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I think about this game pretty much everyday, I think I'm obsessing over it way too much. Ive re-read old previews, stared at some of the screenshots for ages and I've had more than one dream where I'm playing it. 


It has consumed me.


You don't live anywhere near Staffordshire do you? Just in case, here's some facts about me.


  • I do not own a nice car and the radio does not work, so no Lazlow for you
  • If you curb crawl me, I will not get into your car
  • The Mafia, Triads, Yakuza, Yardies and every other gang want me alive and well
  • When I die, glowing green wads of dosh do not float around my corpse
Edited by Ginko
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I think about this game pretty much everyday, I think I'm obsessing over it way too much. Ive re-read old previews, stared at some of the screenshots for ages and I've had more than one dream where I'm playing it.

It has consumed me.

**** hell pal, I mean, I love gaming, but I've never thought about any game that much before release :lol:

Edited by hogso
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I think about this game pretty much everyday, I think I'm obsessing over it way too much. Ive re-read old previews, stared at some of the screenshots for ages and I've had more than one dream where I'm playing it. 


It has consumed me.


You don't live anywhere near Staffordshire do you? Just in case, here's some facts about me.


  • I do not own a nice car and the radio does not work, so no Lazlow for you
  • If you curb crawl me, I will not get into your car
  • The Mafia, Triads, Yakuza, Yardies and every other gang want me alive and well
  • When I die, glowing green wads of dosh do not float around my corpse




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So if I'm thinking of getting a next gen console - what's the deal with this game?!

I'm only a casual gamer with a 360 at the moment but am tempted by the new PlayStation. What should I do?!

What sorts of games do you play? If you're like me and just play COD, Fifa and Assassins Creed then go for either, probs easier to keep the Xbox though as you already have a 'gamer tag' etc. I started off on playstation then switched to the xbox because most of my mates were all playing Halo and then Gears of war which I wanted to join in on. (Add gears of war to my list above actually). So I plan on getting the Xbox One eventually if the price drops slightly.

Ultimately, I'm sure there are so many arguments both for and against for both consoles. It really does just come down to personal preference though. What do YOU want to do?

Edited by Tayls
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No plans for a next gen GTA V as of now but I'd be amazed if we don't see see a souped-up version of the game appearing alongside a PC edition sometime in 2014. This ties into my own dilemma, do I rebuy a PS360 to play V when it come's out or will I try and wait it out for it to appear on PC, my wallet says wait but my head and heart say buy day one.  

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I reckon 2 years or 18 months from now R* MIGHT do a next gen version but until the userbase is at a significant amount then they won't do.


I don't think so - not their style at all. They won't waste time with polishing the game for the next gen, and wouldn't want to hand it over to a third party to do that either, I imagine. I'm sure it'll be one of the first games available on PS4s gaikai service, though.

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