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Break Ups ( need to vent! )


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That's what you claim, but I've seen the birth records and I know "Andrew Fallon" is a cover for your true identity... post sex-change Amelia Earhart. :shock: *dum dum DUMMMM!*

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Couldn't be bothered starting a new thread for this and I knew this had already gone right off the original topic. Anyway, I've discovered a bit of pain in the arse that comes with the girlfriend. That is one of her best mates.

She has told me has tried it with her in the past and she was having none of it and she thinks it is all left behind but being a male I just don't think it is. Anyway, I was down in London this weekend and we all went out and he was trying to get very comfortable with her. She was very uncomfortable with this although he plays the game, turns into a depressive wreck for her attention. What set me off though was when he turned around to me and asked 'I'm surprised you let me do this to your girlfriend'. I just said I trust her etc etc as I don't want to cause a problem between friends. In all and total honesty though, I wanted to smack him it was only my grown up side that said no. I was stewing though. Luckily one of her other mates kept me sane.

Anyway, my girlfriend involves me within her friendships etc and often shares what they text her or say to her. And he seems to say similar things to her there making her uncomfortable. He has told her that he is Bi-Polar and she feels sorry for him. I think he just wants a piece of her but I don't think she would like it if I told her that even though she knows he has tried it before. I trust her and I know she wouldn't do anything but I just find it a bit disrespectful to me and her as she looks bloody uncomfortable when he is pestering her.

Anybody had similar with strange friends? I am comfortable with her friends but I don't really want the same creep trying to touch up my girlfriend to be honest.

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Talk to your missus about it. Tell her that he pissing you off. It's nothing to do with you not trusting her, just the lack of respect he is showing you AND your girlfriend. You need to nip it in the bud sooner rather than later.

I'm still single. Been 7 months now and it's starting to get me down. Went to a one of my mates parties on Saturday round her house, everyone there was a couple. Although we all mingled and stuff a part of me still felt like a third wheel, then when we all left I was the one who went home alone.

*forever alone jpeg*

Suppose I'm just feeling lonely at the moment.

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I understand that. About 5 months for me, and the freedom is not sufficing now, it doesn't help in my groupd of friends I hang out with almost every evening, one's a married couple and the other are another pair. There is another girl there who is very recently single, who's beautiful but has had some right clearings in the woods as partners beforehand who I get on with, and have been kinda flirting with, but always so wary of being a rebound guy. When I go home at the end of the night it's with sense of depression that I'm going back to a large 3 bed flat, where one of the empty rooms is my ex who hasn't been there in yonks, and the other's a housemate who whilst quite annoying is also now currently out of the country for a few weeks. Does feel a bit hollow at times.

But chin up fellow single man, there'll be a lady on the horizon soon enough! - or one of those other couples will split :P

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Talk to your missus about it. Tell her that he pissing you off. It's nothing to do with you not trusting her, just the lack of respect he is showing you AND your girlfriend. You need to nip it in the bud sooner rather than later.

Yeah I thought this might be the response. My worry isn't him, it is her reaction to it as she has this natural instinct to feel sorry for people and might not see it how I do. Saying that though, it has to be done as if I keep seeing it, i'm going to drive myself nuts.

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