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Things you often Wonder


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This isn't really something I often wonder, but I've been thinking about it a ton tonight. I was in a car with some friends, and 10 minutes after they dropped me off at my house, they got cut off by a drunk driver and their car flipped. Now, they're all mostly okay, it was mostly just cuts and one got a concussion, but it made me think about how quick everything can end.

We spend years going through school, working, saving for retirement, etc, all this stuff partially to help for the future, but in an instant all of the work you've done, all the things you've thought about, all the effort you've put into everything can be ended without any prior warning. Just seems kinda crazy to me.

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I tend to not think about it to much but yes its frightening that it can all be over just like that. Never gave it much thought but once I had kids its something that rears its ugly head now and again. If its going to happen its going to happen,aslong as I don't have to bury my kids I'll be happy with that,infact that's the one wish I would have if I could have anything.

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This isn't really something I often wonder, but I've been thinking about it a ton tonight. I was in a car with some friends, and 10 minutes after they dropped me off at my house, they got cut off by a drunk driver and their car flipped. Now, they're all mostly okay, it was mostly just cuts and one got a concussion, but it made me think about how quick everything can end.

We spend years going through school, working, saving for retirement, etc, all this stuff partially to help for the future, but in an instant all of the work you've done, all the things you've thought about, all the effort you've put into everything can be ended without any prior warning. Just seems kinda crazy to me.

The crazy thing is that we do all the school, working, saving etc in the first place. Death is natural, the rest is just a bunch of weird stuff the human race decided to do.

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I've been on a health binge (does that exist?) since I found out my cholesterol is sky high. I changed from my odd visit to the chippers to eating bananas for lunch. I've been eating a lot of them. I also have a love for popcorn & noticed that when ever I have it in the cinema (have't had it recently :( ) that my pee was always very yellow due to the large levels of sodium. Of course, bananas are known for their high levels of potassium which happens to give off a purple colour. I was determined to find out if I ate enough bananas could I actually pee purple? Sadly google tells me no! :( 

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This has been playing on my mind for the last couple of days. What sound did dinosaurs make?

Loud ones. Except for small dinosaurs, they made small ones.


There were dinosaurs in almost every niche in which there are now mammals. They would have made an enormous variety of sounds.

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How do you know that the small ones didn't make loud ones and the big ones didn't make small ones?

How do you know that they made noise at all? 

Small things rarely make loud noises. And I really carefully constructed my sentence so that it didn't say anything about the noises made by large ones. :)


They definitely made noises, even if it was just footsteps. However most of the things that descended from dinosaurs make noises. It's unlikely that convergent evolution led to multiple descendant species of dinosaurs developing "vocal" abilities, more likely that our vocal chords and their's date back to a common ancestor.

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