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What Album Are You Listening To Right Now?


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Hats off to anyone repeatedly listening to an album they don't like in the hope it's a grower.

Personally, I give it two goes, making sure the second time I'm in a different space and different mindset. If it still ain't working, it's gone. Sometimes, I'll revisit a long time later, like 6 or 8 months. But most often, it'll end up flung out of the car window as I pass the magic roundabout.

There's a few there now.



But for right now, they've all gone up the allotment, so just bumping around to this...





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46 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

Hats off to anyone repeatedly listening to an album they don't like in the hope it's a grower.

Personally, I give it two goes, making sure the second time I'm in a different space and different mindset. If it still ain't working, it's gone. Sometimes, I'll revisit a long time later, like 6 or 8 months. But most often, it'll end up flung out of the car window as I pass the magic roundabout.

There's a few there now.



But for right now, they've all gone up the allotment, so just bumping around to this...





It has happened over the years where I've kept trying then all of a sudden BANG!

Grateful Dead, American Beauty. Years ago I just couldn't take to it then one day it finally clicked. I think age definitely had something to do with it. It's now one of my favourite albums.

Black Sabbath, Never Say Die. Total load of shit. By far the worst ozzy era album is what I'd say.It took me until the age of 31 to finally fall for this album and it was like listening to new work by the band because I was that dead against it for years previous.

Those  two albums come to mind. Led Zep, In Through The Out Door is an album I'm still trying with but just cannot grasp it.

Edited by Rugeley Villa
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1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

Not Neil Young's best albums, but the Zevon is a stone cold classic. 

Yeah...just randomly taking albums out. Good job I did, as I've discovered "American stars & bars" isn't there...**** knows where thats gone but I now need to replace it!

Warren Zevon really was brilliant, shame people only know him for the werewolf song.

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3 minutes ago, rjw63 said:


Warren Zevon really was brilliant, shame people only know him for the werewolf song.

Indeed. My favourites are that s/t one above, and 'Sentimental Hygene'. 

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On 7/30/2017 at 09:13, Daweii said:

I'll definitely try listening to it in reverse order. I spent much of the weekend listening to the album and it has grown on me a bit, I just think overall it was jarring to me just how dance rock sounding it was but after about 10 listens I think I finally get it. I will certainly try it in reverse order though and see if that works more. 

I've listened to the Arcade Fire album loads this week, and it's brilliant. Once you've listened to it a few times you can hear the quality. Apart from those 2/3 abominations in the middle, which are atrocious. Delete those, and it's a cracking album.

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On 7/30/2017 at 12:15, Risso said:

I think on the whole the AF album is pretty good, forwards or backwards. Two or three absolute stand out tracks and a couple of stinkers: Chemistry and Infinite Content. They're in the middle hence not really mattering which way round you play it.


Chemistry is really awful, crap Cod 80's reggae mixed with Robert Palmer

If I'm honest, it's not a bad album but the influences on each song keep distracting me from the song itself, in almost every song. Like Risso says though there are a couple of stinkers, Chemistry especially, I skip it every time now

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1 hour ago, Risso said:

It's the very dominant influence on the single Everything Now.  Which I love but it is just a huge Dancing Queen pastiche.

Not sure what point you're making Martin.

I don't like the Beatles but I like Start by the Jam

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