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Phil Dowd Thread (Merged)


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Vidic said it wasn't a red because he was in front of Gabby when he fouled him and didn't do it from behind.....What **** difference does that make, you cock?!!

Here is one of the world's most intriging questions:

26 yards to goal and a slow center back is in a race with the fastest striker. 15 yards from goal the slow center back is in front of the fastest striker. How did this happen?

Answers on a postcard.

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I know this will sound disloyal, but to be honest I just wish people would accept it wasn't Phil Dowd - it was the fact Man U were better on the day !.

And that includes MON.

Don't get me wrong, I was extremely proud on Sunday, I thought we played very well

But can everyone remember at Villa Park we were 1-0 up and they had a man sent off - and we didn't win.

Yes he should have been sent off, but that doesn't mean we would have won the game. In fact, I think we could have still been playing now and we wouldn't have scored.

Phil Dowd was wrong - no doubt.

But that didn't cost us the game.

One world class forward against two (Heskey and Carew) that Stephen Hawking has a better rate at scoring was the reason.

And if MON accepts that fact, he will do something about it and we may beat them next year - but blaming the ref - and we won't.

By the way, does anyone else feel we were highly highly lucky to get away without giving a penalty - not for the handball, but when Heskey inexplicably went straight over the top of someone on the touchline when he was shielding the ball out for a corner !.

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I think in many ways you're right Paulandonya; on the day I felt that the ref was very poor but that the biggest factor was our lack of threat on goal compared to that big eared chubby lad they had up front.

I've always thought though that we sometimes get lost in our desire for our manager to tell "the truth" or accept things when in reality his job is to motivate players and win games.

If he can foster a burning sense of injustice then he can use it to motivate players and keep our focus on burning forwards, without that it would be easier for the players to mope or dwell on other aspects of the performance.

Ultimately there wasn't much between the teams, and who knows the right decision might well have changed the result. It might not, but the result is gone.

I suspect that the manager is always talking about the next game or the games to come, even when it might appear that he's focused on a result he cannot change.

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But can everyone remember at Villa Park we were 1-0 up and they had a man sent off - and we didn't win.

It was 1-1 when Nani was sent off. The score stayed the same, if it had stayed the same on sunday we'd have won. I'm sick of people (including Dunne) using that example.

I'd have fancied Gabby running at Wes Brown for 85 minutes, not to mention Park or Valencia being subbed for him

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If you want to believe that - absolutely fine.

But it is not right (I think the post after mine may be the truth about mind games for today though).

Football is all ifs and buts - if the ref had of spotted the ball rebounding off Delfonouso - we wouldn't be playing today would we. If a different ref had spotted the same the game before, it could be Reading v Wolves - who knows

But as for Wembley - two things were 80% responsible for us losing.

a) Lack of firepower, meaning their fullbacks were happy to bomb forward knowing thier central defenders could handle oyr strikers 9and that wouldn't have changed by changing Vidic for Wes Brown which would have happened - he has played about 300 games for Man U and England - he aint bad you know.

B) The fact there players are used to big games. We were nervous as hell in the first half and out on our feet near the end as the adrenalin had wore off. If it had gone to extra time - which even 11 v 10 was our only chance - we'd have ended up 4 or 5 down - and we certainly didn't deserve that.

Man U were the better side of two good sides and 2-1 was a fair result

Phil Dowd was partly responsible, but not very much.

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But can everyone remember at Villa Park we were 1-0 up and they had a man sent off - and we didn't win.

It was 1-1 when Nani was sent off. The score stayed the same, if it had stayed the same on sunday we'd have won. I'm sick of people (including Dunne) using that example.

I'd have fancied Gabby running at Wes Brown for 85 minutes, not to mention Park or Valencia being subbed for him

This, simple as...

Anyone arguing that Vidic staying on the pitch wasn't an advantage to that scum is lying.

True, they were slighlty better. Yes, only slightly. We lacked any cutting edge upfront and that is what cost us a little.

However, Vidic not getting sent off cost us a lot more. It doesn't mean we were relying on him getting sent off to win the game. It just means we were relying on the rules to be followed in order for the fair decision to be made. That decision should have been Vidic being sent off. Anyone that says it wouldn't have swung the game in our favour (in a big way) is obviously delusional....

The fact is that Dowd cost us the final. Say all you want about our lack of firepower and other shortcomings on the day. Yet, if Vidic had gone (which he should have), then I have no doubt that it would have given us a huge advantage. Dowd cost us the final, not our players.

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Phil Dowd was partly responsible, but not very much.

Don't agree at all to be honest. I think you're failing to see how big an impact losing their best CB on the day in the 5th minute would have had. Please don't come out comparing it to when we played them at VP by the way as that was a totally different situation.

Also your use of examples of the Crystal Palace match in the FA Cup is a bit one sided too. Palace had plenty of decisions go their way. Lee not being sent off, Carew should have had a penalty, plus their 'corner'. Remember them?!

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Paul, I agree with your points but Phil Dowd has to shoulder alot of blame in terms of not refereeing fairly! Lets get something straight here Vidic did not even get a yellow card allowing him to play the game freely! Collins makes one challenge and is booked, he then has to play 70 odd minutes with caution! Downing gets booked not allowing him to make any other challenges! Rafael makes two challenges in a few minutes no booking! Carrick is allowed to walk away from a booking, he's spoken too! If you didn't see any of that then maybe he's not responsible but he ruined the final for us in my opinion! The Dowd laws only applied to United by him using discretion but he used the FIfa Laws against us! Because we lost people highlight the fullback position, for me it was that our attacking players and I'm including Downing/ Young in that did not perform to there best!

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Fine , but I didn't see Dowd fumbling on the ball for 10 seconds , giving Man U the ball to put in the net. And I didn't see him miss chances from 3 yards.

The fact was, Dowd should have sent Vidic off. But our players did not play to their ability - mainly through nerves.

Did Ceuller play well, did Colliins, did Dunne, Did Heskey, did Carew.

Sorry, but it wasn't Dowds fault we lost. We choked and it was probably understandable and expected. However, I think the experience will help us today, and in 4 and 8 weeks time.

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We were stiffed, there's no doubt about it.

We weren't playing from the same rulebook.

Been thinking of buying some mackerel - eating the fish, then posting the bones to the FA with a note saying 'There was something fishy about Phil Dowd's spineless display in the League cup final'.

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On a side note, did anyone else notice at the start of the match, when a ball would go out of play, there would be someone ready with another ball to keep the game flowing, but towards the end of the game, there was only one ball, all the spares seemed to had gone missing.

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TBF It's not just Villa fans who are still discussing Phil Dowd's dreadful Cup Final performance....it's everyone I've spoken to who watched the game on TV

who isn't a Manx or Blues fan!!..

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