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If you are playing on your own, play Free For All or Mercenary Team Deathmatch.

I play free for all now and again but it's the opposite to domination in that it's too easy . Team deathmatch is just domination without the buzz of capping flags. I prefer the tactical aspect of the game more than the chaotic element you get in FFA and TDM

I'm working nights for the next few days so I'm going to take a break from it anyway. (I'm seeing hit markers in my sleep !)

On a side note, the C4 is a pain in the arse to use which is a shame as it came in useful on MW2 domination.

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I've got the care package as one of my killstreak rewards, but i only ever get the lower killstreak rewards such as spy place, radar jammer, nepalm strike etc. I wonder whether it is possible to get say a chopper gunner, attack dogs by care package?

I've also had the death machine were you get a mini gun, thats a good one, shame its not on the normal list of killstreak rewards though.

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It is possible, I think you're more likely to get the higher ones re-rolling with Hardline Pro. I've definitely had Attack Dogs in a Care Package before and they're joint highest killstreak, aren't they?

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Multiplayer has been pretty much unplayable today on PS3. My internet connection is sound but I must have had 20 lobbies crash in a row. Have barely completed a single game today and when I do get a lobby that works I have been put on a team full of beginners against 5th prestige clans with headsets ...! WTF is that all about ? The matchmaking is a nightmare !

I couldnt get into any games on PS3 either last night, pissed me right off!

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I play domination 99% of the time but I'm started to get fed up with it. Until they fix the multiplayer matchmaking then it's just not worth it. Just finished a game of domination where we lost 200- 37 :( I finished top in my team with a score of 8 - 29 :( The rest of my "team" scored like this

3- 38

3- 42

2- 55

The opposition were just strolling around our spawn knocking the shit out of us . They knew where we going to spawn every time it seemed . It took about 1 minute before they had dogs, choppers and napalm on us. I was absolutely fuming. Teams with headsets have a huge advantage over those without so **** knows why they are all put on the same team at the start !

I love the game but everything about it has just pissed me off severely today. The connection issues are **** awful and seem to have become worse since the update.

I don't mind losing now and again but today has been ridiculous. I need to join a clan or something !

Communication is overrated, I think I win about 95% of the games I play with kurt, but we never talk tactics.

It's probably more like whilst your team is all on A at the beginning, they have 2 or 3 going for B, and a team of good players will keep killing you off. Plus it's also so much easier to cap a flag when there is two of you on it. The extra 4 or whatever seconds it takes are where you tend to die by yourself.

At least with people I've played nobody ever takes tactics or anything like that seriously.

The best thing to do is backout whenever you see a full party or when the teams look unbalanced, I do it all the time. It's not as if you get punished for leaving a lobby, just leave it and find a new game.

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I play domination 99% of the time but I'm started to get fed up with it. Until they fix the multiplayer matchmaking then it's just not worth it. Just finished a game of domination where we lost 200- 37 :( I finished top in my team with a score of 8 - 29 :( The rest of my "team" scored like this

3- 38

3- 42

2- 55

The opposition were just strolling around our spawn knocking the shit out of us . They knew where we going to spawn every time it seemed . It took about 1 minute before they had dogs, choppers and napalm on us. I was absolutely fuming. Teams with headsets have a huge advantage over those without so **** knows why they are all put on the same team at the start !

I love the game but everything about it has just pissed me off severely today. The connection issues are **** awful and seem to have become worse since the update.

I don't mind losing now and again but today has been ridiculous. I need to join a clan or something !

Communication is overrated, I think I win about 95% of the games I play with kurt, but we never talk tactics.

It's probably more like whilst your team is all on A at the beginning, they have 2 or 3 going for B, and a team of good players will keep killing you off. Plus it's also so much easier to cap a flag when there is two of you on it. The extra 4 or whatever seconds it takes are where you tend to die by yourself.

At least with people I've played nobody ever takes tactics or anything like that seriously.

The best thing to do is backout whenever you see a full party or when the teams look unbalanced, I do it all the time. It's not as if you get punished for leaving a lobby, just leave it and find a new game.

I'd love to just back out of a lobby but if I did that then I'd never get a game at all, what with all the connection issues. I can't wait for 30 minutes to find a game that doesn't crash only to then quit ! I'm taking whatever I can get at the moment which seems to be lopsided lobbies.

When I say tactics , I'm not talking over-elaborate strategies, just more along the lines of " I'm going for B, cover me etc".

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Why will nobody throw grenades at me? I need to throw back just 2 more for Flak Jacket Pro, and in 3 hours of every objective based game I tried last night everyone had stopped throwing grenades. ARGH! :x

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