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Was just about to post about this, but you got there way before me =P

Just so I understand this - are they expecting you to use legacy hardware to play the earlier games, or are they porting them to an up-to-date platform?

Personally, it seems a complete waste of time really (aside from the obvious cash cow-milking that's going on) if it's only supported on the original H/W - I own most of those already (in some cases -FF4 & 5- on 2 platforms) - and given how keen they were to give the ps1 games away cheaply on the PSN store, it's odd they're charging so much for redundant physical copies and a few extra pieces of artwork and tat.

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TAT ! PUH ! I suppose you thought the real life DRINKABLE POTION was tat as well. Well I did not. I carry one with me most of the time. Never know when you might need to top up your HP.


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I did not know of this fine elixir.

I rescind my "tat" remark.

Apologies - though now I feel compelled to find somewhere where I can import a case of that stuff...

Edit, That the games collection is still a waste of time though, even with the extra bonus tat =P

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Unfortunately, no...the above only does HP, the HP and MP restoring Elixir has yet to hit stores in Japan. We can but hope.

I do agree though, only the super hardcore would purchase the collection. And only the mega ultra FFcore heads would import the **** over here. I am, you will be glad to hear, not at that level.

III is the only one I don't own. Have I & II, IV & V on PS1 collections, VI, VII, VIII and IX on PS1 from when they were originally released. Like wise for X, X-2, and XII on PS2, XI on PC (GUF!), and XIII and XIII-2 on PS3. Plus FF Tactics PS1 import, Mystic Quest Legend aka. FF:MQL on SNES, Crisis Core on PSP, Dirge of Cerberus on PS2, FF Tactics re-release on PSP, plus Disidia...I think that's it :P OH. And Chocobo Racing. How could I forget.

And do you know, not a single Squall limited figure or Chocobo plushie to be seen.

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Hey, don't knock FFXI, I had some super times on that (running about as a BLM and magic bursting like a madman, even at level 18 =P) - plus compared to the atrocity that was 14, it's like some shining beacon of MMO's =D

Can't say you're missing too much from FFIII - got it for the DS, where some of the more awesome features are locked away unless you can unravel the never-starting roll of selotape that is the "friends" list (that only works if you're physically online at the time you try to befriend someone) - it's a super fun game, but there's quite the difficulty curve (took FAAAR too long before I realised you can dual wield straight of the bat), and like all early FF's, any difficult encounter can be circumvented with the cunning use of level grinding =P

I ought to actually unwrap FFXIII-2 at some point (I preordered it from gameplay before they went under, thinking I was getting some super awesome steelbook edition, turns out I didn't order that at all, by which time it was too late to arrange a refund =P), and get about to playing IX (which I got during the big sale) - got to Fossil Roo and havnen't touched it for months (been too busy hitting the gym and building stuff in Terraria =D).

Seems I've missed out on the Chocobo plushies though, might have to rectify that - do they come with squeezable ones that make noises? =P

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The announcement from the other day was a new game in the 'Lightning Saga', although it wasn't exactly FFXIII-3. It's called 'Lightning Returns - FFXIII'. Yes, they're actually calling it that. It's going to be more an of an action based 3rd person game rather than an RPG unlike the other 2 FFXIII games (as untraditional as they were), somewhat similar to Dirge of Cerberus by the sounds.

It's going to follow a similar principle to Ephemeral Fantasia and Majora's Mask in that time travel is a major theme, with a countdown to the end of the world running throughout as you play, with certain actions slowing it down or speeding it up as you go. Open world, apparently, with Lightning being the only playable character, set 100 years after the end of FFXIII-2. So it'll be curious how they wriggle out of that ending. But I don't suppose it'll be difficult seeing as Lightning existed in a place where time didnt exist during FFXIII-2. So how can the world end...? Yeh. I played the heck out of both the other games and I'm confused. I guess I'll get it though. Fan boy that I am...

They also announced a box set containing every numbered FF game. Apparently they've been wanting to do this for years (as you would expect), but have only now been able to, as FFIII has only just become available on a Sony console. Some of the games are for PS1, PS2, PS3, and they used the PSP to get around the pesky FFIII issue.

