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Break Ups ( need to vent! )


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I haven't been out clubbing lots. Four times in 12 months, pub it a fair bit though. I'm not really the engaging type!

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Too much fuss about nothing.

Talking to wimmin is easy, they usually want to have a conversation and if they don't, they aren't worth bothering about, so get to a place where you are likely to find like minded people, have a few drinks if need be, and strike up conversation. This is where smoking comes into it's own, nothing beats offering a light in the smoking area to get things going. Obviously you have to make the choice between lung cancer and clunge.

I'd say 90% of my conversations with wimmin occur in smoking areas/beer gardens. I don't bother inside, too much effort for too little a result.

Now, evidently some people refuse to smoke, and that's fair enough, in which case you'll be left shouting in girls ears with breath that smells like one to many drinks, with words that are mumbled and unless she's a bit of a skank she won't take to that.

So, kids, start smoking, it'll get you clunge.

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Smoking is quite social now that the smoking ban is in full swing.

Never light your own cigarette and you're bound to have some conversations without even trying.

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All about opportunity as well.

My mate's girlfriend was hammered last night and knocked over another girl whilst stumbling about. I picked her up and offered to buy her a new drink as it got dropped on the floor.

It didn't go anywhere as we had to go because my mate's girlfriend could now not stand up.

But still, there's an example.

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They aren't going to say no, are they?

It's a free drink for them at the end of the day, even if they don't like you, they'll take it.

She was alright, a solid 7, however I had the same length hair as her, which was strange.

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Too much fuss about nothing.

Talking to wimmin is easy, they usually want to have a conversation and if they don't, they aren't worth bothering about, so get to a place where you are likely to find like minded people, have a few drinks if need be, and strike up conversation. This is where smoking comes into it's own, nothing beats offering a light in the smoking area to get things going. Obviously you have to make the choice between lung cancer and clunge.

I'd say 90% of my conversations with wimmin occur in smoking areas/beer gardens. I don't bother inside, too much effort for too little a result.

Now, evidently some people refuse to smoke, and that's fair enough, in which case you'll be left shouting in girls ears with breath that smells like one to many drinks, with words that are mumbled and unless she's a bit of a skank she won't take to that.

So, kids, start smoking, it'll get you clunge.


Didn't know where to post this but I've had ALOT of trouble with my ex recently and we've both said things we shouldn't have. Anyway, we've finally agreed to not contact each other anymore.

My problem is her mates hate me and I've had to delete my Facebook to stop them from confronting me in front of other people. Well I tell a lie, that's just 1 kid in particular. He's fat and considered a keyboard warrior. Still a word removed.

Regarding her other friends though I'm worried about bumping into them on a night out so I'm trying to lie low and not go out for a weeks. Don't think that's going to work. Trying to 'resolve' it won't work either. What can I do here? Can't just stay in every Saturday. She reckons they don't even know what I look like and I don't need to lie low. Bollox.

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Its all in the mind, look at my pic in the rogue gallery then look at the girl im taking for a meal next week and youd think hypnosis/rohypnol/blackmail were all involved* Whereas my mate at work is a good looking athletic chap and he is more useless than i am.

Youve just gotta think, '**** it im going for it' and not worry about consequences, your on this planet for an infitismal amount of time, ive spent a good portion of my time so far moping around, thinking what if, if only etc......then i met the now ex, took a chance, had a 4 year relationship and a mahoosive confidence boost, just because i said 'fancy going to see that film?.

Just ride the clouds of ignorance and go for it, you will fall off now and again but just jump straight back on again.

*they arent.

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Also another way of thinking about it, if that girl says no, what are the chances that you'll ever see them again?*


*If you don't know them that is.

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Youve just gotta think, '**** it im going for it' and not worry about consequences, your on this planet for an infitismal amount of time, ive spent a good portion of my time so far moping around, thinking what if, if only....

Hammer, nail, head.

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That would involve saving one of her pictures off of her fb profile, uploading and sharing it on here and ill be honest with you, that feels a bit creepy.

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Morals have took a hit and i feel proper creepy so after a few days im deleting them off my comp :P anyway thats who im taking for dinner. Not bad for someone of my looks i think.

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