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Murdoch Scum


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It does indeed. And it seems (until the past few days) to have been getting worse year by year. Blair and Cameron were/are both waaaay too familiar/friendly with Murdoch and his cronies. All these back door invites and such like. And when you factor in the Police (Met) being in the pay of Murdoch, in part, it explains a great deal.

If all this results in the removal of a layer of outside influence from politics, if MPs don't get cowed by media barons, if Police serve the public interest things could get a fair bit better, fast.

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The fact that a third party (i.e. Murdoch) has such control over the organs of state is extremely damaging for our society. Up until recently the politicians (legislature), the government (executive), the fourth estate (media) and the police have been aware that they can only do their jobs where it doesn't damage Murdoch. What makes it worse is the nature of Murdoch's politics, which are frankly venal and poisonous, with no respect for anyone except his close friends; the rest of the world is merely to be used to further his interests.

Well it seems that morale amongst some of the various powers (legislature, police and media) has increased to the point where they're ready to throw off the shackles and bring him down. It's now only the executive standing in the way: Cameron has so far made the decision to put his duty to his friends above his duty to the country. How long will he hold out I wonder?

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Looking back through articles written by Nick Davies, this one about journalists allegedly intercepting live telephone calls caught my eye. I wonder if this will be the next scandal to break? (hopefully bringing the telecoms industry into the controversy as they deserve to be)

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How they are related (or, The Two Andys):

I've posted this link before, but it seems timely to do so again.

Andy Coulson: former editor of the defunct NoW, former press chief to Cameron.

Andy Hayman: former investigator of the de Menezes killing, former investigator of the hacking scandal, later employed by News International.

Police kill de Menezes, unlawfully and through rank incompetence. Lead officer promoted, investigation (led by Andy) clears her. Press, led by Andy, paint a very sympathetic picture at the time of the killing, including many downright lies, which were known to be lies at the time both by the police and by the press. Andy has done Andy a big favour there. Andy owes Andy one.

Journalists on corrupt paper unlawfully hack phones, corruptly pay police to cover it up. Andy is put in charge of investigating Andy. Andy starts to look at the evidence, but may have mislaid his glasses, or maybe something more pressing comes up. Andy decides there's nothing to see here, the case is dropped, the evidence buried. Both Andys are content with this outcome.

Later on, Andy starts to feel the heat in his Met Police job. Time for a move. Andy suggests News International might be a sympathetic employer. Andy changes employment, effortlessly switching policing for journalism, because the skill-sets required are so easily interchangeable. Especially the ability to, er, investigate things.

Perhaps in the fullness of time, we might see the two Andys performing together in the Old Bailey, before sharing a slammer in Parkhurst or somewhere.

No, I know it's unlikely, but I live in hope.

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The fact that a third party (i.e. Murdoch) has such control over the organs of state is extremely damaging for our society. Up until recently the politicians (legislature), the government (executive), the fourth estate (media) and the police have been aware that they can only do their jobs where it doesn't damage Murdoch. What makes it worse is the nature of Murdoch's politics, which are frankly venal and poisonous, with no respect for anyone except his close friends; the rest of the world is merely to be used to further his interests.

Spot on. If you could edit that down to about 50 characters, it would be a good message to chisel on to Cameron's thick forehead.

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He's howling mad maybe , but I wouldn't go as far as "scum" .

Interesting. I would say he's not in the slightest mad (though at the extreme end of the controlling spectrum, and power seeking spectrum, yes), and that "scum" is a very mild description.

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Looking back through articles written by Nick Davies, this one about journalists allegedly intercepting live telephone calls caught my eye. I wonder if this will be the next scandal to break? (hopefully bringing the telecoms industry into the controversy as they deserve to be)

Let's hope so. It would be a very good use of court time, and one where the idea of "setting an example" might actually work, for once. A few journos doing time would improve the quality of journalism no end.

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John Gaunt on Question Time tonight.

Am I a bad person if I wish tonight also sees the first live broadcast of a heart attack?

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Can someone explain to me what it is about Brooks, that Murdoch thinks she is a talent worth saving?

Private Eye (this issue) is reporting that Murdoch was actually going to sack her the last time phone hacking was on all the front pages but David Cameron asked him to keep her on. Dunno how true it is, but I guess Cameron needs a friend in such a position of power.

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Oh, and this is old news from 28th June in Grauniad, which was indicative NOTW was already to be shortly to be rebranded anyway.


you got to admire Murdoch, he's good. Making a public sacrifice of what was going to happen anyway. They must be laughing their cocks off at people who think closure of NOTW is anything other than a short term inconveniecne.

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There is a degree of satisfaction in seeing once all-powerful media predators being eaten by their own....

Reminds me of this TV reporter in Boston on Ch. 7 who was their attack dog, sent to houses to shove microphones into the faces of parents whose children have been found dead, etc...real dirtbag reporter with no scruples.

He quit his TV gig and opened a nightclub in Rhode Island.

Then this happened: click

He then became the prey.

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