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Barry Bannan


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No matter what anyone says on here the stats are very favourable for Bannan when you compare between other midfielders in his position. Crossing, short and long passing, accuracy, work rate, creativity. (Key passes are the creativity stat, not assists).


He's most criticised for what he's not in the team to do: tackling. He's not a defensive midfielder. He's criticised for that because criticising someone for not doing something that is not their job is cheap and easy.


Bannan also has that "extra gear" other players do not. He's not found it yet for us consistently but when he does he will make the doubters look silly.


A good dark horse fantasy premier league team pick next year I suspect.




I agree with Trent. As you can see from the heat map below, Bannan (left) is mainly bollocks.



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No matter what anyone says on here the stats are very favourable for Bannan when you compare between other midfielders in his position. Crossing, short and long passing, accuracy, work rate, creativity. (Key passes are the creativity stat, not assists).


He's most criticised for what he's not in the team to do: tackling. He's not a defensive midfielder. He's criticised for that because criticising someone for not doing something that is not their job is cheap and easy.


Bannan also has that "extra gear" other players do not. He's not found it yet for us consistently but when he does he will make the doubters look silly.


A good dark horse fantasy premier league team pick next year I suspect.




I agree with Trent. As you can see from the heat map below, Bannan (left) is mainly bollocks.




And next to him must be his partner...




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I suspect if Barry Bannan was up for sale, no other Premier League-club would buy him.


When he has the ball in his feet and we are ready to attack or go into the final third, you can see that he is bewildered and never knows exactly what to do. Often it just ends with a high loft into the box or even too far outside and over the line for a goal-kick. He is probably the player I have seen do that the most, and it's incredibly frustrating. 9 out of 10 times he he does that instead of keeping the ball himself and taking players on, thus creating space for our wingers to play them through. His set-pieces are atrocious at best, he basically takes all of them and we never score. That is actually weird, because he can make a good pass and has good control when he plays 60 yard passes.


I have seen nothing to suggest Bannan will turn into a good Premier League-player, sadly.

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The pointless floated corners alone are just maddeningly crap.

Comparisons to Westwood are unfair as Westwood can actually tackle and do the basics well, Bannan tries too hard to be something he isn't but it's not all his fault - Lambert wants workhorses in midfield not creativity. He has four forwards for that.

But I do agree that Bannan has some talent, but in the current side there is no place for him just like there is no place for Ireland. Maybe in a settled confident Villa side he could do a job - even if only off the bench, but right now he is one of many players we just can't carry.


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