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I've a couple of CED likes in my collection. Not 8pints level, obviously, but one or two. Post something about how much you like Taylor Swift, and he may oblige you. 

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I've never understood why, in that New Yorker cover, there's an enormous mountain apparently in, or to the north of, Nebraska, given that this is the most notoriously flat part of the whole country.

It could plausibly be the Black Hills or Devil's Tower (had Close Encounters come out yet?)
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Why do Brummies call an off licence 'the outdoor'?

Off licence sales from pubs used to take place from the 'outdoor department' (also called other things like the 'Jug and Bottle', I gather).

It was mostly (always, perhaps?) a room with a small hatch or window opening to the bar but separate from the rest of the pub (sometimes the hatch was on the outer wall of the building opening up directly on to the street - I seem to remember one or two pubs in Stourport like that).

Edit: At least that's what I think/recall.

I recall the outdoor, down the bottom of my Nan's had a proper beer pump on the counter. The same old bloke used to stand in there every night, drinking Brew XI.

I've lived in Birmingham for almost 30 years and I have never heard an off licence called "The outdoor"

Really? It's all I've ever known tbh. Only other thing I've ever called it is the offy. But to me its the outdoor. Never known why though. Until now obviously.




I wouldn't have a clue what anyone was talking about if they told me they were going to the outdoor.


Offy is the only thing I@ve ever called it (apart from just saying "off licence")



I think its more of a Black Country thing.

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Grew up in North Birmingham, and always referred to as an outdoor in our house. No connections to the Black Country in the family, as far as I'm aware.    




Had this conversation with people at work and its 50-50 as to who has heard of outdoor and who hasn't! 

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Probably a parent-related thing rather than age. Never heard it referred to as an outdoor, just the offy/off licence. 


North Birmingham, btw.

Edited by Milfner
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