a part time job and got himself into a decent masters course, learned how to drive etc. It's her birthday Christmas Day, and last Stephen's night (Boxing Day for you lot ;) ) he was to come out with us and she was out with her friends, about 12 pm he left us to find her but when he rang her there was no answer, eventually he found her 2 hours later with some 20 year old lad and after he begged her to come home with him, she told him she was going home with the other lad and was going to sleep with him. So my friend was naturally devastated he had recently told the girl he loved her and was more or less fathering the child. So anyway they didn't real have any communication till New Years Eve, he's working in a hotel so finds getting days like this hard to get off, so she was out in Killarney he's from Abbeydorney (40mins drive) and she rang him at 3:30am and asked would he pick her up so he did, anyway she stayed in his and they'd a long talk and she basically made him believe it was all his fault because he never argues with her and all this. So it's like it's never happened since then, he's very much playing happy families and always buying her shit, we see very little of him as in might see him once every 8 - 10 weeks. He was recently offered a trainee accounting job in Cork and turned it down, because she wanted to move to Killarney & he wanted to drive from Killarney to Cork (80mins drive) every day but the wage he was being offered wouldn't have allowed him to pay for a house for her & her kid to live and commute so he turned it down as "living in cork wasn't an option". Now it was his birthday Saturday & he handed in his thesis on Friday so he could not have been in better form for a drinking session, one of our very close mutual friends is off to Calgary on Friday so we were kind of having a bit of a low key party for him in one of the lads houses. Tommy (the guy with the gf) said last Monday he wouldn't be able to make it as he was going for a romantic dinner in town for his birthday, by Thursday he told us he'd be there at 7 as his girlfriend was going out with her friends. So Saturday 7 came, then 8, then 9 and no sign we rang but he wasn't answering then at 9:30 we get a phone call saying he'll be up in a minute & could his girlfriend (who we only met Saturday) & her friends come up as they were thrown out of a house party already, we knew none of them, but of course we just wanted to see him so said no bother. They arrive up, he barely says a word, all 3 of the girls are very drunk and loud and giggling away to themselves, so about 10:30 he said he'll drop them into town and come back up to us, he was driving. Never came back up to us, wouldn't answer his phone, he collected the girlfriend from town about 3:30 and she told him she'd be kissing an Aussie she met all night, but it was just that. He told me this the next day and told me not to tell the rest of the lads as they give him enough shit about her, what do I have to do to make him see sense?

Can't be arsed to read all of that but I can tell you that she probably has herpes. 

Edited by Dr_Pangloss
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Quandary: If a lady is obviously utterly yet charmingly completely worthy-of-too-many-adverbs mad, is it wise to get involved or does said charming craziness inevitably pervade said lady's personality i.e. she seems eccentric and slightly off-the-map, so is there a danger of her chopping my cock off if I don't answer her texts?

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Quandary: If a lady is obviously utterly yet charmingly completely worthy-of-too-many-adverbs mad, is it wise to get involved or does said charming craziness inevitably pervade said lady's personality i.e. she seems eccentric and slightly off-the-map, so is there a danger of her chopping my cock off if I don't answer her texts?


It depends where you live I think.


If it's Wonderland then



Anywhere else...no.

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I'd advise you to run CED.


My friend and his girlfriend are now posting stupid inside jokes on each others walls and liking them so they're very much back together. :(

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