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The RJW63 Official Jack Grealish Appreciation Thread


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Jack needs to realise that - despite the hype - he has achieved jack shit so far and his average performance for Villa over the last two seasons has been abject pants. He has potential but he remains a poor performer and is lucky to even make a currently mediocre Championship side ..... hardly worthy of the high life and parties !!!

Edited by Paul33
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1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

thats a 2 way street...if Gil was out on broad street on Saturday night do you think any of us would even know?

Depends if he did something newsworthy like party literally all night at a hotel. You just don't see it happening. Jacks attitude is the problem. Why couldn't he just call it a night or party at home? He knows the media will get on his back. Suppose to be looking after himself as an athlete. I find it inexcusable.

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I'm somewhere in the middle of this debate. He's a young lad and it was his 21st birthday party, but he needs to restrain himself during the season, he's a professional athlete. 

As long as it's not affecting his athletic performance he can do whatever he likes for all I care. 

I think he's just a bit naive and easily lead rather than being malicious or not giving a ****. 

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9 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

I'm somewhere in the middle of this debate. He's a young lad and it was his 21st birthday party, but he needs to restrain himself during the season, he's a professional athlete. 

I think I’d be about where you are as well.

At this point I am struggling to see what he did so wrong here. He was at a party that got a little out of hand. It happens. We don’t know if we was drinking alcohol or sat there drinking tea all night or was taking this so called hippy crack.

I am not trying to put this on to the club or take responsibility away from Jack himself but he is a very young player who in his two years in and around the first team has worked under 5 managers and been surrounded/influenced by a number of much more senior players who have had terrible attitudes and been shown not to give a shit.

Grealish is a real talent for me and potentially the best player to come through the youth ranks since Mark Walters in terms of natural ability. Regardless of what has happened in this latest incident he and the club need to ensure that potential isn’t wasted.

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11 hours ago, wiggyrichard said:

Thats like you working for Google (a world renowned mega company) and them telling you that you can't get pissed on your day off because you may cast a bad light on the company? 

Completely different. A professional athlete should be nowhere near alcohol during the season imo. Simple as that. He cuts alcohol from his diet and watch him improve. And that's the point....... he's jeopardising his performance and ultimately AVFC.

Now I work for a world renowned company. There's no way they would tell me to not have a drink or enjoy myself. If I casted the company in a bad light there is a good chance I'd get the sack. 


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9 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

Load of bollocks. I run a small business of five employees, were not cash rich nor do I work that hard, frankly. I booked our last Christmas do in the Duck and Waffle. Champagne and all sorts. Might do The Shard this year. 

No disrespect but nobody gives a shiny shite what you do as you are a nobody to the masses. Jack is a footballer for a team that is idolised by tens of thousands who pay huge money to support and fund that team and everything he does WILL be analysed and reported ..... that's the price all footballers pay for the huge money they earn.

If he wants to live a "normal" life then get out of football, give up your millions and get in the job queue !

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Jack has made poor choices and made his mistakes in public previously. He will now be an easy target for a few years and he has to learn and accept that or adapt.

Hes done nothing wrong here but is paying for past immaturities. He had 7 days til the next match and deserves a piss up for his 21st if he's wants one. The only mistake he's made is doing it in a hotel where he is answerable to people. Should've just rented a house in the middle of nowhere and we wouldn't be talking about this at all. 

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2 hours ago, KSV said:

Depends if he did something newsworthy like party literally all night at a hotel. You just don't see it happening. Jacks attitude is the problem. Why couldn't he just call it a night or party at home? He knows the media will get on his back. Suppose to be looking after himself as an athlete. I find it inexcusable.

i disagree, its not what he does that makes it newsworthy its who he is and thats the point, same with jack wilshere when theres a storm in a tea cup about him smoking

other players drink, other players go out, other players will smoke...jack has put himself in the position of those things being newsworthy, the clubs poor handling of these incidents mean they are staying newsworthy

and "like literally partying all night at a hotel" again thats not what the article says! bacuna was spotted at 4am down broadstreet a few weeks back, the photo turned up on here, no one cared...


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12 hours ago, TB said:

I don't even think he's done anything wrong this time (I tend to take any online news with a triple helping of salt) - except not understanding that he's not the average UK 21-old. He's had media focusing on him previously (apparently passed out drunk on the road on holiday, doing hippy crack etc) - I'd just expect him to wise up and avoid unwanted media attention. I cannot fathom how he hasn't yet understood that he needs to stay out of the limelight when off the pitch.

Some guys are just natural born clubbers, see George Best. They can no more stop clubbing than they can stop the world turning. He has to show on the pitch that the clubbing is secondary and has no effect on his performance.

He has not been good enough so far to offset his off field actions, and I suspect there will be more incidents. The journos will love it, and we may just have to accept it if he is producing the goods.

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So Jack had a drink. I really don't care. Its legal. he hasn't broken any laws, and he should be right for Saturday. What does grind my gears however, is how the media and some have blown it out of proportion, he may as well shagged some royal corgis, wiped his bum with them, then impaled them on the Windsor Castle gates. But, he didn't do that. He had a drink.

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12 hours ago, Johnnyp said:

I think why people, and rightly or wrongly so it is subjective, get the hump is that a lot  of people on these pages pay jack grealish's wages every week.

Would you feel the same way then if you saw a public sector employee on a night out since you pay their wages too?

"That nurse needs to grow up. No way should she be out enjoying herself on a night off when there's still sick patients in hospital."

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11 minutes ago, AJ said:

So Jack had a drink. I really don't care. Its legal. he hasn't broken any laws, and he should be right for Saturday. What does grind my gears however, is how the media and some have blown it out of proportion, he may as well shagged some royal corgis, wiped his bum with them, then impaled them on the Windsor Castle gates. But, he didn't do that. He had a drink.

I'm ok with either to be honest.

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19 minutes ago, BOF said:

Which unfortunately for Jack leaves it up to that most level-headed and objective of creatures, the fan, to be the judge of whether there should be one set of standards for 'other players who go out and drink' and a completely different set for Jack.  Not to mention actually allowing the investigation to conclude before passing judgement.  This thread has been a very interesting social experiment in the absence of any development other than the initial article.  I'll leave it at that.

Once again, we have more than the initial article.

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He needs to sack his mates off, simple as that really.

My personal opinion on his (any Villa player actually) situation is, if it doesn't affect his performance then I couldn't care less if he snorted gunpowder off a Yaks knackers in his own time, doesn't affect my life or anyone else with a holier than thou attitude in any way, shape or form.

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