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Things you often Wonder


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I can unite two thread topics here.


Way in the way back when (Nine years ago) I was working the doors in town and a larger lady all blinged out was denied entry to the club and said to me.


"Come on, I like my men how I like my coffee...black"


To which I replied "Well, I'm brown so you'll have to find your ideal man somewhere else"


*Sigh* memories.



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What if its not tea ....................................................................................

 Does Jenny like coffee?  

I once offered her a teabag.

 No milk, sugar, hot water or a mug? Are you in charge where Davkaus works?

It may have been in a dream. I remember back when I first started posting on here and encountered baselayers........

Ahhhhhh the memories.....

I still remember jenny's first words to me.......

"Not with a thousand condoms".

Good times, good times.

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What gives with the printer/ink business model? 


I get the idea - like the original safety razor - you make the appliance cheap, but then you make your money on repeat sales of the consumables. 


But when it's actually cheaper to throw away your printer and buy a new one every time the ink runs out, rather than buying the cartridges, something is askew. 

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What gives with the printer/ink business model? 


I get the idea - like the original safety razor - you make the appliance cheap, but then you make your money on repeat sales of the consumables. 


But when it's actually cheaper to throw away your printer and buy a new one every time the ink runs out, rather than buying the cartridges, something is askew. 


I suppose they test the market by increasing the price for ink and the number of sales doesn't change so they keep doing it.


I know people that are fully aware that buying a new printer is cheaper but buy ink instead to save themselves the (mostly imaginary) time and stress of installing a new printer.

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Interesting stuff about printers and planned obsolescence here.


More often we will find that printers force us to buy new ink while there is still plenty of ink left.

For example, other means of planned obsolescence are smart ink cartridges that disable themselves after a certain time or when they think there is not enough ink. which is of course far from being empty (perhaps around 25%).

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Okay - animals that appear genetically similar e.g. a cow and a horse.


A cow does a flat, sloppy pooh (a cow pat).

A horse does nice, chunky dollops of solid pooh (manure) that is good for your garden.


Take then, two very genetically different animales e.g a rabbit and a sheep.


They both shit solid little pellets.


Why the discombobulus difference/similarity in poohs? Why do humans have solid (one wipe and away) pooh one day, and the next day it takes an hour to wipe off?


Riddle me that... as they say in Nantwich.

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Okay - animals that appear genetically similar e.g. a cow and a horse.


A cow does a flat, sloppy pooh (a cow pat).

A horse does nice, chunky dollops of solid pooh (manure) that is good for your garden.


Take then, two very genetically different animales e.g a rabbit and a sheep.


They both shit solid little pellets.


Why the discombobulus difference/similarity in poohs? Why do humans have solid (one wipe and away) pooh one day, and the next day it takes an hour to wipe off?


Riddle me that... as they say in Nantwich.



Cow and a horse genetically similar? I don't think so.

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Ever wondered what happened to Gary Newbon, TV Boxing commentator and football pundit / presenter? No? Me neither, but he was in the same restaurant as me earlier in Brindleyplace. 

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Ever wondered what happened to Gary Newbon, TV Boxing commentator and football pundit / presenter? No? Me neither, but he was in the same restaurant as me earlier in Brindleyplace. 


He sat behind me on a train from Manchester to Birmingham about a year ago. 

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Ever wondered what happened to Gary Newbon, TV Boxing commentator and football pundit / presenter? No? Me neither, but he was in the same restaurant as me earlier in Brindleyplace. 


He sat behind me on a train from Manchester to Birmingham about a year ago. 


That Newbon, he gets everywhere! 

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