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true but Coutinho was just a youngster when he came to England and was probably easier to settle with players he was playing with while Alvarez is 26 and should be pushing his prime now.


Also a difference between playing with Luis Suarez and Jozy Altidore ;)

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think the latter myself. Brilliant player in his prime but that was nearly 6 or 7 years ago. same could probably be said for us signing Cole but think difference is Cambiasso has to adjust to Premier League.


Didnt think Davids was that good when he joined at similar age

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Kagawa going back to Dortmund for about two thirds of the price United paid for him in 2012.   Bild are reporting he will sign a 4 year contract. 

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Leicester signed Cambiasso! wow

I can't decide if he's going to be brilliant or off the pace.

He should be a good signing. He isn't thr most mobile but it is compensated by his reading of the game which is still excellent. He is an awesome leader too, which is invaluable for a team full of players who haven't experienced this level before.

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Lots of stories on Arsenal doing some business with Giroud needing cover. Arsene will Probably get two attacking midfielders in


rabiot from PSG...


just watched arsene do an interview on SSN, dont know anymore if he is that stubborn or if he is that delusional or both, theres no way they can cope without giroud for that long, i dont think remy is the answer either, they needed a proper striker regardless of girouds injury, a falcao or a benzema


if falcao ends up on loan at madrid or juve id be fuming if i was an arsenal fan with wenger claiming they dont need him because they have sanogo and campbell

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Fernando Torres has joined AC Milan on a two year loan. 


Chelsea reportedly looking at bringing Remy in from QPR to replace him. 

Awful. Though it's a very Milan signing of late, cheap (no transfer fee) and Galliani can boast about having another "Champion" player in the squad.

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