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Barry Bannan


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I would personally play him instead of Petrov. He has more creativity.

Petrov would be a good sub when we are winning and we have to manage the ball posession, or against big teams like Chelsea, Arsenal ecc...

Barry still makes a lot of mistakes, he has brilliant control and a range of passing but he is prone to errors still

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I feel sorry for the likes of Bannan. To come into and save a team from relegation is too much to ask for someone so young.

I think he'd be brilliant in a team brimming with confidence, the fact that people cba to run after his passes isn't doing him any favours.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Asked if Bannan is likely to be in the squad to face Rovers, Houllier said: “Yes.”

Prompted on why he was left out in favour of Pires, the boss continued: “You have to make choices.”

Houllier has advised Bannan to add composure to his natural enthusiasm instead of trying to play at full throttle throughout games.

“He needs to improve the accuracy of his game,” said Houllier. “I told him that with the quality and the technical skill he has he should be more accurate with his passing.

“I think it’s because he plays at 100 miles per hour all the time.

‘‘A player can’t play at 100mph all the time. Sometimes he can play five, 15, 16 and sometimes he can play even 120.

“Sometimes you must be calm and be able to control and burst and have that change of pace. But he’s young so he will learn.’’

Houllier is also trying to get Delph more involved in the first-team scene from now on after a frustrating nine months for the former Leeds wonder-boy.

Delph picked up a serious knee injury in training last April and his comeback from surgery suffered a hitch when he aggravated the injury at Eastlands just after Christmas.

“Fabian’s okay – he’s in the squad,’’ said Houllier.

“He needs now to live with us, that’s what I told him. You’ve got to live with us and forget about your knee, because he had an operation which is finished.

“Obviously there will be some remaining pain coming and going but you need to live with that.

“But he needs to have the sensation of the first team, the pace of the training and game on so on.

“The best way now is to spend the rest of the season, not in the gym or physio’s room or with the reserves, but be with me."


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"Barry is taking on board a few things. I am very pleased with him.

"I told him that instead of playing 100 miles per hour all the time, you can play 50 or 60 miles per hour and sometimes 120. But that's youth.

"If you play 50 miles per hour, you will be more comfortable in your skill and see things and probably start a good move and things like that. But at the same time, you don't want to curb that appetite, that generosity and that will to go forward."

Like GH's comments, seems to really take to the younger lads and help them.

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Bannan's probably the only player we've got that can play in the hole, other than Ashley Young and maybe Downing. Young's not been great there and is far more suited to playing on the wing. I think Bannan played that position at home to Everton earlier in the season and didn't do such a bad job, maybe it's worth a shot with him in the hole. He's creative and intelligent enough to do it, not ideal but till the end of the season if might benefit us. With someone playing well in that position we'd be very difficult to defend.

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Bannan is top drawer his ability to keep the ball and pick a pass is outstanding and i feel villa's midfield will be built around him in the years to come.

I'm yet to be convinced. The kid can pass a ball as good as anyone I've ever seen play the game. I mean that. But there's a lot missing. His touch lets him down sometimes, he struggles to get involved when we're chasing the ball, he rushes his play at times and physicaly he's still way off the mark for a center mid, which is where he needs to play to harness that magnificant talent.

I'm hoping the right level of coaching can bring him through, because in that wee left foot he has unbelieveable potential.

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Is Bannan good with long range shots? I have to admit ive always been very impressed with his passing and i'd like to see both Fonz and Bannan given a go in the hole. Bannan is extremely intelligent and passes admirably, certainly will become the player we were buying Adam for. Worry about his strength and height though. But very intellingent, top notch passing - havent seen him shoot much though if im honest. But probably more of a fact when im at games he only seems to come on with 3 mins left to go. Is his shot good enough to be expected to shoot consistently from outside the box?

Fonz's shot vs Blue was magnificent, hes a very skilled and tricky player, would like him running at defences laying passes to bent and having the odd long shot at goal if he can pull shots like that out every once in a while, some will go in. But appears to not quite have the passing vision of Bannan to be able to put the ball out wide (Arsenal style passing i guess) as i feel Bannan has.

Would like them both tried there, Young cant do it. just gunna diminish his value playing in the hole and restrict our crossing options. Looked dangerous last night when he came to wings. Absent when in the middle.

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You've basically exactly agreed with Houllier's appraisal of Bannan. That he rushes his play at times and needs to slow it down and be more considered. That is purely a coaching issue.

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He's brilliant with younger players to be fair, must be the teacher in him.


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

How did a teacher get inside him?!

:oops: :winkold:

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Don't see him playing in the hole - from what I have seen to date. I can see him in a sitting pair alongside a more defensive minded midfielder. Trouble is I can see Makoun and Delph also playing there! I do think Barry probably has the more expansive game of the three though. Not sure either of them have the physique to sit alongside him as the "enforcer".

Gardner, from the limited bits I have seen, looks like a player that could sit in the hole. I think Bradley might be able to fill this role as well, although I haven't ever watched his game that closely.

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There are some things he lacks like when to play a long ball and when to play it slow but these are things he'll learn with time. The only thing that can hinder him playing at the top level is his physique but if he manages to improve his balance and strength he's gonna be some player. I'm a big fan already.

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