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The FFX underwater game thing. Never liked it at all. I dunno the whole thing never clicked, 9 kinda ruined the seriousness and then playing 6 after 9 it's like the epic stories were becoming a distant memory. FFX suffered from it's flaws, no real world map part, the stupid advancement system did my head in proper while the English dub just never really worked. 


what platform is Xenogears? PSX?

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Yeah, it never had a PAL release. I originally had a copy (I mean a copy) on my old chipped PS1, then bought an original version for my NTSC PS2, and have most recently got it from the US PSN Store, and played it on my PSP. I guess the easiest way for you to play would be on emu, seeing as you don't have a PS3.


It's a nigh on perfect game. It's let down somewhat by a pretty awful final boss battle, but apart from that...yeah, awesome. I'd recommend it to any fans of RPGs of the era, as, like you've mentioned, the graphics may take a little getting used to for those not as used to them.

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Here's the Xenogears opening


Pretty awesome. It's also completely bonkers cos it has zero relation to what's going on in the game until wayyyy late in the story

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The FFX underwater game thing. Never liked it at all. I dunno the whole thing never clicked...


It was a bit tough to get into to begin with, I'll admit, and it was bloody difficult and required a bit of luck to win the tournament at Luca, but I stuck with it and absolutely love it.

I have played Blitzball for hours on end. Recruiting Brother from the airship really helps out a lot. FFX will always hold a very special place for me.

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  • 1 month later...

Had my code through for the PS3 final beta of FFXIV A Realm Reborn. My experience of FFXI was limited, and not all that good, so hoping to give this a good go over the weekend (football pending ofc), and decide whether I would be interested in purchasing the full game/investing goodness knows how many hours in to it.

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Hmm you know the new one, when is it out ? I'm a noob with FF these days. Well I think I played one when I was younger and I mean very young and it was class. May have been FF7 not too sure though. Always wanted to give it another try but never really did. Recently been looking up the new one and it looks class.

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FFXIV is out on PC and PS3 at the end of the month, with a PS4 version confirmed too. It's an MMO, massively multiplayer online game.

It might not be that you're referring too though? Could be Lightning Returns: FFXIII, which is out Feb next the year.

It's actually the second sequel to FFXIII, but didn't want to call it FFXIII-3. The title refers to the fact that the main character, Lightning, was not playable in FFXIII-2. FFXIII was alright, the sequel a bit better, but they are a million miles from the old games, so if you're after nostalgia you will be very disappointed.

It'll more than likely be a decent game, look fantastic, and be incredibly well polished, but it won't be for everyone. It looks like more of an action game than an RPG.

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The FFX underwater game thing. Never liked it at all. I dunno the whole thing never clicked...


It was a bit tough to get into to begin with, I'll admit, and it was bloody difficult and required a bit of luck to win the tournament at Luca, but I stuck with it and absolutely love it.

I have played Blitzball for hours on end. Recruiting Brother from the airship really helps out a lot. FFX will always hold a very special place for me.



First half just pass, pass and pass, then shoot just before halftime using Tidus' special shot. Should level up a fair bit then in the second half get the ball and go for the quick goal using Tidus' special shot again. Should win 2-0 / 2-1 as the scene kicks in. Easy once you got it down.

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As I said, I'm playing the beta over the weekend, so I'll let you know how it is. It'll have to do some to impress me, as I'm not a fan of MMOs at all, but I dunno, might be down to never actually putting many hours in to one.

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I've been playing FFXIV 2.0 since the Phase 3 beta. Its a genuinely good MMO and in another league when compared to the utter catastrophe the original version was. Absolutely bags of fan service in there to boot, helmed by a new director who has remade the game from the ground up and really knows what he's doing.


I'll be playing on windows PC on EU Moogle with the folk from Rllmuk. And despite being on the PC version, I'll be playing with my Xbox 360 pad! (because the one major thing that leapt out at me when I played was just how well it played using one)

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I put a few hours in last night - after finally managing to get on it. Enjoyed it, quite a lot. I like the setting very much, it's very much an FF game that is an MMO, rather than an MMO with the FF name stuck on it. Which is obviously a huge plus for the likes of me. Enough for me to pre-order the full game? Not just yet - I'm only level 3, having done a bunch of fetch quests and the like so far, so there's plenty more for me to see and do before deciding if I'll invest.

It is evident why there's going to be a PS4 version, though - the PS3 version looks a bit choppy in places, particularly outside the city/ies. Not something that bothers me really, but there it is. On the flip side of that, it does run very, very smoothly.

Edited by hogso
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I played it for...far too many hours today. Engrossed is the word I think. I can see why people get so addicted to these things. Will more than likely buy it on release now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a copy through to review which is a bit frightning, never played an MMO and only ever played Final Fantasy VII - I've got a steep learning curve ahead. I also don't get any special treatment for being press, so I have the 30 day free access to do the review otherwise I'm paying for it. Eek!

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I've had a copy through to review which is a bit frightning, never played an MMO and only ever played Final Fantasy VII - I've got a steep learning curve ahead. I also don't get any special treatment for being press, so I have the 30 day free access to do the review otherwise I'm paying for it. Eek!


Hogso knows his stuff, I'm sure he could help you with any questions you have ;)


I've played a few MMO's too, so email me if you need it. I'll email you with the AC piece tomorrow by the way.

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Couldn't say I was over-awed at the beta of FF14 - core gameplay was as expected, but the quest chains had this awful habit of doing the following:


"Hey you know that place you were in 15 minutes ago before walking halfway across the map to turn these quests in - can you pop back over there an kill 15 of the mobs that were getting in your way last time? kthx"




Though the boss fights seemed a nice idea - I only gave up 1 day of play to get into it, I've just never allowed myself to really get into an MMO since I had most of my life stolen by WoW, Planetside and FF11 (whose ridiculous learning curve was something to behold, and yet there was something endearing about it - i.e. playing for 2 hours and managing to end up with more XP than when you started!).


On the plus point Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is only a matter of weeks away!  Never played the original 2, and I spent many MANY months badgering a old housemate of mine to buy it for his PS2, and I still never played it!

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