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Break Ups ( need to vent! )


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I've got nothing. I just don't think from his earlier descriptions that she is ugly. And if guys are willing to bang/date her to begin with then how bad can she really be?

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haha nah she was really fit, and thats when waking up next to her so i didn't have beer goggles on and also she looks fit on facebook photo's too! Was very weird how the day before i was saying how sexy i found spanish girls to a mate and then the following day i'm in bed with one. .plenty more fish in the sea eh :)

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haha got a bit of stick from my mates, probably because she was so fit and i couldn't get it up. But having heard off a few of my mates its happened to them before and there were incidents i haven't discussed which was off putting.

haha... just laugh it off dude.

Happens to more people than you realise. If it was your first time, then it was probably just nerves... just try again, preferably with the same bird... at least she will be expecting it!!! :winkold:

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Bit of a plot twist with the fittie from work, shes back from nz all safe and well, we went for a meal which was nice and everything but she is a bit erm....mental in the face. Since the meal she has been a bit clingy and decided to disclose to me that she hasnt had the no pants dance in 2 years! Told me she cant wait to have kids (didnt specify with who :P ). I mean, why would you tell someone these things?!

Im going ahead with it for obvious reasons but its thrown a bit of a spanner in the works, never dated a mentally unstable girl before. Could be fun!

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Ingram, you've got yourself your a keeper, fairly fit desperate girl. The perfect combination.

The jackass is right. As well as Stevo. But a lot of girls tend to be that honest because IF it scares you off then you weren't worth their time. They don't always fully mean everything either. Which by now, you should know anyway.

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Ha, cheers guys, it was just a bit of a shock as i wasnt expecting her to disclose that type of info after a week or so of going out. Alarm bells have quietened and she is crazy but lovely at the same time. One to keep and look after then. Thanks guys.

Yeah understudy its her.

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Then she = keeper. :D Don't take this the wrong way, but you'll struggle to land a better version without the use of Rohypnol.

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No none taken, im of exactly the same opinion. Im still sure its all an elaborate hoax, that or ive been working in the mental health field too long and have started hallucinating about hot women.

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