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Break Ups ( need to vent! )


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I thought the Italian bird looked a bit Spanish...

Na the Spanish bird was the not so hot one who turned me down, I think she was a bit young anyway. The Italian one was hot and just stupidly got dumped by someone with incredibly high expectations.

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I thought the Italian bird looked a bit Spanish...

Na the Spanish bird was the not so hot one who turned me down, I think she was a bit young anyway. The Italian one was hot and just stupidly got dumped by someone with incredibly high expectations.

Sorry to hear that about the Italian. Maybe she could have progressed your relationship more than the others but I feel with what you've told me things always revert to type after a while.

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Well I've seen a picture, but that's it (online dating site).

And pictures aren't really the best to go off, so technically it's a blind date.

She seems nice though, but I've made sure to tell my family where I'm going and at what time so if I don't come into work on Friday morning they'll know where to start the search :lol:

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Right then, of out to find a ginger bird who supports the blues, gonna smash some back doors in.......

Dante....have a back up plan, dating sites are unreliable to say the least, although when it does come rights theres a fair amount shagging been done through certain sites.....POF

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goddamn. I HATE sending texts at 1.30 am when I know she is likely to be asleep and not going to respond - this is in the dancing around each phase working out if we like each other. Now have a night of wondering if it's the worst thing I could have done, or good, the agony. Would have spoken 121 in person but there was no opportune moment - nor was one easily manufactured, but equally was too drunk and impatient to wait until i see her next - tomorrow :(

i know she likes me and i know she knows i like her but i still wonder if it was the kind of thing i should have said face to face instead, rather than all shyly by text - i had no problem doing it face ot facer but just no chance, and i have no patience. in short i hate texting, there's too much agony of waiting and etiquette i don't understand. Urgh.

**** texting.

will try to convince myself she went to bed with her phone switched off.

feel like im 15 again all of a sudden. urgh.

edit - she#s replied :hooray:

crisis averted. but still, no excuses not to talk to her face to face tomorrow now.

christ im useless at this courting thing :oops:

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Actually going for a drink with the ex next Thursday. She text last night thanking me for dropping her post off earlier in the week (yup, still getting that little bit of post come through 8 months later). Had a text chat and we said we'd meet up for a catch up. I think we're both OK with it, be nice to see how everyone is on her side, they were ALMOST my family.

Plus we ended the relationship maturely so there aren't any bad feelings or anything. Should be a nice evening.

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What was her reply?

positive :) pretty much said the same thing back to me as I had her ( ie missed her the past few days, as she'd been at the Isle of Wight Festival ) and looking forward to seeing one another tonight.

seems quite tame on reflection now, im sober / hungover to hell, but at the time, neuroses went into overdrive :P

now im just feeling utterly impatient. this evening can't come quick enough.

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