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I found a few articles that disagreed.

Basically said that because of the commercial push behind it and the fact it was the first on the new generation of console, VII was the game that most people first played in the series. But fans of the series don't consider it to be the best.

Obviously I have no idea as I've only played about 7 hours of VII and nothing else.

But yeah, wiki says VI and IX were reviewed more favourably (not by much mind you!)


VII will always have fans of the series prior to VII claim VI or IV as the best ever. Just because that's what people do, go against the grain.



I believe, quite simply, Final Fantasy VII is the best piece of entertainment, be it movie, book, album or art that man has ever created. It is beyond epic and has a deep emotional attachment for me and millions of other people. We never knew games could be like this, this epic, this level of storytelling. 


I replay the game every few years and it is still as magical. The music, the gameplay, the story. The greatest ever villain in the history of games. I've written many an ode to FFVII one is still there on Amazon. I get many people of a different generation don't get what that game was, but believe me when I say it is beyond special. Comparisons to other games cannot be done, it's in a different realm to games. It's a piece of magic that.


Piece of magic.

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I agree that it was a great game and opened up a whole new kind of gaming. FFVII was the first one I played due to owning a PS and I sunk countless hours into it.


However, I believe that FFIX was superior.

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I have to be honest, the child like story of IX was not to my liking. Having serious and mature stories in VII and VIII were awesome and they were the first 2 I'd played. I understand they wanted a bookend to the series and a throwback to FF roots. But it wasn't for me, it was fun but it's the stories that gripped me in VII and VIII. 



Especially the protagonists Cloud and Squall. Both were brilliant. 

Edited by CVByrne
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Squall, brilliant? Never really liked the kid that much, and having replayed VIII at the start of the year, I can say that I still don't.

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IX will always be my all time favourite game, specifically due to the child-like storybook style and almost hans christian anderson/lewis carroll atmosphere that pervades it, its why I love labyrinth, dark crystal etc... That child-like quality but with a dark edge to it. I'd happily erase my memory just to play IX again with fresh eyes awaiting the unknown wondrous journey about to begin.

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VII was the first one I played. Holds a special place in my heart.


If Square ever actually decide to remake it for next-gen, I think the interwebz would implode.


That tech-demo they did on the PS3, was making people froth at the mouth,

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I'd pay $1000 to erase my memory of FF7 if I could play it again and experience it in the same way I did back then. 


Squall was a recluse protagonist, suppose not for everybody. I just liked the journey he took in becoming the leader, he was a leader just didn't want to be it. Character progression. 

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As for VII, what I love most about it and why it is still such a great story is Cloud. Left to join Soldier, failed and was ashamed. But still had the courage and strength to kill Seipheroth (after being impaled) when Tifa was in danger and his home town was destroyed. 


That the Genova cells in his body take Zack's personality as he lies dying on the cliff at Midgar. That it's the combination of Zacks self confidence and Clouds physical prowess that gets them as far as they do. That lets him let go of the past and finish off Seipheroth mentally (as he'd already killed his body years ago) is the great story of it all. 



Or Seipheroth, that he thinks he is the last Cetra, that Genova is the last Cetra and that everyone fleeing and not helping cetra fight the calamity of the skies is betrayal of his ancestors. All this because professor Ghast thought Genova was a Cetra. 


It's an amazing story. That's the core of the game and why a remake will happen. The brilliance of the story will live on through a remake. 

Edited by CVByrne
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Ooooooo get you. Next you'll be spelling Aeris Aerith

*this is a good thing btw, tru hardcore fans ;(

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I prefered the name Aeris, I also renamed Red XIII as Nanaki his real name as I preferred that too. The intricacies of the plot and the depth of the characters was just unreal in that game. I could discuss and enjoy discussing it for hours on end with other fans. Some people get it, it clicked. Those people will always shed a tear for Aeris Theme, such sad music. Uematsu's score was stunning.



Though I don't play games anymore, last console I owned was the PlayStation before consoles had numbers. I played some PS2 titles as friends had them (am a ninja master at tekken tag) but not a big gamer these days.


But I'd buy a PS4 straight away the minute FFVII remake was announced. It'll be remade for its 20th anniversary for sure. 

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The main guy said that if they were ever to remake it, that would be the end of series.

Which is pretty unlikely, let's be honest. Both things - it being remade, and the series ending. As long as they make money. Glad to see you're on the pro-remake side CVB, me too, I don't really get the argument that it should be left alone, it's not as if you'd be banned from ever playing the original if it was remade, so what difference does it really make?

Gimme full Aerith revival post-game quest tbh

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Well like an ancient film where special effects and old cinema tendencies stop a film having the same resonance in modern times. Some games like FFVII will fail to have an impact with a generation who would not be able to connect with characters portrayed with such dated graphics, who wouldn't be able to enjoy reading dialogue etc.. 


The true magic of the game is the characters, the story and the score. All would remain and if they stayed true to that a new generation could appreciate a fantastic epic. 


Alas I know it would suffer from polarised views, so many want to protect its legacy as the greatest game of all time. It's mythology even. But I know Square wouldn't mess it up, they'd amp up the important moments, giving them big CGI film scenes for the moments we all want to see. 


If they did it that way, made the game to compliment the original to give us what is etched in our mind a near cinematic moment. Then it'll work. 


A pure 5 minute cut scene for Clouds showdown fight with Seipheroth that ends in Omnislash, at the end of a months game play sends shivers down my spine. That's how a game should end, that's how the last thing ever made about FFVII should end.


You never should have killed Aeris you dumb fck. It was always gonna end this way. 

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Hopefully by the time it ever gets remade, I might have finally killed Ruby and Emerald Weapon on the original.


yeah and me, i always lose momentum whilst going for the gold chocobo


im getting to the stage now where i think id rather square revived chrono trigger (cos ive never played it :( ) and vagrant story (cos i absolutely loved it) rather than another FF

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The only games since VII that I managed to play properly were VIII and X. Don't think they will ever reach the levels of VII or VIII again and because of that I doubt I'll ever play a FF game again.

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you didnt play 9? it was very good


8 is still my favourite, mainly because i had played 7 and got hyped about the release (same with RE2) then 7, then 9 and 10 probably on par, then comes the slide...


id say vagrant story is better than 9 and 10

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Never played Xenogears. May check it out.


As for Final Fantasy, I played 7, 8, 9, 6, 10 in that order. 7 doesn't get a rating as it transcends games and ratings. 8 is utterly brilliant most certainly the best game (FF& aside) I've ever played. I loved the card game and the draw system. Loved the story too. It also has the best opening to a video game EVER. Just Wow when I saw that jaw hit the floor and you were ready for an epic. 


After 8 I'd say the other 3 were good but not great. 9 was a jolt to the system, childish game with a basically non existent bad guy. Kaja easily worst villain in the series.


10 tried to be good but it's weird advancement system, was crushingly linear and had a terrible side game of underwater polo.


6 was great fun but suffered big time from hardware limitations and the story never really clicked. 


So after the last 3 I played being nowhere near 7 or 8 I gave up on the series. FF12 was supposed to be a huge departure, my mate enjoyed it bit said it is no longer final fantasy.


I do hope they go back to their roots and release lower priced iOS/Android games that are also up for cheap on playstation network etc.. 

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a terrible side game of underwater polo.

Say whaaaaaaat

Definitely try Xenogears. The story is nothing short of incredible. Better than FFVII. It's darker, deeper, smarter, and full of mystery, politics, and intrigue.

Battle system is interesting too, and it has an awesome giant robot arena fighting mini game

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