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3 hours ago, Phumfeinz said:

Raw owned, Smackdown sucked. I know what I'll be watching going forward.

Smackdown really wasn't that bad.

I agree they could have time managed better as having Miz talk to himself for a good 10 minutes was dumb for a 2-hour show, it would have been dumb on Raw but at least that show is 3-hours and could cope. (I mean Raw this week had that retarded "Sunny-Boy" skit with New Day, same time wasting shit)

Smackdown was beaten this week by Raw, but that won't always be the case. Raw this week was stacked and I challenge them to stack the card like that week in week out as they set the bar high. Smackdown did what they needed to do and that was pave the way for the shows to come. We have seen the impending Women's Division rivalry this week. The Six-Pack for the number one contender was decided this week. Lots of multi-man matches, but that was Raw in a nutshell too. 

Next week will be where the brand split really gets going. We will start to see where creative starts taking story lines and how each show builds those story lines. So while Raw did win this week it's not a cut and dry victory to say the least.

Smackdown Live have work to do mainly to shake off the B-Show feeling, but that show has been neglected for so long it's gonna take time. If the previous brand split is anything to go by Smackdown will likely be the A-Show 1-2 years from now. I mean history has largely proven that smaller rosters yield bigger stars over time and Smackdown's roster is tiny, so maybe check back on Smackdown periodically as it's only just begun.

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Raw has Owens, Rollins, Zayn, Cesaro, Rusev, Finn Balor, Lesnar, Neville, as well as the upcoming Cruiserweight division. All of those I've listed are interesting to me. Hell, even Reigns isn't Mr. Invincible anymore. 

Of interest to me on Smackdown are... AJ Styles and American Alpha. I'm not being facetious here, that's literally all I care about on Smackdown. It also has JBL on commentary who immediately ruins anything he is part of.

Raws main event for Summerslam is Rollins vs Balor for a brand new world (universal?) title. Smackdowns answer was Ambrose vs Ziggler. 

Hopefully Smackdown can improve as it goes on but man, right now the difference in quality and interest is night and day.

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I guess it all depends what you are looking for in WWE. 

I am looking forward to seeing the established names on Raw, but I am also curious and excited about who makes a name for themselves on Smackdown.

Yes the difference is night and day, but those on Smackdown won't stay small names for very long. We may look at Ambrose vs Ziggler as a very tame co-main event compared to Rollins vs Balor, but give it a year and Ziggler could be one of the biggest draws in all of WWE.. For all we know Corbin could be or Crews or Ryder.

The brand split is unfairly stacked in Raw's favour but that may also lead to some of the big stars you mentioned getting lost in the shuffle. It will be very interesting 2-3 years from now to see just how things turn out. 

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I think Ziggler is turning heel. I am suprised he won, definitely deserved. Dont like the way they keep killing AJ Styles though. This guy could be huge but the idiots are destroying him and making him look weak

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Remember when Vampiro had a first blood match with Sting on Nitro, and when he was outside the ring all this blood cascaded down on top of Sting, like in Carrie?  And weirdly the blood had this weird effect like it paralyzed people? And there was so much blood that everyone kept slipping over? Then when at Great American Bash Vampiro set Sting on fire and threw him off the top of the tron? Which leads the commentators to try and convince the viewer that Sting is legit deceased? About a month after Mike Awesome had thrown Kanyon off the top of a cage to the floor? In the same arena that Owen Hart had died in the year before?

Man I miss WCW sometimes.

I loved the Sting/Vampiro fued. It was really dark and edgy to me, and I had not idea what was going to happen next. The sense of real, actual danger was palpable.

But then I was an idiot 14 year old child at the time. I understand now that that fued and those matches, along with things like David Arquette being Heavyweight Champion, are some of the things that signalled the beginning of the end for WCW.

CHIKARA is silly and a whole load of fun, but WCW at that time was completely serious, which only adds to the hilarity, in hindsight.

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What I recall the most about Vampiro setting Sting on fire was my dads reaction of disgust.. He is the definitive mark as back then even as a teenager I knew that shit was fake, yes the fire was real but the fall was heavily choreographed and the stage was a false floor with crash mats. Yet despite me explaining that and the fact Sting was on fire for like 2 seconds max he was having none of it lol. I think that event made me a wrestling fan for life as I was in my rebellious teenage phase and anything that my dad didn't like I loved.. So without WCW I don't think I would be watching wrestling now.

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I think Vampiro could actually have done alright in WWF during the Invasion, but he was injured and never signed a contract. Fun character, perhaps too much like Raven though, with the whole dark/brooding thing. 

It does make me wonder how Sting stayed so loyal to WCW for so long when he had to put up with shit like that. I suppose the obvious answer is the almighty $. 

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Vampiro would have been good in WWF. I think he had enough about him that they may have tried to get him into a feud with The Undertaker, maybe even at Wrestlemania considering they both have undead/mystical gimmicks. It's just a shame he was injured as he was a pretty unique character.

I will never get why Sting was loyal to WCW. While I love that he eventually signed with WWE it always seemed a bit forced like one last big pay day. I mean his actions up until signing seemed of a man that resented WWE for taking WCW away from him. He could have signed and made the Invasion angle just a bit better but instead he went to TNA which even when TNA was good was a stupid move. I guess I commend him for his loyalty but I feel it was misplaced.

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16 minutes ago, Zatman said:

didnt I read that Sting is quite a religious man and didnt want join WWE while was PG13

He is a born again Christian but the reason he didn't move to WWF is because of the way they treated the 'talent' who did join up during the Invasion angle. 

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Yeah I heard the same thing. He wasn't happy with the way talent was treated and wasn't happy that WCW was about to be resoundingly squashed.


Obviously we could have a whole other thread about how the Invasion should have ran, but keeping Nitro as a separate show for a while would have been the first step for me

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I'm back into wrestling at the moment. Really enjoying it. Big Finn Balor fan. Some excellent tag teams, Jericho is hilarious and really liking the likes of Sami Zayan and Kevin Owens. Could this be the start of a really good spell?

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20 hours ago, DCJonah said:

I'm back into wrestling at the moment. Really enjoying it. Big Finn Balor fan. Some excellent tag teams, Jericho is hilarious and really liking the likes of Sami Zayan and Kevin Owens. Could this be the start of a really good spell?


It could be but they'll no doubt ruin it before it gets going.

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So broken Matt Hardy...

Has anybody listened to him on the Jericho podcast fully in character?  It's amazing how he's just come up with it all, he obviously has full artistic licence for this.  The accent is hilarious.


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Where are the. Green. Beans? it cannot be a feast. Without. Green beans.

Said in a stop start South African /Shakespeare accent :)

Broken Matt Hardy is glorious.

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He's a genius


I love the 'Final Deltetion' match, to be fair I think it did its job as apart from a little segment where there multi-coloured Willows beating up Jeff Hardy, the Final Deletion match was the only bit of TNA I've watched in a long time.

I like how all the way through you can see this look of "Whut?" in Jeff's eyes and Matt seems to give him that eyebrow gesture of "Just go with it...Jump out of the tree!"

I'm hoping there's a swerve and the Hardy's reunite to take on a gruesome twosome of Black Reign & Seven



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