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General Krulak pt 4 - Q & A (No transfer Questions)


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General I think most people on this site want houllier and randy to succeed, it's just that some of us don't believe we're in a Disney movie and it's gonna happen just because we all smile and pull together. Our good guy club isn't going to defeat the bad guys just because we want it to. It takes money and not spending last summer didn't help us one bit.

I hope we won't be making similar mistakes in January or next summer.

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I'd just like to echo a lot of the positive sentiments recently posted and that at this time the negative posters seem to take over this board.

I am not happy about the current situation, but then again who is. However, I believe that GH is someone that can take the club forward and get us to the next level. As we all know there have been a number of injuries that have disrupted many of the games and surely by the law of averages if nothing else we will see a number of these players return and see an upturn in our fortunes. With the timing of O’Neill’s departure the club were put in a very tricky predicament and have responded in the manner we have become accustomed to which gives me great pride in the club and the people running this institution.

I would like to thank you for the time you take coming on this site and the comments that you post. Some I agree with and some I don’t, but we are very lucky to have an insight into the running of the club that very few other clubs provide.

I still have faith and look forward to a bright future with the next generation of young players we have after we get through this tricky period.

All the best.

Once a Villan always a Villan.

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General, is there a specific defensive coach in the new first team setup? One person I would love to see involved at the club would be Martin Laursen. I have no idea if he would be interested in such a role but I think with his experience he could offer a lot to up and coming defenders.

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2. Chrisnicholstoe: obviously, I will try to not meet up with you... You have made your desire know and I will comply.

Youve lost me General :?

It was the other Ginger who wanted to meet you. This Ginger is still very upset about the lack of close air support at and around the sty :winkold:


How frustrating do you find it taking the the blame for everything?

Ive spoken to quite a few former players and they have nothing bad to say about you or Randy, which is the complete opposite to what theyve told me about a treacherous leach, and a former Chairman, and i dare say im not the only one who has heared certain things.

So although a little perturbed at our current position, im not overly worried, as im sure Randy will do the right thing. I mean, hes not going to throw all that investment away, and the surest thing to protect against losing it, is investing more.

Its not blooming rocket science!!

By the way General, i have 500 blue and white seats. Some are a little broken in places, but they still make great mementos. Any chance of selling them in the club shop? 8)

Anyways, still very upset with the lack of aircover the other night, but other than that, keep the faith with some of us, and onwards and upwards :P

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will there be an android app for villa? There is one for iPhone but Android is just as big, so thats worth a look in - i'd be happy to pay £2 for the app and im sure there's other android users that would too.


I have asked you this before but I agree with this post. I don't know if you understand how popular android is. Android is VERY popular in UK and I would believe also in US, Europe and worldwide. You said there were no plans for android (why not ???) but us fans would prefer an OFFICIAL app as opposed to unofficial app which just collates news stories from the internet.

An android app should be definately be looked into with a view to having one as opposed to disregarding and underestimating android.

A lot of us would pay more than £2 for the app. Also, it would increase revenue and branding.

Thank you Sir

I asked this question on the official facebook page and they told me January.

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Hi General,

Hope you are well and looking forward to a nice Christmas.

I was very disappointed with the defeat to Blues on Wednesday. I was going to reply sooner but wanted to take the time to reflect on the game first. I don't buy what some people said about us being unlucky. Yes we had lots of possession but it is arguable that Blues had better chances, especially the one where Jerome was clean through on goal and shot wide.

I would actually say that we were very lucky in the game. Had we not had our most lenient officiating for a long time, we would have been 2-0 down and Gabby's goal would have been disallowed. On top of this, Hogg would have been eventually sent off in the game because he should have received a yellow card for the two-footed challenge on Bowyer in the first half. I don't mind Hogg kicking lumps out of Bowyer, I am merely pointing out the fact that a less lenient ref would have taken stronger action. There were also quite a few decisions that went our way when they clearly should have gone to Blues, and to top it all off, the ref even played six and a half minutes injury time at the end of the game when five minutes had been shown by the 4th official.

I have stood by Gerard Houllier all season and think he has had a tough intorduction to his managerial career at Villa. Obviously the timing wasn't great and neither is the fact that he had lost, arguably, the club's best player. Add to this the fact we didn't even name a squad of 25 players that we were allowed. Also, he had to find his own coaches, as the previous manager had taken his guys with him. Then of course we go and get the worst batch of injuries that I can ever remember. All in all it has been a tough time to take charge of us. For all these reasons I have stood by GH and will continue to do so until he has been given at least a season and half and had 2-3 transfer windows to work in and a full pre-season. Only then can we really judge him, unless of course he seemingly loses the plot and/or we are languishing near the bottom after say 25 games. However, I have to say that I think he got a few things wrong on Wednesday night.

We started the game with Ash further forward alongside Gabby, with Bannan, who has been playing great in the centre of midfield, playing on the right wing. I for one think this was a big mistake. Bannan was having a good second half by moving into the centre of his own accord and we looked better for it. Then, suddenly, GH took him off and brought on a player who I am not sure is entirely happy to be here. Ireland's attitude stinks. I can handle a player not having enough ability but the basics of challenging to win a ball are a minimum requirement for me and Ireland just doesn't seem too interested in getting his shirt dirty, General. Not one for you to take into the trenches I would say! His introduction also resulted in Gabby spending most of the remainder of the game on the left wing, which is very strange given the fact he was our only recognised stirker on the pitch and he had already scored! Then GH goes and makes a further two substitutions at a time when it looked very unlikely they would make a difference. surely the changes should have been made as soon as we went behind?