Final Fantasy (PS one, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy II (PS one, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy III (PSP, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy IV (PS one, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy V (PS one, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy VI (PS one, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy VII International (PS one, 4 discs)

Final Fantasy VIII (PS one, 4 discs)

Final Fantasy IX (PS one, 4 discs)

Final Fantasy X (PlayStation 2, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy XI Vana Del Collection 2 (PlayStation 2, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation 2, 1 disc)

Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3, 1 disc)


Special anniversary video disc

Crystal ArtWorks -- an anniversary visual art collection

A two-disc anniversary music selection CD

Final Fantasy XIV Mogu Mogu earring item code

Mini-replica of Amano Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary visual and stand


Yours for ~£280! No expectation of an NA or EU release of course.


Am chuffed I can now play PS1 games on the vita, guess what I am doing :)

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  • 6 months later...

Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD 'remaster' confirmed, expected this year on PS3 and Vita. Trailer and stuff here, from PAX


I am all over that. Have considered giving X a runthrough on a few occasions in the last few years, never have though. The screens look great - but the comparison screens are a little odd, as the PS2 screens look wayyyyyy better than I remember it looking on my TV.

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Oh I remember FFX looking amazing for the time, especially the cutscenes. I'll definitely be getting FFX, it's probably my favourite Final Fantasy game. I love VII too of course, but FFX is special to me.


Can't wait to play Blitzball again! Go Aurochs!

Edited by Ginko
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What about X-2 though huh, did you like how you could change their dresses? I did. I also really enjoyed the true ending where you had to press X at a specific moment that you would have no idea about unless you read it in a guide/were told about it.

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I think I played X-2 all of about twice. I've heard that gameplay-wise it's actually really very good, but it was a bit too feminine and J-poppy for my liking. I also thought the premise of the story was a bit meh. It seemed quite far removed from the story from FFX, with exception to Yuna and Tidus being at the centre of it of course. It just didn't do it for me.

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same here, think i finished the 2nd level and gave up, looking forward to playing X again though, heads my list of reasons why PSN isnt as good as it should be, think it got a bit of unfiar criticism because its not as good as 7,8 or 9 (IMO) but it was a great game

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  • 2 months later...

Square Enix's booth line-up for E3 announced; FFX/X-2 remaster, Lightning Returns: FFXIII-3, FFXIV: A realm reborn, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix, Deu Ex Human Revolution: Director's Cut (all playable) and Thief (not playable).


Ye gods. I really, really hope that FFXV turns out to be FF versus XIII, as has been rumoured, as that seemed like a genuine departure from the norm for the series, and they so badly need to inject some life in to it. A bunch of remakes and remasters is hardly very exciting, is it?

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The new FF is getting a reveal on the Monday morning of E3 at the Sony conference, with more later on the week at a 'Future of Final Fantasy' conference held by Square Enix. I really hope it's FF versus XIII as FFXV.

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The new FF is getting a reveal on the Monday morning of E3 at the Sony conference, with more later on the week at a 'Future of Final Fantasy' conference held by Square Enix. I really hope it's FF versus XIII as FFXV.


Is this what they were talking about when they came out at the PS4 conference and said "Please be excited for E3"?

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So the rumours were accurate, Final Fantasy versus XIII = Final Fantasy XV. The E3 trailer looked markedly different from the earlier bits we've seen, they certainly seem to have 'Final Fantasy'-d it up a bit, possibly due to the fact that it is no longer a spin off. Which is a shame. I'm referring to the appearance of Leviathan, Iron Giant, and big castle things here. It still looks more 'modern' than every effort since FFVIII. Gameplay looked fast and furious, as would be expected for an announcement trailer, and was almost platform-esque at times. Be interesting how that holds up over the entirety of the game.


Also, Kingdom Hearts 3! FINALLY. Bit of a shame how it was dealt with though, they could've teased it a bit more and had Sora appear suddenly and dramatically, keyblade in hand, but instead they had him, uh, jump around on some shadows a bit. Possibly the worst announcement trailer ever (unless I missed something?). It's like the dev team literally said "look, this is all we have to show, so, it's that or nothing", which is what I'm sure is exactly what happened, as ofc the annoucement was more 'yeah it's happening on PS4' rather than 'look how awesome it's going to be!'. I guess that means it's going to be quite some time away from release.

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