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Anyone Watching A Good Tv Show?


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The Returning on Ch4 is good, decent music from Mogwai too. Based on a French film for a few years back, called 'they came back'

Aye, I kinda liked it. It was a little loose with the plot, I'm not sure on its purpose yet. Very well produced though and some wonderful acting.

Will keep watching.

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watched heroes season 1 this week (started thursday) still right up there IMO will start on the quickest decline in tv history next week...


anyone know what caused it or can it just lazily be attributed to the writers strike and a series of bad ideas? i have every intention of watching it all the way through this time, last time i gave up after about 4 episodes of season 3

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Game of thrones and Breaking Bad have topped The Wire on the IMDB chart.



One of the first things I can ever remember in popular culture was a poll Radio 1 did for new years day in 1990 when they asked their listeners what the greatest singles of all time were.  Bros came in first and second.  The Dark Knight was voted as the best film ever made on IMDB which I strongly suspect had as much to do with the death of Heath Ledger as it did with the quality of the movie, it has been steadily slipping down the chart ever since.  


Now I'm not trying to say Game of Thrones is bad, you only have to read my posts in this very thread to see that I actually think it is a magnificent show, but it is riding as high as it is possible to get at the moment. I genuinely believe that last weeks episode was something of a cultural zeitgeist and will probably be one of the most talked about events in the history of television given what happened and how it happened in an era where social media is a part of everyday life. Will people still think that Game of Thrones is the best bit of television drama ever in five years if something else comes along or if last week is where the story peaked?  It is too early to tell, but I think it is definitely safe to say that Game of Thrones is very much flavour of the month at the moment. 

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I'd be surprised if Game of Thrones didn't stand the test of time, much like The Wire and the Soprano's.

Is it better than those, or indeed Breaking Bad? In my opinion no but I can see why many would disagree. It is very, very good.

It's certainly no "Bros".

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Game of thrones and Breaking Bad have topped The Wire on the IMDB chart.



Looking at that list I was surprised to see that The Last Airbender is 12th.

I mean its a great show, probably my favourite animated show ever, but I'm surprised to see that a children's show would rank so highly on that list.

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Don't have a problem with the acting. How do you know it's not exactly how people behave and speak on Westeros?

GOT pretty much tops my list because it's the only show where I can watch each episode more than once without getting bored already knowing the plot line.

There is also Spartacus, but I usually just find myself fast forwarding to the bits with the tits in them.

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The Returning on Ch4 is good, decent music from Mogwai too. Based on a French film for a few years back, called 'they came back'


It's The Returned (Les Revenants - which I think also means "ghosts" in French). Better than the translation the US got, which was "Rebound".


Anyway, yeah, it was good, will watch next episode. Liked C4's touch of having actual French ads in the first break. And the music was excellent - didn't realise it was Mogwai (never heard anything by them before, must check them out).

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Well, just finished S3 of Game of Thrones.   Seriously tempted to pick up the book now and power ahead of where the TV show is because I'm not sure I can wait ten months for S4! 






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