I think that Gerard made some costly mistakes on Wednesday General and the tinkering with the defence has also had a negative effect on the side. We were the 4th best defence last season and now we are leaking goals for fun. I understand that GH may want to try to keep possession of the football a bit more but maybe he should wait until he brings in his own players before he starts messing with that tactic. Or, at least wait until we have some of the other senior players back to add a bit more steel to the midifled!

I think Paul summed it up in an earlier post. You can't ask players of the age of Dunne and Collins to suddenly become Bobby Moore. If we continue with this tactic we are going to continue to concede a lot of goals in my opinion. It seems that the opposing teams will try to exploit this by pressing us higher up the pitch around our final third and I just don't believe that either Dunne or Collins have the natural football ability to play their way out of trouble. Don't get me wrong General, I like both players but MON didn't buy them to play keep-ball, he bought them to clear their lines and stop opposing forwards from scoring. Under MON's style of management both players looked more than capable of that. I just don't see them being able to look as good playing the new style that GH is trying to introduce.

I keep the faith that all will work out well General. I will say one thing though. The fans know their football and Gerard's mistakes will not go unnoticed and if results don't pick up when the injured players come back, the fans will soon start to lose faith in him. The problem Randy might have is this. The classy players, who are comfortable on the ball, don't come cheap. MON assembled a bunch of hard working players who gave their all as a unit. If Gerard tries to introduce a better quality of play, Randy may well have to invest another substantial amount of money to make it happen. I hope that Randy is prepared for that because the better quality players always cost more.

Take care General. The vast majority are still behind you, Randy, Gerard and everyone else at the club. Like I said to you before, at least the younger players are getting chance to show what they are made of and I think they have shown a few of the senior players up recently!

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General, I will be in Baltimore for a stop over on the 19th Dec. What is your location in America? Is there any chance you could meet me and the good lady and share a Bud and chew the fat on all things Villa and more....and if you need anything bringing over from the club shop then i can pop in there for you and get what you want.

PM me if you are in the Baltimore area and are free....we can swop details of where to meet etc.

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General Krulak here:

1. avilafan: Over the summer, I must have posted a "blow by blow" of what was happening almost daily. It got so bad (here I mean that no one was listening or just didn't believe me) that I actually went off the site for several weeks. I am not going to repeat all I said then...it should be easy to bring them back up from the "history file." I spoke of what happened before MON left, what happened the day he left, and what Randy did and when. I am not sure what more the Club could have said at the time or now that would satisfy anyone.

2. Is the Board "at fault"? Should we shoulder any of the blame? Very tough questions to answer...because I am not sure what is meant by the questions. At blame for the sale of Milner? I guess we are if we should have "trumped" the deal made by the Manager...something that Boards should not do to their Managers. That we should have backed MON...I would say that Randy gave him backing in both money and personal support. That we should have know he was leaving? I guess if we were mind readers we could have done that. That we should have rushed out and picked a manager out of the "manager for sale" bin? I would say that Randy acted promptly and professionally to choose a new Manager...he flew to the UK the day MON turned in his resignation...and started the hunt at that time. ALL of this is fact...not spin. OBVIOUSLY the Board is not blameless...it all happened. I am sure there are lessons to be learned and we have attempted to do just that but....it is NOT at all like has been presented on this site over the past few days.

3. You will not hear Randy nor MON talk about this issue in detail...it is not something either should do.

4. If the Club says they will have a app for the android, then they will.

5. I will be at a Board Meeting for the next two days so will be off the site. Maybe allow things to calm down a bit. I DO BELIEVE that the Club that pulls together will, in the end, succeed. Stick with us.

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1. avilafan: Over the summer, I must have posted a "blow by blow" of what was happening almost daily. It got so bad (here I mean that no one was listening or just didn't believe me) that I actually went off the site for several weeks. I am not going to repeat all I said then...it should be easy to bring them back up from the "history file." I spoke of what happened before MON left, what happened the day he left, and what Randy did and when. I am not sure what more the Club could have said at the time or now that would satisfy anyone.

Ok then mate, I didnt know as I dont tend to look back that far on pages.

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3. You will not hear Randy nor MON talk about this issue in detail...it is not something either should do.

General, just picking up on this comment, why is it something that is not appropriate for either Mr Lerner or Martin to do but is appropriate for yourself to do?

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Yet again a number of posts have been removed, this is not a thread for debate between posters. Neither is it a thread for posters to answer questions intended for the General.

Such posts will be removed as will rambling efforts which look more like rants than actual questions.

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Hi General,

What is the latest with the stadium development?

Will we go ahead with our stadium capacity increase despite losing the World Cup bid?

Merry Christmas

Up the Villa

Yes I'd love to know this too General, I can't wait for the North Stand redevelopment!!! Thanks & Merry Xmas!

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General - 8.16pm

losing 2-0

Could have been worse

Why ?

Because as I pointed out 2 weeks ago - our manager is trying to make Two "old fashioned centre halves" play like Bobby Moore.

Now sorry General - this is nothing to do with rocket science

This is down to the guy you say is doing a remarkable job making a bloody pigs ear.

Now sort it out before it's too late !!


Oh - and by the way

It seems like Newcastle wanted Ajax's manager a bit more than we did !!!

Sorry General - with every passing week it is getting obvious what is going on at the Villa - and it is worrying !

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